c语言实现动态指针数组Dynamic arrays




cp_bool DyArrayAppend(DyArray* pArr, void* pData)//加数据到数组末尾
cp_bool DyArrayExpand(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nNeed)//扩展数组
cp_bool DyArrayDelete(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex)//删除元素by index
cp_bool DyArrayShrink(DyArray* pArr)//缩减数组


//  dyArray.h
//  dataStruct
//  Created by hherima on 14-7-28.
//  Copyright (c) 2014年 . All rights reserved.

#ifndef dataStruct_dyArray_h
#define dataStruct_dyArray_h
#include <stdlib.h>

    CP_FALSE  =   0,
    CP_TRUE    =  !CP_FALSE

typedef unsigned char cp_bool;
typedef signed int cp_int32;
typedef void (*DataDestroyFunc)(void *);
typedef cp_bool (*DataCmpFunc)(void *,void *);
typedef void (*DataVisitFunc)(void *);

#define  F_MALLOC_TYPE(s) (s*)f_malloc(sizeof(s))
#define  FREEFUN free
#define  MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE 10  //The initial size of the dynamic array.
#define  MEMSETFUN   memset
#define  REALLOCFUN realloc
#define  MALLOCFUN malloc

struct DynamicArray
    void **m_ppData; //the address of the allocated array.
    cp_int32 m_nAllocSize; //the allocated array size.
    cp_int32 m_nSize;  //the used size of the array.
    DataDestroyFunc m_fDestroy; //the callback function to destroy one data.
    DataCmpFunc     m_fCmp; //the callback function to compare one data.
    DataVisitFunc   m_fVisit; //the callback function to visit each data.
typedef struct DynamicArray DyArray;

    DyArray*   DyArrayCreate(DataDestroyFunc pDataDestroy);
    cp_bool    DyArrayInsert(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex, void* pData);
    cp_bool    DyArrayPrepend(DyArray* pArr, void* pData);
    cp_bool    DyArrayAppend(DyArray* pArr, void* pData);
    cp_bool    DyArrayDelete(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex);
    cp_bool    DyArrayDeleteEx(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nBegin,cp_int32 nEnd);
    cp_bool    DyArrayGetByIndex(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex, void** ppData);
    cp_bool    DyArrayGetFirst(DyArray* pArr,void** ppData);
    cp_bool    DyArrayGetLast(DyArray* pArr,void** ppData);
    cp_bool    DyArraySetByIndex(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex, void* pData);
    cp_int32   DyArrayLength(DyArray* pArr);
    cp_int32   DyArrayFind(DyArray* pArr, DataCmpFunc pCmp,void *pData);
    cp_bool    DyArrayForEach(DyArray* pArr, DataVisitFunc pVisit);
    void       DyArrayDestroy(DyArray* pArr);
    void       DyArrayDestroyCustom(DyArray* pArr,DataDestroyFunc pDataDestroy);
    void       DyArrayReset(DyArray* pArr);//shrink
    void       DyArrayClear(DyArray* pArr);//not shrink
    void       DyArrayResetCustom(DyArray* pArr,DataDestroyFunc pDataDestroy);
    void       DyArrayClearCustom(DyArray* pArr,DataDestroyFunc pDataDestroy);//not shrink

//  dyArray.c
//  dataStruct
//  Created by hherima on 14-7-28.
//  Copyright (c) 2014年 . All rights reserved.

#include "dyArray.h"

void* f_malloc(cp_int32 size)
	void* p = MALLOCFUN(size);
		MEMSETFUN(p, 0, size);

	return p;
【函数名】: DyArrayCreate
【描述】: 创建长度为MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE的动态指针数组
 pDataDestroy: the callback function to destroy one data in data array.
【返回值】: 动态指针数组的地址

DyArray* DyArrayCreate(DataDestroyFunc pDataDestroy)
	DyArray *pArr = NULL;
	pArr = F_MALLOC_TYPE(DyArray);

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
        return NULL;
    //malloc memory for dynamic array and iniatilize it.
	pArr->m_fDestroy = pDataDestroy;
	pArr->m_ppData = (void *)f_malloc(sizeof(void *)*MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE);
		return NULL;
	pArr->m_nAllocSize = MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE;
	return pArr;

