



The compilation date of the current source file. The date is a string literal of the form Mmm dd yyyy. The month name Mmm is the same as for dates generated by the library function asctimedeclared in TIME.H.


The name of the current source file. __FILE__ expands to a string literal. To ensure that the full path to the file is displayed, use /FC (Full Path of Source Code File in Diagnostics).


Returns the unqualified and unadorned name of the enclosing function as an array of char.

void Foo(){
printf("%s\n", __func__);
} // prints “Foo”


The line number in the current source file. The line number is a decimal integer literal. It can be changed with a #line directive.


Indicates conformance with the ANSI/ISO C99 standard. Defined as the integer literal constant 1 only if the /Za compiler option is given and you are not compiling C++ code; otherwise is undefined.


The most recent compilation time of the current source file. The time is a string literal of the formhh:mm:ss.


The date and time of the last modification of the current source file, expressed as a string literal in the form Ddd Mmm Date hh:mm:ss yyyy, where Ddd is the abbreviated day of the week andDate is an integer from 1 to 31.

Microsoft-Specific Predefined Macros




Defines the ATL version, encoded as an integer literal.


Defined when /arch:AVX or /arch:AVX2 is specified.


Defined when /arch:AVX2 is specified.


Default char type is unsigned. Defined when /J is specified.


Defines the version of the common language runtime used when the application was compiled. The value returned is an integer literal encoded in the following format:



  • M is the major version of the runtime
  • mm is the minor version of the runtime
  • bbbbb is the build number.
// clr_ver.cpp
// compile with: /clr
using namespace System;
int main() {


Defined when you compile with /clr/clr:pure, or /clr:safe. Value of __cplusplus_cli is the integer literal 200406. __cplusplus_cli is in effect throughout the translation unit.

// cplusplus_cli.cpp
// compile with: /clr
#include "stdio.h"
int main() {
   #ifdef __cplusplus_cli
      printf("%d\n", __cplusplus_cli);
      printf("not defined\n");


Defined when you use the /ZW option to compile. The value of __cplusplus_winrt is the integer literal 201009.


Expands to an integer literal starting with 0 and incrementing by 1 every time it is used in a source file or included headers of the source file. __COUNTER__ remembers its state when you use precompiled headers.

The following example uses __COUNTER__ to assign unique identifiers to three different objects of the same type.

First, assume the following class definition. The constructor takes an integer as a parameter.


// initialize object with a read-only unique ID
exampleClass::exampleClass(int nID)
	m_nID = nID;

int exampleClass::GetID()
	return m_nID;

In main, the application declares three objects of type exampleClass, using __COUNTER__ as the unique identifier parameter.


// Demonstration of __COUNTER__, assigns unique identifiers to 
//  different objects of the same type 
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	// __COUNTER__ is initially defined as 0
	exampleClass e1(__COUNTER__);

	// having been referenced, __COUNTER__ is now defined as 1
	exampleClass e2(__COUNTER__);

	// __COUNTER__ is now defined as 2
	exampleClass e3(__COUNTER__);

	printf("e1 ID: %i\n", e1.GetID());
	printf("e2 ID: %i\n", e2.GetID());
	printf("e3 ID: %i\n", e3.GetID());

	// Output 
	// ------------------------------ 
	// e1 ID: 0 
	// e2 ID: 1 
	// e3 ID: 2 

	return 0;


Defined for C++ programs only.


Defined for code compiled with /GR (Enable Run-Time Type Information).


Defined for code compiled by using one of the /EH (Exception Handling Model) flags.


Defined when you compile with /LDd/MDd, and /MTd.


Defined when /MD or /MDd (Multithreaded DLL) is specified.


Valid only in a function. Defines the decorated name of the enclosing function as a string literal.

__FUNCDNAME__ is not expanded if you use the /EP or /P compiler option.

The following example uses the __FUNCDNAME__, __FUNCSIG__, and __FUNCTION__ macros to display function information.


