


1.1 点击开始按钮或者当手势“布” 时开始抽奖,即手势为绿色。

1.2 当手势为石头时停止抽奖,即手势为红色。

2 关于左右两个轴

2.1 左边一个轴调整下边图片的转速

2.2 右边调节的是上边图片的速度

3 最上边可以动态加载图片的名称

4 点击退出系统,结束抽奖!

// <copyright file="MainWindow.xaml.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>

namespace Microsoft.Samples.Kinect.BodyBasics
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
    using Microsoft.Kinect;

    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
        /// <summary>
        /// Radius of drawn hand circles
        /// </summary>
        private const double HandSize = 30;

        /// <summary>
        /// Thickness of drawn joint lines
        /// </summary>
        private const double JointThickness = 3;

        /// <summary>
        /// Thickness of clip edge rectangles
        /// </summary>
        private const double ClipBoundsThickness = 10;

        /// <summary>
        /// Constant for clamping Z values of camera space points from being negative
        /// </summary>
        private const float InferredZPositionClamp = 0.1f;

        /// <summary>
        /// Brush used for drawing hands that are currently tracked as closed
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Brush handClosedBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 255, 0, 0));

        /// <summary>
        /// Brush used for drawing hands that are currently tracked as opened
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Brush handOpenBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 255, 0));

        /// <summary>
        /// Brush used for drawing hands that are currently tracked as in lasso (pointer) position
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Brush handLassoBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 0, 255));

        /// <summary>
        /// Brush used for drawing joints that are currently tracked
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Brush trackedJointBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 68, 192, 68));

        /// <summary>
        /// Brush used for drawing joints that are currently inferred
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Brush inferredJointBrush = Brushes.Yellow;

        /// <summary>
        /// Pen used for drawing bones that are currently inferred
        /// </summary>
        private readonly Pen inferredBonePen = new Pen(Brushes.Gray, 1);

        /// <summary>
        /// Drawing group for body rendering output
        /// </summary>
        private DrawingGroup drawingGroup;

        /// <summary>
        /// Drawing image that we will display
        /// </summary>
        private DrawingImage imageSource;

        /// <summary>
        /// Active Kinect sensor
        /// </summary>
        private KinectSensor kinectSensor = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Coordinate mapper to map one type of point to another
        /// </summary>
        private CoordinateMapper coordinateMapper = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Reader for body frames
        /// </summary>
        private BodyFrameReader bodyFrameReader = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Array for the bodies
        /// </summary>
        private Body[] bodies = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// definition of bones
        /// </summary>
        private List<Tuple<JointType, JointType>> bones;

        /// <summary>
        /// Width of display (depth space)
        /// </summary>
        private int displayWidth;

        /// <summary>
        /// Height of display (depth space)
        /// </summary>
        private int displayHeight;

        /// <summary>
        /// List of colors for each body tracked
        /// </summary>
        private List<Pen> bodyColors;

        /// <summary>
        /// Current status text to display
        /// </summary>
        private string statusText = null;
       // private LTPPTBox2 pptBox = null;
        private   PsyLife showerName=null;
        private  PsyLife shower =null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the MainWindow class.
        /// </summary>
        public MainWindow()
            // one sensor is currently supported
            this.kinectSensor = KinectSensor.GetDefault();

            // get the coordinate mapper
            this.coordinateMapper = this.kinectSensor.CoordinateMapper;

            // get the depth (display) extents
            FrameDescription frameDescription = this.kinectSensor.DepthFrameSource.FrameDescription;

            // get size of joint space
            this.displayWidth = frameDescription.Width;
            this.displayHeight = frameDescription.Height;

            // open the reader for the body frames
            this.bodyFrameReader = this.kinectSensor.BodyFrameSource.OpenReader();

            // a bone defined as a line between two joints
            this.bones = new List<Tuple<JointType, JointType>>();