【函数名】: DyArrayGetByIndex
【描述】:获取数组元素by index
 pArr: the array's address.
 nIndex: the element's position.
 ppData: out parameter, to record the element's pointer.
【返回值】: true or false.

cp_bool    DyArrayGetByIndex(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex, void** ppData)
    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
    if(!pArr || nIndex < 0 || !ppData || nIndex >= pArr->m_nSize)
		*ppData = NULL;
        return CP_FALSE;
	*ppData = pArr->m_ppData[nIndex];//get the related element.
	return CP_TRUE;

【函数名】: DyArrayGetFirst
 pArr: the array's address.
 ppData: out parameter, to record the element's pointer.
【返回值】: true or false.

cp_bool    DyArrayGetFirst(DyArray* pArr,void** ppData)
	return DyArrayGetByIndex(pArr,0,ppData) ? CP_TRUE : CP_FALSE;

【函数名】: DyArrayGetLast
【描述】: 获取数组最后一个元素
 pArr: the array's address.
 ppData: out parameter, to record the element's pointer.
【返回值】: true or false.

cp_bool    DyArrayGetLast(DyArray* pArr,void** ppData)
	return DyArrayGetByIndex(pArr,pArr->m_nSize-1,ppData) ? CP_TRUE : CP_FALSE;

【描述】: 设置数组元素by index
 pArr: the array's address.
 nIndex: the element's position.
 pData: the element's pointer.
【返回值】: true or false.

cp_bool    DyArraySetByIndex(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex, void* pData)
    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
    if(!pArr || nIndex < 0)
        return CP_FALSE;
	pArr->m_ppData[nIndex] = pData;//find the related position and set its value.
	return CP_TRUE;

【函数名】: DyArrayLength
 pArr: the array's address.
【返回值】: 数组长度.

cp_int32  DyArrayLength(DyArray* pArr)
	return pArr ? pArr->m_nSize : -1;

【函数名】: DyArrayFind
 pArr: the array's address.
 pCmp: the callback function to compare the data.
 pData: the search destination in the array.

cp_int32    DyArrayFind(DyArray* pArr, DataCmpFunc pCmp,void *pData)
	cp_int32 i;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
        return -1;
    //visit each one to find the right one.
	for(i=0; i<pArr->m_nSize;i++)
    		if(pCmp(pArr->m_ppData[i],pData) == CP_TRUE)
    			return i;
            //if NO compare funciton, just compare the address.
            if(pArr->m_ppData[i] == pData)
                return i;

	return -1;

【函数名】: DyArrayForEach
 pArr: the array's address.
 pVisit: the callback function to visit the data.

cp_bool    DyArrayForEach(DyArray* pArr, DataVisitFunc pVisit)
	cp_int32 i;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
	if(!pArr || !pVisit)
        return CP_FALSE;
    //visit each one with the visit function.
	for(i=0; i<pArr->m_nSize;i++)
	return CP_TRUE;

【函数名】: DyArrayDestroy
 pArr: the array's address.

void DyArrayDestroy(DyArray* pArr)
	cp_int32 i;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
    //Using destroy function to destroy each element's memory.
		for(i=0; i<pArr->m_nSize; i++)
    //free the array.
	pArr->m_ppData = NULL;
	pArr = NULL;

【函数名】: DyArrayDestroyCustom
 pArr: the array's address.
 pDataDestroy: user's destroy function.

void DyArrayDestroyCustom(DyArray* pArr,DataDestroyFunc pDataDestroy)
	cp_int32 i;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
    //Using destroy function to destroy each element's memory.
		for(i=0; i<pArr->m_nSize;i++)
    //free the array.
	pArr->m_ppData = NULL;

【函数名】: DyArrayExpand
 pArr: the array's address.
 nNeed: the needed new size.

