
2015-01-22 Created By BaoXinjian


Oracle Metalink 提供一个诊断并发程式进程的脚本

This Script is made available for Diagnosing Common Problems Related to Concurrent Requests


1. There should never be more than 3-4K records

2. Please Run Purge Concurrent Requests /and or Manager Data if => 3K There should never be more than 3-4K records

3. Please Run Purge Concurrent Requests /and or Manager Data if => 3K If records found, Update fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code=‘C‘ and status_code=‘E‘ where phase_code=‘T‘

4. If records found, Update fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code=‘C‘ where phase_code = ‘P‘ to Purge Pending Requests

5. Limits the Number of Requests Run Simultaneously by each User

6. Setting this option to YES will enable the ‘Submit a New Request‘ button

7. Enables you to automatically place requests on hold after submission

8. Determines access privs to report output/log files

9. The value for number of Report Copies Currently Set

10. Determines the Priority of a Request upon Submission

11. Identifies the domain within which all the incompatibilities between programs has to be resolved

12. Setting this option to YES will save the output from a concurrent request to a file.


Step1. SQLPLUS调用该脚本


Step2. 脚本自动产生Report Log在相应目录

[[email protected] scripts]$ cat reqcheck.lst

Step3. 具体的Report

There should never be more than 3-4K records

Please Run Purge Concurrent Requests /and or Manager Data if => 3K
There should never be more than 3-4K records

Please Run Purge Concurrent Requests /and or Manager Data if => 3K
If records found, Update fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code=‘C‘
and status_code=‘E‘ where phase_code=‘T‘

If records found, Update fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code=‘C‘
where phase_code = ‘P‘ to Purge Pending Requests

Limits the Number of Requests Run Simultaneously by each User
no rows selected

Setting this option to YES will enable the ‘Submit a New Request‘ button
no rows selected

Enables you to automatically place requests on hold after submission

Determines access privs to report output/log files

The value for number of Report Copies Currently Set

Determines the Priority of a Request upon Submission

Identifies the domain within which all the incompatibilities
between programs has to be resolved
no rows selected

Setting this option to YES will save the output from a concurrent
request to a file.

Setting this option to YES will force concurrent requests to run sequentially
in the order in which they were submitted.

Set this option to YES to show request set stages in the concurrent
request screens.
no rows selected

Set this option to NO if you have multiple requests to submit and do not wish to
see the Request Summary form after each submission.

Specifies the number of minutes that a client will wait for a given Transaction
Manager to become available before trying a different Transaction Manager.

Step4. 具体的脚本

REM #########################################################################
REM ## Purpose: Diagnostic Script for Concurrent Requests
REM ## Author: Brian Kerr
REM ## Email:
REM ## Filename: reqcheck.sql
REM ## Cert: 10.7, 11, 11.5, 12
REM ## Note:
REM ## Usage: sqlplus apps/ @reqcheck.sql
REM ## Output: reqcheck.lst
REM ## Notes:
REM ## a. The selects below run against system level only.
REM ## b. Include Responsibility & User level queries - Open.
REM ## c. ‘0 Rows Selected‘ represents that the Profile Option is Not Set.
REM ##
REM ## $Id: reqcheck.sql, v 1.2 2001/11/18 17:20:00 bkerr Exp $
REM #########################################################################
spool reqcheck.lst
prompt There should never be more than 3-4K records
select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_requests;
prompt Please Run Purge Concurrent Requests /and or Manager Data if => 3K  

prompt There should never be more than 3-4K records
select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_processes;
prompt Please Run Purge Concurrent Requests /and or Manager Data if => 3K  

prompt If records found, Update fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code=‘C‘
prompt and status_code=‘E‘ where phase_code=‘T‘
select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_requests
where phase_code=‘T‘;  

prompt If records found, Update fnd_concurrent_requests set phase_code=‘C‘
prompt where phase_code = ‘P‘ to Purge Pending Requests
select count(*) from fnd_concurrent_requests
where phase_code=‘P‘;  

prompt Limits the Number of Requests Run Simultaneously by each User
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Active Request Limit‘;  

prompt Setting this option to YES will enable the ‘Submit a New Request‘ button
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Enable Request Submission in View Mode‘;  

prompt Enables you to automatically place requests on hold after submission
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Hold Requests‘;  

prompt Determines access privs to report output/log files
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Report Access Level‘;  

prompt The value for number of Report Copies Currently Set
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Report Copies‘;  

prompt Determines the Priority of a Request upon Submission
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Request Priority‘;  

prompt Identifies the domain within which all the incompatibilities
prompt between programs has to be resolved
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Conflicts Domain‘;  

prompt Setting this option to YES will save the output from a concurrent
prompt request to a file.
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Save Output‘;  

prompt Setting this option to YES will force concurrent requests to run sequentially
prompt in the order in which they were submitted.
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Sequential Requests‘;  

prompt Set this option to YES to show request set stages in the concurrent
prompt request screens.
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Show Requests Set Stages‘;  

prompt Set this option to NO if you have multiple requests to submit and do not wish to
prompt see the Request Summary form after each submission.
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent: Show Requests Summary After Each Request Submission‘;  

prompt Specifies the number of minutes that a client will wait for a given Transaction
prompt Manager to become available before trying a different Transaction Manager.
select c.profile_option_value
from fnd_profile_options a, fnd_profile_options_tl b, fnd_profile_option_values c
where a. profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
and a.profile_option_id = c.profile_option_id
and c.level_id = 10001
and b.user_profile_option_name = ‘Concurrent:Wait for Available TM‘;  

spool off  

Thanks and Regards

参考:Pan_Tian -

参考:Metalink - Diagnostic Script for Concurrent Requests (Doc ID 164978.1)

