_attribute__((error("message"))) | Declare that calling the marked function is an error. |
__attribute__((warning("message"))) | Declare that calling the marked function is suspect and should emit a warning. |
__attribute__((deprecated)) | Declare that using the marked function, type, or variable is deprecated and will emit a warning. |
__attribute__((const)) | Declare that the marked function is a pure function, only examining its arguments and returning a value without examining or changing anything else. |
__attribute__((pure)) | Declare that the marked function is a pure function, with no side effects (although it may examine global state). |
__attribute__((nonnull(n1, ...))) | Declare that the specified arguments (one-based) (or all arguments if no indexes are listed) should only be passed nonnull pointers. |
__attribute__((noreturn)) | Declare that the marked function will not return (although it may throw). |
__attribute__((hot)) | Hint that the marked function is "hot" and should be optimized more aggresively and/or placed near other "hot" functions (for cache locality). |
__attribute__((cold)) | Hint that the marked function is "cold" and should be optimized for size, predicted as unlikely for branch prediction, and/or placed near other "cold" functions (so other functions can have improved cache locality). |
__attribute__((warn_unused_result)) | Declare that the function‘s return value is important and should be warned about if ignored. |
Hint that the marked function is "cold" and should be optimized for size, predicted as unlikely for branch prediction, and/or placed near other "cold" functions (so other functions can have improved cache locality).
在 http://www.groad.net/bbs/read.php?tid-1455.html 这里介绍了一级缓存、二级缓存以及指令预取的概念。虽然实现多个级别的缓存是帮助加快程序逻辑的执行速度的一个途径,但实际上仍然没有解决“跳转的”程序问题。如果程序采用很多不同的逻辑分支,那么使不同级别的缓存跟上分支的跳转几乎是不可能的事情,结果反而会造成在最后时刻有更多的从内存中访问指令码和数据元素的情况。
为了解决这个问题,IA-32 平台的处理器提出了 分支预测(branch prediction)的概念。
3 种分支预测技术(Pentium-4):
- 深度分支预测
- 动态数据流分析
- 推理性执行
linux gcc attribute