SharePoint 2013 SSRS,power view 完全解决方案

Install Reporting Services SharePoint Mode for SharePoint 2013

最近一个项目中,安装配置完成excel service 我的power view 依然不行。 出现如下错误。

这里问题已经很清楚了, 但是 我还是要把操作方法完整走描述一遍。由于excel 部分之前描述了n 次所以这次 仅仅关注与 SSRS 和power view部分

第一步安装Reprot service for SharePoint 2013

  1. Run the SQL Server Installation Wizard (Setup.exe).
  2. Click Installation in the left side of the wizard and then click
    New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.
  3. Click OK on the Setup Support Rules page, assuming all rules passed.
    1. Click Install on the Setup Support Files page. Depending on what is already installed on your computer, you might see the following message:
    2. “One or more affected files have operations pending. You must restart your computer after the setup process is completed.”
    • Click Ok.
    1. Click Next after the support files have completed installing and the
      Support Rules pages show a status of
      Passed. Review any warnings or blocking issues.
    2. On the Installation Type page, click
      Add features to an existing instance of SQL Server 2012. Select the correct instance in the drop-down list and click
    3. If you see the Product Key page, type your key or accept the default of the ‘Enterprise Evaluation’ edition.

      Click Next.

    4. If you see the License terms page, review and accept the license terms. Microsoft appreciates you clicking to agree to send feature usage data to help improve product features and support.

      Click Next.

    5. If you see the Setup Role page, select
      SQL Server Feature Installation

      Click Next

    10.Select the following on the Feature Selection page:

    • Reporting Services – SharePoint
    • Reporting Services add-in for SharePoint Products.

      The installation wizard option for installing the add-in is new with the SQL Server 2014 release.

    • If you do not already have an instance of SQL Server Database Engine, you could also select
      Database Engine Services and Management Tools Complete for a complete environment.

    Click Next.

    1. If you see the Installation Rules page. Review any warnings or blocking issues. Then click
    2. If you selected the Database Engine services, accept the default instance of
      MSSQLSERVER on the Instance Configuration page and click

      The Reporting Services SharePoint service architecture is not based on a SQL Server "instance" as was the previous Reporting Services architecture.

    3. Review the Disk Space Requirements page and click
    4. If you see the Server Configuration page type appropriate credentials. If you want to use the Reporting Services data alerting or subscription features, you need to change the
      Startup Type for SQL Server Agent to
      Automatic. You may not see the Server Configuration page, depending on what is already installed on the computer.

      Click Next.

    5. If you selected the Database Engine services, you will see the
      Database Engine Configuration page, add appropriate accounts to the list of SQL Administrators and click
    6. On the Reporting Services Configuration page you should see the
      Install only option is selected. This option installs the report server files, and does not configure the SharePoint environment for Reporting Services.

    1. Help Microsoft improve SQL Server features and services by clicking the check box to send error reports on the
      Error Reporting page.
    2. Click Next.
    3. Review any warnings and then click Next on the
      Installation Configuration Rules page.
    4. On the Ready to Install page, review the installation summary and then click
      Next. The summary will include a Reporting Services SharePoint Mode child node that will show a value of
      SharePointFilesOnlyMode. Click Install.
    5. The installation will take several minutes. You will see the
      Complete page with the features listed and the status of each feature. You may see an information dialog indicating the computer needs to be restarted.

    安装完成后开始 在SharePoint 上注册,启动,激活report service 服务

    第二步 配置report service

    1. Click the Start button
    2. Click the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products group.
    3. Right-click SharePoint 2013 Management Shell click
      Run as administrator. NOTE: the SharePoint commands are not recognized in the standard Windows PowerShell window. Use the
      SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.
    4. Run the following PowerShell command to install the SharePoint service. A successful completion of the command displays a new line in the management shell.
      No message is returned to the management shell when the command completes successfully:

    5. Run the following PowerShell command to install the service proxy. A successful completion of the command displays a new line in the management shell.
      No message is returned to the management shell when the command completes successfully:

    6. Run the following PowerShell command to start the service or see the following notes for instructions on how to start the service from SharePoint Central administration:
      get-spserviceinstance -all |where {$_.TypeName -like "SQL Server Reporting*"} | Start-SPServiceInstance

    注册成功 就这样子了。


    1. In SharePoint Central Administration, click Manage Services on Server in the
      System Settings group.
    2. Find SQL Server Reporting Services Service and click
      Start in the Action column.
    3. The status of the Reporting Services service will change from
      Stopped to Started. If the Reporting Services service is not in the list, use PowerShell to install the service.

    第三步 创建report service 应用。

    1. In SharePoint Central Administration, in the Application Management group, click
      Manage Service Applications.
    2. In the SharePoint ribbon, click the New button.
    3. In the New menu, click SQL Server Reporting Services Service Application..
    1. In the Create SQL Server Reporting Services Service Application page, enter a name for the application. If you are creating multiple Reporting Services service applications, a descriptive name or naming convention will help you
      organize your administration and management operations.
    2. In Application Pool section, create a new application pool for the application (recommended). If you use the same name for both the application pool and the services application, it can make ongoing administration easier. This
      can also be affected by how many service applications you will create and if you need to use several in a single application pool. See the SharePoint Server documentation on recommendations and best practices for application pool management.

      Select or create a security account for the application pool. Be sure to specify a domain user account. A domain user account enables the use of the SharePoint managed account feature, which lets you update passwords and account information in one place.
      Domain accounts are also required if you plan to scale out the deployment to include additional service instances that run under the same identity.

    3. In the Database Server, you can use the current server or choose a different SQL Server.
    4. In Database Name the default value is
      ReportingService_<guid>, which is a unique database name. If you type a new value, type a unique value. This is the new database to be created specifically for the services application.
    5. In Database Authentication, the default is Windows Authentication. If you choose
      SQL Authentication, refer to SharePoint documentation for best practices on how to use this authentication type in a SharePoint deployment.
    6. In the Web Application Association section, select the Web Application to be provisioned for access by the current Reporting Services Service Application. You can associate one Reporting Services service application to one web
      application. If all of the current web applications are already associated with a Reporting Services service application, you see a warning message.
    7. Click OK.


    剩下的就简单了 在网站集里激活report service 服务。

    第四步  激活 power view Integration feature

    1. The following steps assume your SharePoint site is configured for the 2013
      experience version.
    2. Open your browser to the desired SharePoint site. For example http://<servername>/sites/bi
    3. Click Settings .
    4. Click Site settings.
    5. In the Site Collection Administration group Click
      Site collection features.
    6. Find Power View Integration Feature in the list.
    7. Click Activate. The feature status will change to

    ok  搞定。

  • 时间: 2025-01-06 16:02:04

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