Leetcode 之Binary Tree Postorder Traversal(43)


 vector<int> postorderTraversal(TreeNode *root)
          vector<int> result;
          stack<TreeNode *>s;
          TreeNode *p, *q;//一个表示当前访问的结点,一个表示刚刚访问过的结点
          p = root;
              while (p != nullptr)
                  p = p->left;
              q = nullptr;//压到底时,刚刚访问过的结点必定为空结点
              while (!s.empty())
                  p = s.top();
                  if (p->right == q)
                      q = p;
                      p = p->right;
          } while (!s.empty());

时间: 2024-08-07 08:34:11

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