Generate a binary tree from parent->child relationship

This was asked in LinkedIn Interview
Given a list of child->parent relationships, build a binary tree out of it. All the element Ids inside the tree are unique.


Given the following relationships:

Child Parent IsLeft
15 20 true
19 80 true
17 20 false
16 80 false
80 50 false
50 null false
20 50 true

You should return the following tree:

   /    20   80
 / \   / 15 17 19 16
Function Signature

 * Represents a pair relation between one parent node and one child node inside a binary tree
 * If the _parent is null, it represents the ROOT node
class Relation {
    int parent;
    int child;
    bool isLeft;

 * Represents a single Node inside a binary tree
class Node {
    int id;
    Node * left;
    Node * right;

 * Implement a method to build a tree from a list of parent-child relationships
 * And return the root Node of the tree
Node * buildTree (vector<Relation> & data)
public class GenerateBinaryTree {

	public static class Relation {
		public Integer parent, child;
		public boolean isLeft;

		public Relation(Integer parent, Integer child, boolean isLeft) {
			this.parent = parent;
			this.child = child;
			this.isLeft = isLeft;

	public static class Node {
		public Integer val;
		public Node left, right;

		public Node(Integer val, Node left, Node right) {
			this.val = val;
			this.left = left;
			this.right = right;

	private static HashMap<Integer, Node> mapOfNodes;

	public static Node buildTree(List<Relation> relations) {
		mapOfNodes = new HashMap<Integer, Node>();

		Iterator<Relation> relationsIterator = relations.iterator();
		Relation relation;
		Node root = null;

		while (relationsIterator.hasNext()) {
			Node parentNode, childNode;
			relation =;

			if (relation.parent == null) {
				root = getChildNode(relation.child);

			if (mapOfNodes.containsKey((relation.parent))) {
				parentNode = mapOfNodes.get(relation.parent);
				childNode = getChildNode(relation.child);
				if (relation.isLeft)
					parentNode.left = childNode;
					parentNode.right = childNode;
			} else {
				childNode = getChildNode(relation.child);
				parentNode = new Node(relation.parent, relation.isLeft ? childNode : null, relation.isLeft ? null : childNode);
				mapOfNodes.put(relation.parent, parentNode);

		return root;

	private static Node getChildNode(Integer child) {
		Node childNode;
		if (mapOfNodes.containsKey((child))) {
			childNode = mapOfNodes.get(child);
		} else {
			childNode = new Node(child, null, null);
			mapOfNodes.put(child, childNode);
		return childNode;


时间: 2024-08-08 01:22:57

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