June 10th 2017 Week 23rd Saturday

A lot of things, we can be touched, but we can not shed tears.


Sometimes I was touched by the scenes I saw, that often made me think about what I would do if I was the one in such cases, but I seldom shed tears because I know that would be useless.

The only way, maybe also the best, is to let the tears shed in our hearts and pretend to be strong, and then do somethings to become strong.

Life is not easy, we can‘t make us feel worse in this damn world.

Today, I was on a business trip to adapt the funcitions of our control-system for a porcelain manufacturing machine. It needs two axis work together, and another axis, which is perpendicular to the plane formed by the other two, must adjust its angle according to the position.

Very simple? No, I thought it would be easy to get it done, but when I finished my coding and put it into the machine, I found the performance is not the same as I had expected.

Frustrated. Why was I always confronted with so many unexpected blows? Why my life is so hard?

I have started to seek a career for about one month, but I hadn‘t obtained any satisfying offer. It seems my ability is not strong enought to support my dreams.

I often quote myself. It adds spice to my conversation.


From George Bernard Shaw.

George Bernard Shaw, a famous writer, in my impression.

Maybe he wanted to tell us that we‘d better to create something unique, otherwise our conversation, or our works may be devoid of flavor.

I found the reason that why my work can‘t make me unique may be the lack of creation and innovation.

When facing problems, I am used to seeking the answers on the internet, seldom try to solve the problems on my own. That may be not a good way to grow up.

时间: 2024-07-31 19:16:36

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