

Starts a graphical console that lets you monitor and manage Java applications.


jconsole [ options ] [ connection ... ]


The command-line options. See Options.

connection = pid | host:port | jmxURL

The pid value is the process ID of a local Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM must be running with the same user ID as the user ID running the jconsole command.The host:port values are the name of the host system on which the JVM is running, and the port number specified by the system property when the JVM was started.The jmxUrl value is the address of the JMX agent to be connected to as described in JMXServiceURL.

For more information about the connection parameter, see Monitoring and Management Using JMX Technology at

See also the JMXServiceURL class description at


The jconsole command starts a graphical console tool that lets you monitor and manage Java applications and virtual machines on a local or remote machine.

On Windows, the jconsole command does not associate with a console window. It does, however, display a dialog box with error information when the jconsole command fails.



Sets the update interval to n seconds (default is 4 seconds).


Does not tile windows initially (for two or more connections).

-pluginpath plugins

Specifies a list of directories or JAR files to be searched for JConsole plug-ins. The plugins path should contain a provider-configuration file named META-INF/services/ that contains one line for each plug-in. The line specifies the fully qualified class name of the class implementing the class.


Displays release information and exits.


Displays a help message.


Passes flag to the JVM on which the jconsole command is run.

See Also

时间: 2024-12-28 18:00:16



原文链接: 1 Jconsole 1.1 简介以及连接 JConsole是一个基于JMX的GUI工具,用于连接正在运行的JVM,它是Java自带的简单性能监控工具.下面以对tomcat的监控为例,带领大家熟悉Jconsole这个工具. Step 1,在dos/bash命令下输入:jconsole: Step 2,在弹出的对话框中选中apache,并点击connect(假设你的tomcat


jconsole Starts a graphical console that lets you monitor and manage Java applications. Synopsis jconsole [ options ] [ connection ... ] options The command-line options. See Options. connection = pid | host:port | jmxURL The pid value is the process


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jstat Monitors Java Virtual Machine (JVM) statistics. This command is experimental and unsupported. Synopsis jstat [ generalOption | outputOptions vmid [ interval[s|ms] [ count ] ] generalOption A single general command-line option -help or -options.


1.问题 OutOfMemoryError: 内存不足: 内存泄漏 线程死锁 锁竞争(Lock Contention) java消耗过多的CPU 2.java常用健康工具 jps (java virtual machine process status tool)  监控jvm进程状态信息 使用格式: jps [options] [hostid] -m: 输出传入main方法的参数 -l: 显示main类或jar的完全限定名称 -v: 显示为jvm虚拟机指定的参数 jstack: 查看某个jav


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关于 Java 性能监控您不知道的 5 件事,第 1 部分

责怪糟糕的代码(或不良代码对象)并不能帮助您发现瓶颈,提高 Java? 应用程序速度,猜测也不能帮您解决.Ted Neward 引导您关注 Java 性能监控工具,从5 个技巧开始,使用Java 5 的内置分析器JConsole 收集和分析性能数据. 当应用程序性能受到损害时,大多数开发人员都惊慌失措,这在情理之中.跟踪 Java 应用程序瓶颈来源一直以来都是很麻烦的,因为 Java 虚拟机有黑盒效应,而且 Java 平台分析工具一贯就有缺陷. 然而,随着 Java 5 中 JConsole 的