时间: 2024-08-02 04:45:17



2015-01-22 Created By BaoXinjian 一.摘要 当的Oracle E-Business Suite并发请求(Concurrent Request)提交了好久,但还是一直在排队,等了好久还没有执行. 用户希望对于一些重要性程度高.响应要求高的请求,希望能够优先执行. 默认情况下,并发请求是按照请求提交时间的早晚顺序来执行的. 对于并发请求优先级的需求,其实Oracle EBS是提供了相关配置,即Concurrent:Request Priority(中文名:并发:请求优


2014-06-21 Created By BaoXinjian 一. 摘要 在设定并发程式时,需给parameter设定默认值,Concurrent Program中部分多个Parameter的联动的实现也可以通过默认值的实现 1. Constand 2. Segment 3. Profile 4. SQL Statement 5. Current Time and Date 二. 参数具体设定简例 1. Constant 2. Segment 3. Profile 4. SQL Statem


2014-06-21 Created By BaoXinjian 一.摘要 1. 定义Request Set,有两部分构成,Define Stage和Define Link 2. 建立Stage 2-1. 在Stage中建立Program: 定义每一步需运行那个Concurrent Program 2-2. 对Program设定Paremeter: 定义每个Concurrent Program的参数 3. 建立link 定义以上定义的Stage执行的先后顺序,遇到Success Waring E

Exchange Server 2016管理系列课件52.DAG管理之数据库副本的属性

1)属性字段介绍 复制队列长度 指明正在等待复制到选定数据库副本的日志文件的数量.此字段仅与被动数据库副本相关. 重播队列长度 指明正在等待重播到选定数据库副本的日志文件的数量.此字段仅与被动数据库副本相关. 激活首选项编号 显示激活首选项编号.它在活动管理器最佳副本选择过程中用到,并使用 RedistributeActiveDatabases.ps1 脚本在 DAG 中重新分布活动邮箱数据库,从而平衡 DAG.激活首选项的值为大于等于 1 的数字,1 表示最优先.此编号不能大于邮箱数据库的副本

Exchange Server 2016管理系列课件53.DAG管理之设置滞后数据库副本

1)为什么要使用滞后的数据库副本 为了避免数据库逻辑损坏和存储逻辑损坏. 通常情况下,由于组织拥有邮箱数据库的多个非滞后副本,再结合单项恢复及保留策略的应用,一般不需要滞后数据库副本.滞后数据库副本的优势仅体现在极少数环境中,如组织遇到逻辑损坏特别是存储逻辑损坏的情况. 大量的数据损坏或者是在用户预期之外特定的添加.删除.修改发生时,会导致存储逻辑损坏.存储逻辑损坏通常由第三方服务器或客户端应用程序对数据库执行MAPI操作引起,并且会导致数据损坏或大量数据丢失.虽然单项恢复可以对多数的逻辑损坏提

Exchange Server 2016管理系列课件47.DAG管理之Powershell删除DAG

步骤总结 总共分为四个主要的步骤,如下. 1)确保要删除的服务器上没有数据库的处于复制状态的副本: 2)从DAG中删除所有的成员 3)删除DAG组 4)从AD中清理DAG的计算机和DNS资源 获取更多IT资讯,您也可以关

Exchange Server 2016管理系列课件46.DAG管理之Powershell创建DAG

以下例子来自官方网站,适用于不同的创建DAG的场景 The following example creates a DAG named DAG1, which is configured to use the witness server FILESRV1 and the local directory C:\DAG1. DAG1 is also configured to use DHCP for the DAG's IP addresses. New-DatabaseAvailability

Exchange Server 2016管理系列课件49.DAG管理之更新数据库副本

在什么情况下需要更新数据库副本 更新(亦称为种子设定)是将邮箱数据库副本添加到数据库可用性组 (DAG) 中另一邮箱服务器的过程.新添加的副本将成为被动副本的基线数据库,其中将重播从主动副本复制的日志文件.在下列情况下必须设定种子: 1.新建数据库的被动副本时. 对于新的邮箱数据库副本,可以推迟种子设定:但最终每个被动数据库副本都必须设定种子,才能用作冗余数据库副本. 2.任一数据库副本进行脱机碎片整理后. 种子设定的方法 1.自动种子设定 自动种子设定在数据库创建期间执行,用于在目标邮箱服务器

Exchange Server 2016管理系列课件50.DAG管理之激活数据库副本

激活邮箱数据库副本是将特定被动副本指定为邮箱数据库的新主动副本的过程.我们将此过程称为数据库切换.数据库切换过程是指卸除当前的活动数据库,然后在指定的服务器上将相应的数据库副本作为新的活动邮箱数据库副本进行装载.成为活动邮箱数据库的数据库副本必须是能正常运行的最新副本. 1)使用图形界面 2)使用命令行管理程序移动活动邮箱数据库 此示例激活 MBX3 上托管的数据库 DB4 的副本,并将其作为新的活动邮箱数据库进行装载.此命令将 DB4 设置为新的活动邮箱数据库,不会替代 MBX3 上的数据库装