
安装APK的错误码,定义在android源码中的这个文件中:frameworks\base\core\java\android\content\pm\ /** * if the package is already installed. * 程序已经存在 */ public static final int INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS = -1; /** * if the package archive file is inv


小米4安装apk时出现INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS的错误,这是由于CPU架构对应的ABI和project中的不一样,导致无法安装成功,解决的办法如下: 在app目录中找到build.gradle,然后在Android节点下添加如下代码: splits { abi { enable true reset() include 'x86', 'arm64-v8a', 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86_64' universalApk true } } 原文地址:

记:Android 安装apk的代码实现

private void installApk(String fileUri) { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse("file://" + fileUri), "application/"); startActivity(intent); this.finish();} 记:Androi

安装cx_Oracle时报错:error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

1.安装cx_Oracle 1)下载cx_Oracle, 2)解压压缩包 3)执行python install 执行后报错:error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 排查: 1)检查是否安装oracle客户端软件 2)查看当前环境变量中是否配置oracle的相关变量,如echo $ORACLE_HOME 3)如果没有配置需要将oracle环境变量配置到当前用户.bash_

三星笔记本安装系统时报错:image failed to verify with * access denied* press any key to continue.

安装系统从光盘启动报错: 出现黑屏,并且有一个提示框image failed to verify with *access denied*press any key to continue 原因:三星笔记本对系统有降级保护,在将win8改装为win7是,需要设置bios. 1.开机按F2 进入bios,找到Boot-->secure boot-->改为:disabled---->OS Mode Selection改为:CSM OS. 2.在 advanced-->fast bios

CentOS6.4安装readline时报错:/usr/bin/ld : cannot find -lncurses

解决方法: 安装ncurses-devel,输入命令: #yum install ncurses-devel ###安装完成后重新安装readline(#pip install readline)即可### 参考资料: 1. CentOS6.4安装readline时报错:/usr/bin/ld : cannot find -lncurses,布布扣,

Ubuntu 16.04安装QtCharts时报错:'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function.

错误: 'qtConfig' is not a recognized test function. 解决方法: 其实5.9分支的版本有问题,转成5.7分支即可. git clone cd qtcharts git checkout 5.7 qmake make sudo make install 参考:

安装tcpreplay时报错:configure: error: libdnet not found

安装tcpreplay时报错configure: error: libdnet not found 解决方法: 下载包libdnet-1.8.tar.gz并安装,依次执行: ./configure make make install 验证问题解决. 下载地址:

centos65安装pg935时报错: jade: Command not found

centos65安装pg935时报错:  jade: Command not found 1 [[email protected] postgresql-9.3.5]# ./configure --prefix=/opt/pgsql9.3.5 --with-pgport=1949 --with-perl --with-tcl --with-python --with-openssl --with-pam --without-ldap --with-libxml --with-libxslt --