JavaScript Patterns 2.6 switch Pattern


? Aligning each case with switch(an exception to the curly braces indentation

? Indenting the code within each case.

? Ending each case with a clear break;.

? Avoiding fall-throughs (when you omit the break intentionally). If you‘re
absolutely convinced that a fall-through is the best approach, make sure you
document such cases, because they might look like errors to the readers of your

? Ending the switch with a default: to make sure there‘s always a sane result
even if none of the cases matched.

var inspect_me = 0,
result = ‘‘;

switch (inspect_me) {
case 0:
result = "zero";
case 1:
result = "one";
result = "unknown";

JavaScript Patterns 2.6 switch Pattern

时间: 2025-01-09 05:39:23

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