            // Torso
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.Head, JointType.Neck));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.Neck, JointType.SpineShoulder));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.SpineShoulder, JointType.SpineMid));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.SpineMid, JointType.SpineBase));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.SpineShoulder, JointType.ShoulderRight));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.SpineShoulder, JointType.ShoulderLeft));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.SpineBase, JointType.HipRight));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.SpineBase, JointType.HipLeft));

            // Right Arm
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.ShoulderRight, JointType.ElbowRight));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.ElbowRight, JointType.WristRight));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.WristRight, JointType.HandRight));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.HandRight, JointType.HandTipRight));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.WristRight, JointType.ThumbRight));

            // Left Arm
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.ShoulderLeft, JointType.ElbowLeft));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.ElbowLeft, JointType.WristLeft));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.WristLeft, JointType.HandLeft));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.HandLeft, JointType.HandTipLeft));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.WristLeft, JointType.ThumbLeft));

            // Right Leg
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.HipRight, JointType.KneeRight));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.KneeRight, JointType.AnkleRight));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.AnkleRight, JointType.FootRight));

            // Left Leg
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.HipLeft, JointType.KneeLeft));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.KneeLeft, JointType.AnkleLeft));
            this.bones.Add(new Tuple<JointType, JointType>(JointType.AnkleLeft, JointType.FootLeft));

            // populate body colors, one for each BodyIndex
            this.bodyColors = new List<Pen>();

            this.bodyColors.Add(new Pen(Brushes.Red, 6));
            this.bodyColors.Add(new Pen(Brushes.Orange, 6));
            this.bodyColors.Add(new Pen(Brushes.Green, 6));
            this.bodyColors.Add(new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 6));
            this.bodyColors.Add(new Pen(Brushes.Indigo, 6));
            this.bodyColors.Add(new Pen(Brushes.Violet, 6));

            // set IsAvailableChanged event notifier
            this.kinectSensor.IsAvailableChanged += this.Sensor_IsAvailableChanged;

            // open the sensor

            // set the status text
            this.StatusText = this.kinectSensor.IsAvailable ? Properties.Resources.RunningStatusText
                                                            : Properties.Resources.NoSensorStatusText;

            // Create the drawing group we‘ll use for drawing
            this.drawingGroup = new DrawingGroup();

            // Create an image source that we can use in our image control
            this.imageSource = new DrawingImage(this.drawingGroup);

            // use the window object as the view model in this simple example
            this.DataContext = this;

            // initialize the components (controls) of the window
          //  this.pptBox = new LTPPTBox2();
           // this.pptBox.Show();
            this.showerName = new PsyLife();
            this.shower = new PsyLife();


        /// <summary>
        /// INotifyPropertyChangedPropertyChanged event to allow window controls to bind to changeable data
        /// </summary>
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the bitmap to display
        /// </summary>
        public ImageSource ImageSource
                return this.imageSource;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the current status text to display
        /// </summary>
        public string StatusText
                return this.statusText;

                if (this.statusText != value)
                    this.statusText = value;

                    // notify any bound elements that the text has changed
                    if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
                        this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("StatusText"));

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute start up tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">object sending the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">event arguments</param>
        private void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (this.bodyFrameReader != null)
                this.bodyFrameReader.FrameArrived += this.Reader_FrameArrived;

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute shutdown tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">object sending the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">event arguments</param>
        private void MainWindow_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
            if (this.bodyFrameReader != null)
                // BodyFrameReader is IDisposable
                this.bodyFrameReader = null;

            if (this.kinectSensor != null)
                this.kinectSensor = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the body frame data arriving from the sensor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">object sending the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">event arguments</param>
        private void Reader_FrameArrived(object sender, BodyFrameArrivedEventArgs e)
            bool dataReceived = false;

            using (BodyFrame bodyFrame = e.FrameReference.AcquireFrame())
                if (bodyFrame != null)
                    if (this.bodies == null)
                        this.bodies = new Body[bodyFrame.BodyCount];

