(译文)IOS block编程指南 4 声明和创建blocks

Declaring and Creating Blocks (声明和创建blocks)

Declaring a Block Reference (声明一个block引用)

Block variables hold references to blocks. You declare them using syntax similar to that you use to declare a pointer to a function, except that you use ^ instead of *. The block type fully interoperates with the rest of the C type system. The following are all valid block variable declarations:


void (^blockReturningVoidWithVoidArgument)(void);
int (^blockReturningIntWithIntAndCharArguments)(int, char);
void (^arrayOfTenBlocksReturningVoidWithIntArgument[10])(int);

Blocks also support variadic (...) arguments. A block that takes no arguments must specify void in the argument list.

Blocks are designed to be fully type safe by giving the compiler a full set of metadata to use to validate use of blocks, parameters passed to blocks, and assignment of the return value. You can cast a block reference to a pointer of arbitrary type and vice versa. You cannot, however, dereference a block reference via the pointer dereference operator (*)—thus a block‘s size cannot be computed at compile time.

You can also create types for blocks—doing so is generally considered to be best practice when you use a block with a given signature in multiple places:

blocks  也支持可变参数。一个没有参数的block必须在参数列表中指定void。

blocks 被设计成对编译器的完全安全类型,它有一套完整的数据源设置来检测block的合法性,通过传给blocks参数,来分配返回值。你可以给block创建任意的指针类型,反之亦然(PS:这句话,翻译有疑问)。尽管如此,你不能通过解引用操作符(*)来解引用一个block——因为这样在编译的时候无法计算block的大小。


typedef float (^MyBlockType)(float, float);

MyBlockType myFirstBlock = // ... ;
MyBlockType mySecondBlock = // ... ;

Creating a Block(创建一个block)

You use the ^ operator to indicate the beginning of a block literal expression. It may be followed by an argument list contained within (). The body of the block is contained within {}. The following example defines a simple block and assigns it to a previously declared variable (oneFrom)—here the block is followed by the normal ; that ends a C statement.


float (^oneFrom)(float);

oneFrom = ^(float aFloat) {
    float result = aFloat - 1.0;
    return result;

If you don’t explicitly declare the return value of a block expression, it can be automatically inferred from the contents of the block. If the return type is inferred and the parameter list is void, then you can omit the (void) parameter list as well. If or when multiple return statements are present, they must exactly match (using casting if necessary).


Global Blocks(全局block)

At a file level, you can use a block as a global literal:


#import <stdio.h>

int GlobalInt = 0;
int (^getGlobalInt)(void) = ^{ return GlobalInt; };



时间: 2024-12-12 00:57:04

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