

Mapping is the process of defining how a document should be mapped to the Search Engine, including its searchable characteristics such as which fields are searchable and if/how they are tokenized. In Elasticsearch, an index may store documents of different "mapping types". Elasticsearch allows one to associate multiple mapping definitions for each mapping type.

Explicit mapping is defined on an index/type level. By default, there isn’t a need to define an explicit mapping, since one is automatically created and registered when a new type or new field is introduced (with no performance overhead) and have sensible defaults. Only when the defaults need to be overridden must a mapping definition be provided.

Mapping Typesedit

Mapping types are a way to divide the documents in an index into logical groups. Think of it as tables in a database. Though there is separation between types, it’s not a full separation (all end up as a document within the same Lucene index).

Field names with the same name across types are highly recommended to have the same type and same mapping characteristics (analysis settings for example). There is an effort to allow to explicitly "choose" which field to use by using type prefix (my_type.my_field), but it’s not complete, and there are places where it will never work (like faceting on the field).

In practice though, this restriction is almost never an issue. The field name usually ends up being a good indication to its "typeness" (e.g. "first_name" will always be a string). Note also, that this does not apply to the cross index case.

Mapping APIedit

To create a mapping, you will need the Put Mapping API, or you can add multiple mappings when youcreate an index.

Global Settingsedit

The index.mapping.ignore_malformed global setting can be set on the index level to allow to ignore malformed content globally across all mapping types (malformed content example is trying to index a text string value as a numeric type).

The index.mapping.coerce global setting can be set on the index level to coerce numeric content globally across all mapping types (The default setting is true and coercions attempted are to convert strings with numbers into numeric types and also numeric values with fractions to any integer/short/long values minus the fraction part). When the permitted conversions fail in their attempts, the value is considered malformed and the ignore_malformed setting dictates what will happen next.

时间: 2024-12-28 15:27:09





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一文带您了解 Elasticsearch 中,如何进行索引管理(图文教程)

欢迎关注笔者的公众号: 小哈学Java, 每日推送 Java 领域干货文章,关注即免费无套路附送 100G 海量学习.面试资源哟!! 个人网站: https://www.exception.site/essay/about-elasticsearch-index-manage 在 Elasticsearch 中,索引是一个非常重要的概念,它是具有相同结构的文档集合.类比关系型数据库,比如 Mysql, 你可以把它对标看成和库同级别的概念. 今天小哈将带着大家了解, 在 Elasticsearch


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