cp_bool DyArrayExpand(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nNeed)
    cp_int32 allocSize = 0;
    void** data = NULL;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
        return CP_FALSE;
    //if need, expand to 1.5 times of the original size.
	if((pArr->m_nSize + nNeed) > pArr->m_nAllocSize)
		allocSize = pArr->m_nAllocSize + (pArr->m_nAllocSize>>1);
        data = (void**)REALLOCFUN(pArr->m_ppData, sizeof(void*) * allocSize);
        if(data != NULL)
            //clear the expanded space of the new memory.
			pArr->m_ppData = data;
            pArr->m_nAllocSize = allocSize;
	return ((pArr->m_nSize + nNeed) <= pArr->m_nAllocSize) ? CP_TRUE : CP_FALSE;

【函数名】: DyArrayInsert
【描述】:插入数组by index
 pArr: the array's address.
 nIndex: the position in the array to insert new data.
 pData: the data to be inserted.

cp_bool DyArrayInsert(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex, void* pData)
	cp_bool bRet = CP_FALSE;
    cp_int32 nCursor = nIndex;
	cp_int32 i;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
        return CP_FALSE;
    //get the right cursor.
    nCursor = nCursor < pArr->m_nSize ? nCursor : pArr->m_nSize;
    if(DyArrayExpand(pArr, 1) == CP_TRUE)
        //move all the elements after the cursor to the next positon.
        for(i = pArr->m_nSize; i > nCursor; i--)
			pArr->m_ppData[i] = pArr->m_ppData[i-1];
        //set the cursor's value.
        pArr->m_ppData[nCursor] = pData;
        bRet = CP_TRUE;
    return bRet;

【函数名】: DyArrayPrepend
 pArr: the array's address.
 pData: the data to be added.

cp_bool    DyArrayPrepend(DyArray* pArr, void* pData)
	return DyArrayInsert(pArr,0,pData) ? CP_TRUE:CP_FALSE;

【函数名】: DyArrayAppend
 pArr: the array's address.
 pData: the data to be added.

cp_bool    DyArrayAppend(DyArray* pArr, void* pData)
	return  DyArrayInsert(pArr,pArr->m_nSize,pData) ? CP_TRUE:CP_FALSE;

【函数名】: DyArrayShrink
 pArr: the array's address.
【返回值】:ture 或者false

cp_bool DyArrayShrink(DyArray* pArr)
    cp_int32 nAllocSize = 0;
    void** pData = NULL;

    //if the input 【参数】 is invalid, return.
        return CP_FALSE;
    //if need, shrink the array to 1.5 times of elements number.
    if((pArr->m_nSize < (pArr->m_nAllocSize >> 1)) && (pArr->m_nAllocSize > MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE))
        nAllocSize = pArr->m_nSize + (pArr->m_nSize >> 1);
        pData = (void**)REALLOCFUN(pArr->m_ppData, sizeof(void*) * nAllocSize);
        if(pData != NULL)
            //clear memory of the unused space of new memory.
            pArr->m_ppData = pData;
            pArr->m_nAllocSize = nAllocSize;
    return CP_TRUE;

【函数名】: DyArrayDelete
【描述】:删除元素by index
 pArr: the array's address.
 nIndex: the position in the array to delete useless data.
【返回值】:ture 或者false

cp_bool DyArrayDelete(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nIndex)
    cp_int32 i;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
        return CP_FALSE;
    //destroy the element with destroy function.
    //move the elements after 'nIndex' to the previous one.
    for(i = nIndex; (i+1) < pArr->m_nSize; i++)
        pArr->m_ppData[i] = pArr->m_ppData[i+1];
    //set the last one to null.
	pArr->m_ppData[i] = NULL;
    //if need ,shrink the size.
    return CP_TRUE;
 【函数名】: DyArrayDeleteEx
 【描述】:删除元素by index (扩展)
 pArr: the array's address.
 nIndex: the position in the array to delete useless data.
 【返回值】:ture 或者false

cp_bool DyArrayDeleteEx(DyArray* pArr, cp_int32 nBegin,cp_int32 nEnd)
	cp_int32 i,nLen = 0;

