algorithm ch6 priority queque


int  HeapMaximum(int a[], int &heapSize)
    return a[1];
int HeapExtractMax(int a[], int &iHeapSize)
    if(iHeapSize < 1)
        cout << "heap underflow." << endl;
    int iMax = a[1];
    a[1] = a[iHeapSize];
    iHeapSize = iHeapSize - 1;
    MaxHeapify(a, 1, iHeapSize);
    return iMax;
void HeapIncreaseKey(int a[], int iPos, int iKey)
    if(iKey < a[iPos])
        cout << "new key is smaller than current key." << endl;
    a[iPos] = iKey;
    while(iPos > 1 && a[parent(iPos)] < a[iPos])
        swap(a[iPos], a[parent(iPos)]);
        iPos = parent(iPos);
void MaxHeapInsert(int a[], int iKey, int &iHeapSize)
    iHeapSize += 1;
    a[iHeapSize] = -INT_MAX;
    HeapIncreaseKey(a, iHeapSize, iKey);



时间: 2024-08-10 02:10:52

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