NWERC 2013 - J (codeforces gym - 100405J)






完成这一步转化之后就要挖掘题目性质,绝对值差1这个性质十分重要,因为这近似于一步二分,也就是如果我们从顶点开始递归地往下放,那么最多进行logSUM层就能使得剩下的 可放点数达到0或1,这就使我们得到一种很可行的分治求解的方法:Get(x, cnt)表示向x这个点插入cnt个灯,向空点放的情况最少有多少个(也就是移动次数最少有多少次)。对于cnt是偶数的情况,就直接Get(x.left, cnt >> 1), Get(x.right, cnt >> 1), 而对于cnt是奇数,就要讨论一下左右放多放少这两种情况,取个min了。

递归的终止条件:①cnt == 0,返回0 ②x == 0 && cnt > 0返回INF(无解)③cnt == 1 子树中本来有灯返回1,无灯返回0


 1 #include <cstdio>
 2 #include <cstdlib>
 3 #include <cstring>
 4 #include <cmath>
 5 #include <algorithm>
 6 using namespace std;
 8 const int MaxN = 3000;
 9 const int INF = 2000;
10 struct Node {
11     int left, right, father;
12     int cLoc, cOn;
13 }tree[MaxN + 5];
14 int n, tot, ans;
15 char s[MaxN * 2 + 5];
17 void Init()
18 {
19     memset(tree, 0, sizeof(tree));
20     int len = strlen(s);
21     int p = 0; n = 0;
22     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
23         if (s[i] == ‘(‘) {
24             if (tree[p].left == 0) tree[p].left = ++n;
25                 else tree[p].right = ++n;
26             tree[n].father = p;
27             p = n;
28         }
29         else if (s[i] == ‘B‘) {
30             tree[p].cOn = 1;
31             tree[p].cLoc = 1;
32             p = tree[p].father;
33             i++;
34         }
35         else {
36             int L = tree[p].left;
37             int R = tree[p].right;
38             tree[p].cOn = tree[L].cOn + tree[R].cOn;
39             tree[p].cLoc = tree[L].cLoc + tree[R].cLoc;
40             if (tree[p].cLoc == 0) tree[p].cLoc = 1;
41             p = tree[p].father;
42         }
43     }
44     //for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) printf("%d %d %d\n", i, tree[i].cOn, tree[i].cLoc);
45 }
47 int Get(int x, int cnt)
48 {
49     if (cnt == 0) return 0;
50     if (x == 0) return INF;
51     if (cnt == 1) return (int)(tree[x].cOn == 0);
52     if (cnt & 1) {
53         int cL1 = Get(tree[x].left, cnt >> 1);
54         int cR1 = Get(tree[x].right, cnt - (cnt >> 1));
55         int cL2 = Get(tree[x].left, cnt - (cnt >> 1));
56         int cR2 = Get(tree[x].right, cnt >> 1);
57         return min(cL1 + cR1, cL2 + cR2);
58     }
59     else {
60         int cL = Get(tree[x].left, cnt >> 1);
61         int cR = Get(tree[x].right, cnt >> 1);
62         return cL + cR;
63     }
64 }
66 int main()
67 {
68     while (~scanf("%s", s)) {
69         Init();
70         ans = Get(1, tree[1].cOn);
71         if (ans >= INF) printf("impossible\n");
72             else printf("%d\n", ans);
73     }
74 }

时间: 2024-12-16 03:35:19

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