What books does Bjarne Stroustrup suggest to master C++?



A Tour of C++ is a quick (about 180 pages) tutorial overview of all of standard C++ (language and standard library) at a moderately high level for people who already know C++ or at least are experienced programmers.

The C++ Programming Language (Fourth Edition) aka TC++PL4 is a completely rewritten and re-organized version of TC++PL3. It describes the C++11 revision of ISO C++. In particular, TC++PL4 reflects the massive increased of the standard library and the support for concurrency.

TC++PL4 aims at completeness in is description of the C++ language features, standard library components, and the programming and design techniques they support. See The Preface.

The exercises have been extended, but are placed on the web to save trees and allow for expansion.

The discussion for software engineering issues found in TC++PL3 has been cut for lack of space. I still recommend the discussion in TC++PL3.

Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++. is an introduction to programming for people who have never programmed before. It will also be useful for people who have programmed a bit and want to improve their style and technique. It is designed for classroom use, but written with an eye on self study. Drafts have been used as the basis for first programming classes at Texas A&M University (and elsewhere) for several years now. It is unrelated to the editions of The C++ Programming language.

-- By Bjarne Stroustrup

Excerpt from :https://www.quora.com/What-books-does-Bjarne-Stroustrup-suggest-to-master-C++

时间: 2025-01-01 00:13:19

What books does Bjarne Stroustrup suggest to master C++?的相关文章

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Bjarne Stroustrup 语录1

1. 请谈谈C++书.  没有,也不可能有一本书对于所有人来说都是最好的.不过对于那些真正的程序员来说,如果他喜欢从“经典风格”的书中间学习一些新的概念和技术,我推荐我的The C++ Programming Language, 1998年的第三版和特别版.那本书讲的是纯而又纯的C++,完全独立于平台和库(当然得讲到标准库).该书面向那些有一定经验的程序员,帮助他们掌握C++,但不适合毫无经验的初学者入门,也不适合那些临时程序员品尝C++快餐.所以这本书的重点在于概念和技术,而且在完整性和精确性

The C++ Programming Language - Bjarne Stroustrup

Preface Part 1: Introduction 1.1 The Structure of This Book 1.1.1 Introduction 1.1.2 Basic Facilities 1.1.3 Abstraction Mechanisms 1.1.4 The Standard Library 1.1.5 Examples and References 1.2 The Design of C++ 1.2.1 Programming Style 1.2.2 Type Check


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作者:Lucida 微博:@peng_gong 豆瓣:@figure9 原文链接:http://lucida.me/blog/developer-reading-list/ 关于 本文把程序员所需掌握的关键知识总结为三大类19个关键概念,然后给出了掌握每个关键概念所需的入门书籍,必读书籍,以及延伸阅读.旨在成为最好最全面的程序员必读书单. 前言 Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.


作者:Lucida 微博:@peng_gong 豆瓣:@figure9 原文链接:http://lucida.me/blog/developer-reading-list/ 关于 本文把程序员所需掌握的关键知识总结为三大类19个关键概念,然后给出了掌握每个关键概念所需的入门书籍,必读书籍,以及延伸阅读.旨在成为最好最全面的程序员必读书单. 前言 Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.

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