AAU (Active Antenna Unit)

In the MBB (Mobile Broadband) era, the astonishing growth in data traffic carried by mobile broadband systems brought on by the integration of video, social networking and the overwhelming acceptance of mobile terminals puts severe pressure on existing mobile networks.

In order to meet the expected requirements of massive data traffic and mobile broadband, operators will be compelled to deploy a cellular system with a wider
band in order to provide a better user experience. This requires the
improvement of coverage and capacity, and a mobile broadband network
that can be experienced anywhere at any anytime.

Mobile network
started from a macro site, and then evolved to a DBS (Distributed Base
Station) which saves feeder loss and improves coverage. However, in
response to the mobile network in the MBB era, various challenges still

  • Firstly, due to the co-existence of 2G, 3G and 4G, multi
    bands are introduced. Existing site is too complex; limited space for
    extension. New site acquisition is difficult; residents’ protest against
    potential radiation scare.
  • Secondly, technologies such as mTmR (high order MIMO), 3D
    Beamforming, SDB (Software Defined Band) are hard to realize using
    traditional solutions.
  • Thirdly, network construction is still not fast and
    flexible enough to quickly satisfy user requirement and enhance user

Designed to solve these problems, Huawei AAU is an active antenna system which integrates both the radio and antenna system, simplifies the site, speeds up site construction and prepares for the evolution towards the future.


The Huawei AAU family includes: AAU3911/AAU3910, AAU3902, AAU3920, and AAU3940,
which can provide corresponding solutions to operators according to
network requirements. The figure below shows the Huawei AAU family.

  • AAU391X Series (Including AAU3910 and AAU3911)

391X series supports multiple bands and modes simultaneously. It can
effectively solve the problem of limited site space, and is able to
simplify the feeder and antenna system.
AAU 3910 serves for high frequency band (1.8GHz/2.1GHz/ 2.6GHz/AWS/PCS) scenarios, while AAU 3911 serves for both high and low frequency (700~900 MHz) scenarios.

  • AAU3902

3902 is the first product that can support Beamforming in the industry.
With accurate signal beam, network coverage and capacity can be greatly

  • AAU3920

supports ultra wideband, and SDB (Software Define Band) is employed in
order to adjust the frequency and modes by software. It allows operators
to plan out a more long term evolution strategy. Following the rule of
user migration, it can flexibly allocate radio frequency resources
remotely. No site visits are needed, effectively saving TCO

  • AAU3940(Easy MacroTM)

has cylindrical design which is environmentally friendly. Its compact
size can deliver an astoundingly large output power as a macro site. It
can be installed on a lamp pole, or directly on a wall, greatly reducing
the difficulties of site acquisition, and improving the efficiency of
network deployment.

Applications & Benefits

Simplified site

  • AAU seamlessly and efficiently integrates the radio and
    antenna systems. One AAU supports one sector’s radio and antenna system,
    reducing the number of equipment required, simplifying and leaving the
    site less cluttered.
  • AAU supports every series of the main stream spectrum, and
    is one of the best solutions supporting 5 bands and 3 modes
  • AAU integrates multiple ports with the antenna, making mTmR deployment much easier.
  • AAU deployment is incredibly flexible. Easy MacroTM is small (150mm*750mm) and light (15kg), and also environmentally friendly.

Fast deployment

  • AAU moves the radio unit upward, requiring neither feeder nor jumper, saving on installation time.
  • The highly integrated AAU also simplifies packing and
    installation, which greatly saves transportation time and network

Improve network performance

    • AAU supports 4RX technology; and since the radio unit is
      moved upward, feeder loss is saved. Both of them improve network
      coverage and capacity, especially indoor coverage.
    • AAU supports Beamforming technology, improving network capacity and user experience.

AAU will develop itself towards the evolution of Massive MIMO and 3D Beamforming, continuously improving network performance.