// Demonstrates functionality of __FUNCTION__, __FUNCDNAME__, and __FUNCSIG__ macros 
void exampleFunction()
	printf("Function name: %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
	printf("Decorated function name: %s\n", __FUNCDNAME__);
	printf("Function signature: %s\n", __FUNCSIG__);

	// Sample Output 
	// ------------------------------------------------- 
	// Function name: exampleFunction 
	// Decorated function name: [email protected]@YAXXZ 
	// Function signature: void __cdecl exampleFunction(void)


Valid only in a function. Defines the signature of the enclosing function as a string literal.

__FUNCSIG__ is not expanded if you use the /EP or /P compiler option.

On a 64-bit operating system, the calling convention is __cdecl by default.

See __FUNCDNAME__ for an example.


Valid only in a function. Defines the undecorated name of the enclosing function as a string literal.

__FUNCTION__ is not expanded if you use the /EP or /P compiler option.

See __FUNCDNAME__ for an example.


Reports the maximum size (in bits) for an integral type as an integer literal.

// integral_max_bits.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   printf("%d\n", _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS);


Defined for compilations that target x64 processors.


Defined for compilations that target ARM processors.


Defined for a compilation that uses any form of /clr (/clr:oldSyntax/clr:safe, for example).


Defined for a compilation that uses /clr:pure.


Defined for a compilation that uses /clr:safe.


Defined for compilations that target x86 processors. This is not defined for x64 processors.


Expands to an integer literal value indicating which /arch compiler option was used:

  • In the range 30-39 if no /arch ARM option was specified, indicating the default architecture for ARM was used (VFPv3).
  • In the range 40-49 if /arch:VFPv4 was used.
  • See /arch (x86) for more information.


Expands to an integer literal value indicating which /arch compiler option was used:

  • 0 if /arch:IA32 was used.
  • 1 if /arch:SSE was used.
  • 2 if /arch:SSE2/arch:AVX or /arch:AVX2 was used. This value is the default if /arch was not specified. When /arch:AVX is specified, the macro __AVX__ is also defined. When /arch:AVX2 is specified, __AVX__and __AVX2__ are also defined.
  • See /arch (x86) for more information.


Defined for compilations that target x64 processors.


Defined to be 1 when /clr is specified.


Defines the MFC version, encoded as an integer literal.


Evaluates to an integer literal that contains the revision number component of the compiler‘s version number. The revision number is the fourth component of the period-delimited version number. For example, if the version number of the Visual C++ compiler is 15.00.20706.01, the _MSC_BUILD macro evaluates to 1.


This macro is defined when you compile with the /Ze compiler option (the default). Its value, when defined, is 1.


Evaluates to an integer literal that encodes the major, minor, and build number components of the compiler‘s version number. The major number is the first component of the period-delimited version number, the minor number is the second component, and the build number is the third component. For example, if the version number of the Visual C++ compiler is 15.00.20706.01, the _MSC_FULL_VER macro evaluates to 150020706. Type cl /? at the command line to view the compiler‘s version number.


Evaluates to an integer literal that encodes the major and minor number components of the compiler‘s version number. The major number is the first component of the period-delimited version number and the minor number is the second component.

For example, if the version number of the Visual C++ compiler is 17.00.51106.1, the _MSC_VER macro evaluates to 1700. Type cl /? at the command line to view the compiler‘s version number.


Defined when one of the /RTC compiler options is specified.


Defined when /MD or /MDd (Multithreaded DLL) or /MT or /MTd (Multithreaded) is specified.


Defined when /Zc:wchar_t is used.


Defined when compiling with /openmp, returns an integer literal representing the date of the OpenMP specification implemented by Visual C++.

// _OPENMP_dir.cpp
// compile with: /openmp
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   printf("%d\n", _OPENMP);


Defined when /Zl is used; see /Zl (Omit Default Library Name) for more information.


Defined when /Zc:wchar_t is used or if wchar_t is defined in a system header file included in your project.


Defined for applications for Win32 and Win64. Always defined.


Defined for applications for Win64.


Defined when specifying /Wp64.