	//if the input parameter is invalid, return.
	//if(!pArr && nBegin>nEnd && nBegin<0 && nBegin>=pArr->m_nSize && nEnd<0 && nEnd>=pArr->m_nSize)
		return CP_FALSE;
	//destroy the element with destroy function.
		for(i=nBegin; i<=nEnd; i++)
	//move the elements after 'nIndex' to the previous one.
	nLen = nEnd - nBegin + 1;
	for(i = nBegin; (i+nLen) < pArr->m_nSize; i++)
		pArr->m_ppData[i] = pArr->m_ppData[i+nLen];
	//set the last one to null.
	//pArr->m_ppData[i] = NULL;
	pArr->m_nSize -= nLen;
	//if need ,shrink the size.
	return CP_TRUE;

【函数名】: DyArrayReset
 pArr: the array's address.

void DyArrayReset(DyArray* pArr)
	cp_int32 i;
	void** pData = NULL;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
    //reset all the elements with destroy function.
		for(i=0; i<pArr->m_nSize;i++)
	pArr->m_nSize = 0;
    //if need, shrink the size.
	if(pArr->m_nAllocSize > MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE)
		pData = (void**)REALLOCFUN(pArr->m_ppData, sizeof(void*) * MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE);
        if(pData != NULL)
            pArr->m_ppData = pData;
            pArr->m_nAllocSize = MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE;
【函数名】: DyArrayClear
 pArr: the array's address.

void DyArrayClear(DyArray* pArr)
	cp_int32 i;
	void** pData = NULL;

	//if the input parameter is invalid, return.
	//reset all the elements with destroy function.
		for(i=0; i<pArr->m_nSize;i++)
	pArr->m_nSize = 0;

【函数名】: DyArrayResetCustom
 pArr: the array's address.
 pDataDestroy: user's destroy function.

void DyArrayResetCustom(DyArray* pArr,DataDestroyFunc pDataDestroy)
	cp_int32 i;
	void** pData = NULL;

    //if the input parameter is invalid, return.
    //reset all the elements with destroy function.
		for(i=0; i<pArr->m_nSize;i++)
	pArr->m_nSize = 0;
    //if need, shrink the size.
	if(pArr->m_nAllocSize > MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE)
		pData = (void**)REALLOCFUN(pArr->m_ppData, sizeof(void*) * MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE);
        if(pData != NULL)
            pArr->m_ppData = pData;
            pArr->m_nAllocSize = MIN_PRE_ALLOCATE_SIZE;
【函数名】: DyArrayClearCustom
 pArr: the array's address.
 pDataDestroy: user's destroy function.

void DyArrayClearCustom(DyArray* pArr,DataDestroyFunc pDataDestroy)
	cp_int32 i;
	void** pData = NULL;

	//if the input parameter is invalid, return.
	//reset all the elements with destroy function.
		for(i=0; i<pArr->m_nSize;i++)
	pArr->m_nSize = 0;


c语言实现动态指针数组Dynamic arrays

时间: 2024-12-11 09:40:08

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C语言语法笔记 – 高级用法 指针数组 指针的指针 二维数组指针 结构体指针 链表 | IT宅.com

原文:C语言语法笔记 – 高级用法 指针数组 指针的指针 二维数组指针 结构体指针 链表 | IT宅.com C语言语法笔记 – 高级用法 指针数组 指针的指针 二维数组指针 结构体指针 链表 | IT宅.com C语言语法笔记 – 高级用法 指针数组 指针的指针 二维数组指针 结构体指针 链表 本文由 arthinking 发表于315 天前 ⁄ itzhai.com原创文章 ⁄ C语言 ⁄ 评论数 3 ⁄ 被围观 1,775 views+ 指针数组: 在一个数组中,如果它的元素全部都是指针类


1.指针与数组 1)指针与一维数组 i.数组指针(指向数组元素的指针) 类型  *指针变量名: 指针定义完成后要初始化(不想让指向任何内容,=0,=NULL) int a[10]; int *p = &a[0];   // &a[0] == a int *p1 = a; ii.用数组的指针访问数组元素 偏移:指针变量的偏移 p1 = p1+1;    //向下偏移1个一个数组元素 p1++;   //p1中存放的还是地址 .... 如果用指针访问第i个元素 p1+i 取出pi指向的元素的值