                    // The first time GetAndRefreshBodyData is called, Kinect will allocate each Body in the array.
                    // As long as those body objects are not disposed and not set to null in the array,
                    // those body objects will be re-used.
                    dataReceived = true;

            if (dataReceived)
                using (DrawingContext dc = this.drawingGroup.Open())
                    // Draw a transparent background to set the render size
                    dc.DrawRectangle(Brushes.Black, null, new Rect(0.0, 0.0, this.displayWidth, this.displayHeight));

                    int penIndex = 0;
                    foreach (Body body in this.bodies)
                        Pen drawPen = this.bodyColors[penIndex++];

                        if (body.IsTracked)
                            this.DrawClippedEdges(body, dc);

                            IReadOnlyDictionary<JointType, Joint> joints = body.Joints;

                            // convert the joint points to depth (display) space
                            Dictionary<JointType, Point> jointPoints = new Dictionary<JointType, Point>();

                            foreach (JointType jointType in joints.Keys)
                                // sometimes the depth(Z) of an inferred joint may show as negative
                                // clamp down to 0.1f to prevent coordinatemapper from returning (-Infinity, -Infinity)
                                CameraSpacePoint position = joints[jointType].Position;
                                if (position.Z < 0)
                                    position.Z = InferredZPositionClamp;

                                DepthSpacePoint depthSpacePoint = this.coordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(position);
                                jointPoints[jointType] = new Point(depthSpacePoint.X, depthSpacePoint.Y);

                            this.DrawBody(joints, jointPoints, dc, drawPen);

                            this.DrawHand(body.HandLeftState, jointPoints[JointType.HandLeft], dc);
                            this.DrawHand(body.HandRightState, jointPoints[JointType.HandRight], dc);

                    // prevent drawing outside of our render area
                    this.drawingGroup.ClipGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(0.0, 0.0, this.displayWidth, this.displayHeight));

        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joints">joints to draw</param>
        /// <param name="jointPoints">translated positions of joints to draw</param>
        /// <param name="drawingContext">drawing context to draw to</param>
        /// <param name="drawingPen">specifies color to draw a specific body</param>
        private void DrawBody(IReadOnlyDictionary<JointType, Joint> joints, IDictionary<JointType, Point> jointPoints, DrawingContext drawingContext, Pen drawingPen)
            // Draw the bones
            foreach (var bone in this.bones)
                this.DrawBone(joints, jointPoints, bone.Item1, bone.Item2, drawingContext, drawingPen);

            // Draw the joints
            foreach (JointType jointType in joints.Keys)
                Brush drawBrush = null;

                TrackingState trackingState = joints[jointType].TrackingState;

                if (trackingState == TrackingState.Tracked)
                    drawBrush = this.trackedJointBrush;
                else if (trackingState == TrackingState.Inferred)
                    drawBrush = this.inferredJointBrush;

                if (drawBrush != null)
                    drawingContext.DrawEllipse(drawBrush, null, jointPoints[jointType], JointThickness, JointThickness);


        /// <summary>
        /// Draws one bone of a body (joint to joint)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joints">joints to draw</param>
        /// <param name="jointPoints">translated positions of joints to draw</param>
        /// <param name="jointType0">first joint of bone to draw</param>
        /// <param name="jointType1">second joint of bone to draw</param>
        /// <param name="drawingContext">drawing context to draw to</param>
        /// /// <param name="drawingPen">specifies color to draw a specific bone</param>
        private void DrawBone(IReadOnlyDictionary<JointType, Joint> joints, IDictionary<JointType, Point> jointPoints, JointType jointType0, JointType jointType1, DrawingContext drawingContext, Pen drawingPen)
            Joint joint0 = joints[jointType0];
            Joint joint1 = joints[jointType1];

            // If we can‘t find either of these joints, exit
            if (joint0.TrackingState == TrackingState.NotTracked ||
                joint1.TrackingState == TrackingState.NotTracked)