时间: 2025-01-14 22:19:05



学习建议:自己动手,丰衣足食 学习周期:1周 学习目的:熟练使用常量定义和宏定义 学习答疑:欢迎来技术群里提问并做分享 学习工具:Xcode开发环境 学习内容:熟悉项目开发中常用的两个定义 我们一般定义常量数字和字符串的时候一般会考虑用常量来定义   static CGFloat const kDefaultColorLayerOpacity = 0.4f; 一般定义宏的时候,都是用来定义方法,用宏的时候一定要多注意使用哦,会关系到括号的问题   #define SWH_RGBA(r, g, b


笔试的时候经常问这些: 方法一: #define max(a,b) ((((long)((a)-(b)))&0x80000000)?(b):(a)) 若a>b,则a-b的二进制最高位为0,与上任何数还是0,所以大数为a: 否则,a-b为负数,最高位为1,与上0x80000000(最高位为1其他为0)之后为1,所以此时最大数为b. 方法二: #define max(a,b) ((((a)-(b))&(1<<31))?(b):(a)) 方法三:      1.#define 

Object_C 定义全局宏的颜色时,报“Expected identifier”的错误

在定义全局颜色宏的时候,为了整齐把空格删了,写在了同一行里,调用的时候,出错提示"Expected identifier",如下: 如果宏定义如上那样的话,在调用的时候,会出现如下的问题: 百思不得解,而正确的定义颜色宏的格式如下: 代码如下: #define UIColorFromHEXWithAlpha(rgbValue,a) [UIColor colorWithRed:((float)((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16))/255.0 g


完美释放内存,麻烦自己方便他人... 定义成宏的形式: #define RELEASE_SAFE(_Pointer) do{[_Pointer release],_Pointer = nil;}while(0)  例: //姓名 @property (nonatomic,copy)NSString *name; //性别 @property (nonatomic,copy)NSString *gender; //年龄 @property (nonatomic,copy)NSString *age

“M_PI_2”: 重复定义的宏

问题警告:“M_PI_2”: 重复定义的宏 分析:在Visual Studio上使用math.h库时与其他库数学库冲突,我们可以通过添加宏定义“_USE_MATH_DEFINES”来消除math.h定义的宏. #if defined _USE_MATH_DEFINES && !defined _MATH_DEFINES_DEFINED #define _MATH_DEFINES_DEFINED // Definitions of useful mathematical constants


要写好C语言,漂亮的宏定义是非常重要的.宏定义可以帮助我们防止出错,提高代码的可移植性和可读性等. 在软件开发过程中,经常有一些常用或者通用的功能或者代码段,这些功能既可以写成函数,也可以封装成为宏定义.那么究竟是用函数好,还是宏定义好?这就要求我们对二者进行合理的取舍. 我们来看一个例子,比较两个数或者表达式大小,首先我们把它写成宏定义: #define MAX( a, b) ( (a) > (b) (a) : (b) ) 其次,把它用函数来实现: int max( int a, int b)

iOS-简化单例模式(定义成宏 以后通用)

// .h文件 #define HMSingletonH + (instancetype)sharedInstance; // .m文件 #define HMSingletonM static id _instance; + (id)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone { static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ _instance = [super allocWithZon


如: // RGB颜色转换(16进制->10进制) #define UIColorFromRGB(rgbValue) [UIColor colorWithRed:((float)((rgbValue & 0xFF0000) >> 16))/255.0 green:((float)((rgbValue & 0xFF00) >> 8))/255.0 blue:((float)(rgbValue & 0xFF))/255.0 alpha:1.0] // 获取

定义一个宏,比较两个数a、b的大小,不能使用大于、小于、if语句 以及 不用 第三个数,交换 a,b的值

无意中 一篇博文,介绍这个问题,引起了我的兴趣. 博文中 介绍了 三种方法: 1. #define max(a,b) ((((a)-(b))&(1<<31))?(b):(a)) 2. #define max(a,b) ((((long)((a)-(b)))&0x80000000)?(b):(a)) 3 #define max(a,b) (((abs((a)-(b)))==((a)-(b)))?(a):(b)) 第一种方法 和第二种方法 的原理都是一样的,就是 根据 (a) -