学习Slim Framework for PHP v3 (四)


  At its core, Slim is a dispatcher that receives an HTTP request, invokes an appropriate callback routine, and returns an HTTP response. That’s it.


  先看看为了让请求进入到index.php 需要对Apache做什么。配置如下,其实也是通常配置而已:

# DirectoryIndex: sets the file that Apache will serve if a directory

# is requested.


<IfModule dir_module>

#DirectoryIndex index.html


DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var index.php index.php3 index.php4



  还有在项目下有个.htaccesss,这个文件的作用是判断请求的URL满足条件否,即是否满足RewriteCond的匹配。最后如果条件满足则执行RewriteRule 的内容,这里让它跳转到index.php。


$app->get(‘/forbase‘, function ($request, $response, $args){
    return $response;

  这篇先解决:get是怎么加进去的。在随后的文章里依次解决:route是怎么被调用的;route Middleware是如何加进去的。

  在App.php里有变量container。这个变量的类型是Slim\Container,而Slim\Container 继承 PimpleContainer ,据官网说这个Pimple是一个DI Container,这个还不了解。

public function __construct($container = [])
        if (is_array($container)) {
            $container = new Container($container);
        if (!$container instanceof ContainerInterface) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(‘Expected a ContainerInterface‘);
        $this->container = $container;
class Container extends PimpleContainer implements ContainerInterface
     * Create new container
     * @param array $values The parameters or objects.
    public function __construct(array $values = [])

        $userSettings = isset($values[‘settings‘]) ? $values[‘settings‘] : [];



if (!isset($this[‘router‘])) {
             * This service MUST return a SHARED instance
             * of \Slim\Interfaces\RouterInterface.
             * @return RouterInterface
            $this[‘router‘] = function () {
                return new Router;

  这个$this[‘router‘]其实是调用了Pimple\Container中的 offsetSet()方法,因为Pimple\Container实现了ArrayAccess,因此$this[‘router‘]是可用的。

public function offsetSet($id, $value)
    if (isset($this->frozen[$id])) {
        throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf(‘Cannot override frozen service "%s".‘, $id));

    $this->values[$id] = $value;
    $this->keys[$id] = true;



      一get()/post()函数接受route创建请求。二调用app->map();三调用router->map();四设置route的container和output buffer。


 * Add GET route
 * @param  string $pattern  The route URI pattern
 * @param  mixed  $callable The route callback routine
 * @return \Slim\Interfaces\RouteInterface
public function get($pattern, $callable)
    return $this->map([‘GET‘], $pattern, $callable);
public function map(array $methods, $pattern, $callable)
    if ($callable instanceof Closure) {
        $callable = $callable->bindTo($this->container);

    $route = $this->container->get(‘router‘)->map($methods, $pattern, $callable);
    if (is_callable([$route, ‘setContainer‘])) {

    if (is_callable([$route, ‘setOutputBuffering‘])) {
    return $route;




 * Add route
 * @param  string[] $methods Array of HTTP methods
 * @param  string   $pattern The route pattern
 * @param  callable $handler The route callable
 * @return RouteInterface
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException if the route pattern isn‘t a string
public function map($methods, $pattern, $handler)
    if (!is_string($pattern)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException(‘Route pattern must be a string‘);

    // Prepend parent group pattern(s)
    if ($this->routeGroups) {
        $pattern = $this->processGroups() . $pattern;

    // According to RFC methods are defined in uppercase (See RFC 7231)
    $methods = array_map("strtoupper", $methods);

    // Add route
    $route = new Route($methods, $pattern, $handler, $this->routeGroups, $this->routeCounter);
    $this->routes[$route->getIdentifier()] = $route;

    return $route;




时间: 2024-12-25 09:47:54

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