            // We assume all drawn bones are inferred unless BOTH joints are tracked
            Pen drawPen = this.inferredBonePen;
            if ((joint0.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked) && (joint1.TrackingState == TrackingState.Tracked))
                drawPen = drawingPen;

            drawingContext.DrawLine(drawPen, jointPoints[jointType0], jointPoints[jointType1]);


        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a hand symbol if the hand is tracked: red circle = closed, green circle = opened; blue circle = lasso
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handState">state of the hand</param>
        /// <param name="handPosition">position of the hand</param>
        /// <param name="drawingContext">drawing context to draw to</param>
        private void DrawHand(HandState handState, Point handPosition, DrawingContext drawingContext)

            switch (handState)
                case HandState.Closed:
                    drawingContext.DrawEllipse(this.handClosedBrush, null, handPosition, HandSize, HandSize);

                case HandState.Open:
                    drawingContext.DrawEllipse(this.handOpenBrush, null, handPosition, HandSize, HandSize);
                    // 3 图片切换事件
                    // this.pptBox.changePpt();

                case HandState.Lasso:
                    drawingContext.DrawEllipse(this.handLassoBrush, null, handPosition, HandSize, HandSize);

            if (lastState != handState && handPosition.X>300)
                Console.WriteLine(" " + lastState + " " + handState + " " + (lastState != handState));

             lastState = handState;

        static HandState lastState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws indicators to show which edges are clipping body data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="body">body to draw clipping information for</param>
        /// <param name="drawingContext">drawing context to draw to</param>
        private void DrawClippedEdges(Body body, DrawingContext drawingContext)
            FrameEdges clippedEdges = body.ClippedEdges;

            if (clippedEdges.HasFlag(FrameEdges.Bottom))
                    new Rect(0, this.displayHeight - ClipBoundsThickness, this.displayWidth, ClipBoundsThickness));

            if (clippedEdges.HasFlag(FrameEdges.Top))
                    new Rect(0, 0, this.displayWidth, ClipBoundsThickness));

            if (clippedEdges.HasFlag(FrameEdges.Left))
                    new Rect(0, 0, ClipBoundsThickness, this.displayHeight));

            if (clippedEdges.HasFlag(FrameEdges.Right))
                    new Rect(this.displayWidth - ClipBoundsThickness, 0, ClipBoundsThickness, this.displayHeight));

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the event which the sensor becomes unavailable (E.g. paused, closed, unplugged).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">object sending the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">event arguments</param>
        private void Sensor_IsAvailableChanged(object sender, IsAvailableChangedEventArgs e)
            // on failure, set the status text
            this.StatusText = this.kinectSensor.IsAvailable ? Properties.Resources.RunningStatusText
                                                            : Properties.Resources.SensorNotAvailableStatusText;
时间: 2024-08-02 04:43:18



起源 2019年年会的到来,当然免不了激动人心的抽奖环节啦,那直接延用上一年的抽奖程序吧,然而Boss希望今年的抽奖程序能够能让所有人都参与进来,一起来抢有限奖品,先到先得,而不是站在那里盯着屏幕. OK,程序内容大概是这样子,每个人在手机浏览器打开抽奖程序界面,系统会随机给个数字,谁戳屏幕上的圆形最快最准,就能参与抽奖活动,有多少奖品就有多少场battle(仅限手机浏览器打开 & 每人仅限获得一个奖品) 重要的是,年会之前得把程序公布出来,让其他同事想办法作弊,硬件作弊和软件作弊都允许,我们主


我的开发环境是win7,vs2013,sql2012,用wpf开发了一个很简单的桌面软件,用Installshield制作的安装包,安装包包含了.framework4.5,在自己电脑上测试正常,想着挺简单的啊 后来拿了一台xp系统的电脑,安装了测试,安装过程正常,可是打开软件的时候报错:不是有效的win32 第一个想法就是 版本不合,要使用兼容打开,可是,我发现xp根本就没有兼容打开软件的操作 第二个想法是vs里面是不是可以设置支持32位,可是重复看了vs,发现项目属性里面,支持系统位数 首选3


