CMake error:System Error:No such file or directory CMake error:Could not open file for write in copy operation xxxx.ros_Config.cmake.tmp.

微型电脑或嵌入式与电脑还是有点不同的,在微型电脑上ros indigo 版本下利用catkin编译如果你遇到如下错误:

CMake error:System Error:No such file or directory

CMake error:Could not open file for write in copy operation xxxx.ros_Config.cmake.tmp.

CMake error:at /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/catkin_package.cmake:380


1. 切到root用户:用su、su - root或su -   (用户名root可以省略不写。)

2. 这样如果出现Authentication failed 等类似错误,则用

sudo bash

3. 然后用catkin_make编译,等编译好了,

4. 则返回普通用户即可

方法:su - (你的用户名)

时间: 2024-08-06 18:05:53

CMake error:System Error:No such file or directory CMake error:Could not open file for write in copy operation xxxx.ros_Config.cmake.tmp.的相关文章

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