10 个最好的移动App开发框架

1. Ionic
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Ionic, a front-end framework, a helps building native-like mobile apps with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. It is not a replacement for PhoneGap or a JavaScript framework but the focus is on the UI interactions and design. The framework ships with SASS and various AngularJS extensions (optional) and many components like buttons, toggle, header/footer, tab bar and more.

2. Mobile Angular UI
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Mobile Angular UI is an HTML 5 framework which uses bootstrap 3 and AngularJS to create interactive mobile apps.

The main features of Mobile AngularUI include:

Bootstrap 3
Bootstrap 3 mobile components such as switches, overlays and sidebars which are missing in normal bootstrap.
AngularJS modules such as angular-route, angular-touch and angular-animate
Responsive media queries are stripped out of bootstrap as separate files, you only need to include what you need. Mobile Angular UI doesn’t have any jQuery dependencies, all you need are some AngularJS directives to create awesome mobile user experiences.

3. Sencha Touch
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Sencha Touch is an HTML 5 mobile app framework for creating apps for several platforms including iOS, Android and Blackberry. It has been in existence for some years now and is popular among hybrid mobile application developers.

Sencha Touch scores highly against it’s competitors by providing a native look and feel across all of the platforms it supports.

Getting started with Sencha Touch isn’t that difficult but in order to get the best out of Sencha Touch, one needs to invest a considerable amount of time.

4. Clank
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Clank is a free and open source HTML-CSS framework for easily prototyping native mobile or tablet apps. It focuses on providing a consistent UI “without the concern of mimicking a specific OS”. The framework is component-based so that we can pick and use only the needed parts. And these components include buttons, forms, sliders, toggles and much more.

5. Appium
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Appium is an open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS and Android platforms. Native apps are those written using the iOS or Android SDKs. Mobile web apps are web apps accessed using a mobile browser (Appium supports Safari on iOS and Chrome or the built-in ‘Browser’ app on Android). Hybrid apps have a wrapper around a “webview” — a native control that enables interaction with web content. Projects like Phonegap, make it easy to build apps using web technologies that are then bundled into a native wrapper, creating a hybrid app.

6. Sculpt
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Sculpt is a lightweight, mobile first, responsive HTML, CSS and SASS framework. It has been written to cater for devices with small screen sizes first, with more complexity being added through media queries as screen real-estate increases. With three grid sizes (732px, 960px and 1140px) built in and active depending on your device’s screen size you can be sure your content will be well presented no matter the conditions.

7. Junior
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Junior is a HTML5 front-end framework for creating mobile apps that look and behave like native. It uses CSS3 transitions for a slick performance, supports swipable carousels and includes various UI components (from Ratchet). The framework uses Zepto (which is nice for jQuery fans as it has a jQuery-like syntax) and has integration with backbone.js views + routers. Junior is pretty easy to use and has the documents + examples to get you started.

8. Spine.js
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Spine Mobile is a JavaScript framework, built on top of SpineJS, for building mobile web apps that look and feel native. The framework comes with specialized controllers, panel layout, hardware accelerated transitions and touch events. Apps are developed with HTML5-CSS3 and the easiest way of building Spine Mobile apps is with Hem, Spine.app, GFX and jQuery. Also, you’ll need Node.js.

9. Moobile
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Moobile is an exciting and fresh project; a mobile web application framework built on MooTools. Currently, it is focused on providing a iOS-like experience on WebKit browsers and comes with many controls like bar, button, image, list, activity indicator, slider and more. It also has support for transitions like fade, slide, cubic or cover and can display native-like alerts. Interfaces created with Moobile are fluid, they will work well both in iPhone + iPad and look good when orientation changes.

10. Helios
10 个最好的移动App开发框架

Helios is an open-source framework that provides essential backend services for iOS apps, from data synchronization and push notifications to in-app purchases and passbook integration. It allows developers to get a client-server app up-and-running in just a few minutes, and seamlessly incorporate functionality as necessary.

时间: 2024-09-30 20:36:09

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在最近几年里,移动互联网高速发展.市场潜力巨大.继计算机.互联网之后,移动互联网正掀起第三次信息技术革命的浪潮,新技术.新应用不断涌现.今天这篇文章向大家推荐10大优秀的移动Web开发框架,帮助开发者更加高效的开发移动Web应用. Sencha Touch Framework Sencha Touch 是世界上第一个基于HTML5的移动Web开发框架,支持最新的HTML5和CSS3标准,全面兼容 Android 和 Apple iOS 设备,提供了丰富的 WEB UI 组件,可以快速的开发出运行


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TML5 App 开发框架收集

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