
LINQ provides several aggregation extension methods: Aggregate, Average, Count, LongCount, Max, Min and Sum. The aggregation methods all take a list of objects and reduces that list to a single result. Conceptually it helps to think of Aggregate as a generic building block and the others aggregation methods (Average, Max, etc.) as special cases of Aggregate. In functional programming languages, such as F#, Aggregate is usually named fold (or inject in Ruby). The SQL like name Aggregate leads developers to write off Aggregate as purely for numeric aggregation purposes. In fact, Aggregate can be used whenever we want to build a single object from a group of objects.

So how does Aggregate work?

Looking at the Aggregate method signature is a pretty scary experience:

public static TAccumulate Aggregate<TSource, TAccumulate>(
	this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
	TAccumulate seed,
	Func<TAccumulate, TSource, TAccumulate> func

The Aggregate methods takes a list of source objects, a seed value and an accumulator function which it processes as follows:

  • The accumulator function is called for each item in the list and returns a value
  • The first time the accumulator function is called the seed and the first item in the list are passed to it
  • The accumulator function is called again with the result of the first accumulator function call and the second item in the list as its parameters
  • This continues until all items in the list are processed
  • The result of the last call to the accumulator function is returned as the result of the entire Aggregate method

This can take some getting your head around. Here is an example:

var whiskeyNames = new [] {"Ardbeg 1998", "Glenmorangie","Talisker", "Cragganmore"};

var listOfWhiskies = whiskeyNames.Aggregate("Whiskies: ", (accumulated, next) =>
	Console.Out.WriteLine("(Adding [{0}] to the list [{1}])", next, accumulated);
	return accumulated + " " + next;


This outputs:

(Adding [Ardbeg 1998] to the list [Whiskies: ])
(Adding [Glenmorangie] to the list [Whiskies:  Ardbeg 1998])
(Adding [Talisker] to the list [Whiskies:  Ardbeg 1998 Glenmorangie])
(Adding [Cragganmore] to the list [Whiskies:  Ardbeg 1998 Glenmorangie Talisker])
Whiskies:  Ardbeg 1998 Glenmorangie Talisker Cragganmore

The seed parameter is optional. If it is omitted the first two items in the list will be passed to the function, as this example demonstrates:

listOfWhiskies = whiskeyNames.Aggregate((accumulated, next) =>
	Console.Out.WriteLine("(Adding [{0}] to the list [{1}])", next, accumulated);
	return accumulated + " " + next;


This outputs:

(Adding [Glenmorangie] to the list [Ardbeg 1998])
(Adding [Talisker] to the list [Ardbeg 1998 Glenmorangie])
(Adding [Cragganmore] to the list [Ardbeg 1998 Glenmorangie Talisker])
Ardbeg 1998 Glenmorangie Talisker Cragganmore

Finding the best item in a list

Whiskey mostExpensiveWhiskey = whiskies.Aggregate((champion, challenger) => challenger.Price > champion.Price ? challenger : champion);
Console.WriteLine("Most expensive is {0}", mostExpensiveWhiskey.Name);

Creating a new ‘aggregated’ object

var blendedWhiskey = whiskies.Where(x=> x.Country == "Scotland")
.Aggregate(new Whiskey() { Name="Tesco value whiskey", Age=3, Country="Scotland" },
	(newWhiskey, nextWhiskey) =>
		newWhiskey.Price += (nextWhiskey.Price / 10);
		return newWhiskey;

Alternative to Cunt

// 0 is the seed, and for each item, we effectively increment the current value.
// In this case we can ignore "item" itself.
int count = sequence.Aggregate(0, (current, item) => current + 1);

Summing numbers

var nums = new[]{1,2,3,4};
var sum = nums.Aggregate( (a,b) => a + b);
Console.WriteLine(sum); // output: 10 (1+2+3+4)


the aggregate result type an seed type is the same. You can use lambda expresion or lambda statement(need return) as accumulate function.


1. Refactoring to LINQ Part 2: Aggregate is Great

2. LINQ Aggregate algorithm explained

时间: 2024-10-24 21:44:06


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04 LINQ中的聚合函数(Aggregate function in LINQ)

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前言 Linq中有关常见的方法我们已经玩的得心应手,而对于那些少用的却是置若罔闻(夸张了点),但只有在实际应用中绞尽脑汁想出的方法还不如内置的Linq方法来的实际和简洁 之前在Ruby中演示了一段代码来讲述Ruby的神奇,下面我们再来看一下: sum = 0 i = 0 (1..101).each do|elem|   sum+=i   i+=1end puts sum 是的就是这段代码,求1到100的和,代码的优美和简洁让我惊叹. 通过C#继续引入话题 如果你是有两年工作经验以上的人,当在面试