其次,可提升网络性能的措施如mTmR多通道发射多通道接收(高阶MIMO)、三维波束赋形(3D Beamforming)、软件定义频谱(SDB)等技术在传统方案下实现复杂;






2.6GHz/AWS/ PCS),AAU3911支持高频与低频(700~900 MHz)的组合配置。




AAU3920支持超宽带能力,运用Software Define Radio (SDR)和Software Define Band (SDB)技术,实现制式、频段软件可调。帮助运营商构建多制式、多频谱的中长期网络演进策略,伴随用户迁移,在制式间合理分配射频资源。并且可通过软件手段远程完成调整,无需二次进站,显著降低TCO。

AAU3940(Easy MacroTM)

AAU3940(Easy Macro?), 其圆筒形外观设计可与周围环境完美融合,小体积却具备宏站级大功率,支持在路灯杆、电线杆和墙面等场景灵活安装,极大地降低站点获取难度,提高网络部署效率。



  • AAU实现射频和天线的完美融合,集成度高。一个AAU可支持一个扇区的射频和天线系统,减少设备数量,简化站点。
  • AAU支持全系列的主流频段,是实现5个频段和3种制式的最好解决方案之一。
  • AAU集成多个天线端口,使mTmR多通道发射多通道接收技术的实现及部署变得更简单易行。
  • AAU安装灵活,易选择站点。其中的Easy MacroTM更是小(150mm*750mm)且轻(15kg),外表美观大方,与周围环境易融为一体。


  • AAU的射频上移,跟传统的“射频+天线”方案相比,无需馈线和跳线,节省安装时间。
  • 高度集成的AAU一体化设计,一体化包装,一体化安装,大幅缩减设备运输及站点部署时间。


    • AAU支持4通道接收技术;并且由于射频上移,节省了馈线损耗。这使得覆盖和容量都得到提升,尤其室内覆盖改善明显。
    • AAU支持波束赋形技术,提升系统容量和用户体验。
    • AAU面向多收多发技术及3D Beamforming的演进,持续提升网络性能


时间: 2024-12-29 23:12:48



1 import win.ui; 2 import fsys.dlg; 3 import string.list; 4 /*DSG{{*/ 5 var winform = win.form(text="aardio form";right=325;bottom=456) 6 winform.add( 7 account={cls="listview";left=20;top=20;right=303;bottom=350;edge=1;gridLines=1;z=2


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约翰·霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University),简称Hopkins或JHU,成立于1876年,是一所世界顶级的著名私立大学,美国第一所研究型大学,也是北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(AAU)的14所创始校之一.美国国家科学基金会连续33年将该校列为全美科研经费开支最高的大学.截止目前,学校的教员与职工共有36人获得过诺贝尔奖(世界第17)[1].2015-16年<美国新闻与世界报道>世界大学排名将其列为世界第12,美国第10:2016年英国<泰晤士报&g


本文目录:1 sed中使用变量和变量替换的问题2 反向引用失效问题3 "-i"选项的文件保存问题4 贪婪匹配问题5 sed命令"a"和"N"的纠葛 1.sed中使用变量和变量替换的问题 在脚本中使用sed的时候,很可能需要在sed中引用shell变量,甚至想在sed命令行中使用变量替换.也许很多人都遇到过这个问题,但引号却死活调试不出正确的位置.其实这不是sed的问题,而是shell的特性.搞懂sed如何解决引号的问题,对理解shell引号问题有


import win.ui.minmax; win.ui.minmax(winform) winform.hitmax() 最大化,默认最大化就会还原 winform.close() 关闭窗口 一.创建简单的WEB窗口(winform)1.1点击新建WEB窗体即可创建WEB浏览器,默认代码如下: //创建web窗体 var wb = web.form( winform ,//可输入_UIFLAG_ 前缀的常量自定义外观 ,//可输入_DLCTL_ 前缀的常量以控制下载行为 ,//"USER AG

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用Latex beamer做poster经验总结

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MySQL 性能监控4大指标——第二部分

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