纵观Windows GUI应用程序开发方法,从Windows API.MFC到Visual Basic再到.NET Framework,WPF的开发方法论是在.NET Framework方法论的基础上更上一层楼的产物,它完全兼容现有Windows Form开发的方法论,同时在很多方向进行了升级和创新.以下是WPF开发方法论的要点: 全新的UI设计理念:XAML语言以及配套工具(Blend & Design) 全新的UI布局理念:树形结构和各种布局元素 全新的基础类库和控件集:所有控件都在WPF方

福大软工1816 &#183; 团队现场编程实战(抽奖系统)

福大软工1816 · 团队现场编程实战(抽奖系统) 队员职责分工 团队成员 分工 张扬 预处理算法.抽奖算法.解决其他问题.本次博客撰写 韫月 "创建抽奖活动"页面的开发."已发布""已结束"等页面的动态生成 愈明 "创建抽奖活动"页面的开发.弹窗交互 文婧 "已发布"."已结束"页面的开发 地秀 "已发布"."已结束"页面的开发 全炯 各个页面的


目录 组员职责分工 github 的提交日志截图(鼓励小粒度提交) 程序运行截图 程序运行环境 GUI界面 基础功能实现 LCG算法 过滤(降权)算法 算法思路 红黑树 附加功能实现(20分) 鼓励有想法且有用的功能(10分) 遇到的困难及解决方法 组员:胡绪佩 组员:庄卉 组员:政演 组员:刘一好 组员 翟丹丹 组员:刘恺琳 组员:青元 组员:葛家灿 组员:何家伟 组员:黄鸿杰 组员:何宇恒 马后炮 组员:胡绪佩 组员:何家伟 组员:翟丹丹 组员:刘一好 组员:刘恺琳 组员:青元 组员:庄卉


[Java]Java摇奖源码,Java抽奖源码,Java随机抽奖源码 任务描述 本次任务要求为某商场开发一套幸运抽奖系统,客户必须首先注册成为该商场会员,会员登录成功后,就可以参加抽奖活动了.注册 用户选择“注册”菜单,进入注册界面.输入用户名和密码后,系统提示注册成功,并给出会员卡号.登录 注册成功后,用户选择“登录”菜单,进入登录界面.输入注册时的用户名和密码.登录成功,系统提示欢迎信息.如果用户和密码输入错误,提示用户继续输入,最多有3次机会.抽奖 登录成功后,用户选择“抽奖”菜单,进入幸


[Java]Java摇奖源码,Java抽奖源码,Java随机抽奖源码任务描述 本次任务要求为某商场开发一套幸运抽奖系统,客户必须首先注册成为该商场会员,会员登录成功后,就可以参加抽奖活动了.注册 用户选择"注册"菜单,进入注册界面.输入用户名和密码后,系统提示注册成功,并给出会员卡号.登录 注册成功后,用户选择"登录"菜单,进入登录界面.输入注册时的用户名和密码.登录成功,系统提示欢迎信息.如果用户和密码输入错误,提示用户继续输入,最多有3次机会.抽奖 登录成功后,


最近在做清理系统缓存功能时,用到以下方法 PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager(); Method localMethod = pm.getClass().getMethod("freeStorageAndNotify", Long.TYPE, IPackageDataObserver.class); Long localLong = Long.valueOf(getEnvironmentSize() - 1L); Object[]


今天,迁移机器,把一个使用C#开发的Web系统部署到一台英文版Win7操作系统上,部署好以后,系统可以登录,只是网页上出现汉字乱码. 在这台电脑上,打开Word等文本编辑器,是可以正常输入.显示中文的. 解决方法如下: 1.打开"控制面板"----->选择"Region and Language" 2.Formats 页里Format为"English(United States),Location页选择的是United States,这个是没有影响