Guava File操作


一. Guava的文件写入

Guava的Files类中提供了几个write方法来简化向文件中写入内容的操作,下面的例子演示 Files.write(byte[],File)的用法。



import static;

 * Created by zhaoliangang on 15/6/26.
public class GuavaFile {

    public static void demoFileWrite(final String fileName, final String contents) {
        checkNotNull(fileName, "Provided file name for writing must not be null.");
        checkNotNull(contents, "Unable to write null contents.");
        final File newFile = new File(fileName);
        try {
            Files.write(contents.getBytes(), newFile);
        } catch (IOException fileIoEx) {
            System.out.println("ERROR trying to write to file ‘" + fileName + "‘ - "
                    + fileIoEx.toString());

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        GuavaFile.demoFileWrite("/Users/zhaoliangang/Documents/work/test.txt", "hello stefanie zhao");


二. 获得文件内容


public static void demoFileRead(final String filePath) throws IOException {
    File testFile = new File(filePath);
    List<String> lines = Files.readLines(testFile, Charsets.UTF_8);
    for (String line : lines) {



static <T> T readLines(File file, Charset charset, LineProcessor<T> callback)

Streams lines from a File, stopping when our callback returns false, or we have read all of the lines.

public static void demoFileReadAsyn(final String filePath) throws IOException {
    File testFile = new File(filePath);
    Integer rowNum = Files.readLines(testFile, Charsets.UTF_16, new LineProcessor<Integer>() {
        private int rowNum = 0;
        public boolean processLine(String s) throws IOException {
            rowNum ++;
            return true;

        public Integer getResult() {
            return rowNum;



三. 复制移动(剪切)文件

final File sourceFile = new File(sourceFileName);    
final File targetFile = new File(targetFileName);     
Files.copy(sourceFile, targetFile);

四. 比较文件内容

Files.equal(file1, file2)

五. 其他有用的方法


  1. touch方法创建或者更新文件的时间戳。
  2. createTempDir()方法创建临时目录
  3. Files.createParentDirs(File) 创建父级目录
  4. getChecksum(File)获得文件的checksum
  5. hash(File)获得文件的hash
  6. map系列方法获得文件的内存映射
  7. getFileExtension(String)获得文件的扩展名
  8. getNameWithoutExtension(String file)获得不带扩展名的文件名



static void append(CharSequence from, File to, Charset charset)

Appends a character sequence (such as a string) to a file using the given character set.

static ByteSink asByteSink(File file, FileWriteMode... modes)

Returns a new ByteSink for writing bytes to the given file.

static ByteSource asByteSource(File file)

Returns a new ByteSource for reading bytes from the given file.

static CharSink asCharSink(File file, Charset charset, FileWriteMode... modes)

Returns a new CharSink for writing character data to the given file using the given character set.

static CharSource asCharSource(File file, Charset charset)

Returns a new CharSource for reading character data from the given file using the given character set.

static void copy(File from, Charset charset, Appendable to)

Copies all characters from a file to an appendable object, using the given character set.

static void copy(File from, File to)

Copies all the bytes from one file to another.

static void copy(File from, OutputStream to)

Copies all bytes from a file to an output stream.

static void createParentDirs(File file)

Creates any necessary but nonexistent parent directories of the specified file.

static File createTempDir()

Atomically creates a new directory somewhere beneath the system‘s temporary directory (as defined by the property), and returns its name.

static boolean equal(File file1, File file2)

Returns true if the files contains the same bytes.

static TreeTraverser<File> fileTreeTraverser()

Returns a TreeTraverser instance for File trees.

static String getFileExtension(String fullName)

Returns the file extension for the given file name, or the empty string if the file has no extension.

static String getNameWithoutExtension(String file)

Returns the file name without its file extension or path.

static HashCode hash(File file, HashFunction hashFunction)

Computes the hash code of the file using hashFunction.

static Predicate<File> isDirectory()

Returns a predicate that returns the result of File.isDirectory() on input files.

static Predicate<File> isFile()

Returns a predicate that returns the result of File.isFile() on input files.

static MappedByteBuffer map(File file)

Fully maps a file read-only in to memory as per, long, long).

static MappedByteBuffer map(File file, FileChannel.MapMode mode)

Fully maps a file in to memory as per, long, long)using the requested FileChannel.MapMode.

static MappedByteBuffer map(File file, FileChannel.MapMode mode, long size)

Maps a file in to memory as per, long, long) using the requested FileChannel.MapMode.

static void move(File from, File to)

Moves a file from one path to another.

static BufferedReader newReader(File file, Charset charset)

Returns a buffered reader that reads from a file using the given character set.

static BufferedWriter newWriter(File file, Charset charset)

Returns a buffered writer that writes to a file using the given character set.

static <T> T readBytes(File file, ByteProcessor<T> processor)

Process the bytes of a file.

static String readFirstLine(File file, Charset charset)

Reads the first line from a file.

static List<String> readLines(File file, Charset charset)

Reads all of the lines from a file.

static <T> T readLines(File file, Charset charset, LineProcessor<T> callback)

Streams lines from a File, stopping when our callback returns false, or we have read all of the lines.

static String simplifyPath(String pathname)

Returns the lexically cleaned form of the path name, usually (but not always) equivalent to the original.

static byte[] toByteArray(File file)

Reads all bytes from a file into a byte array.

static String toString(File file, Charset charset)

Reads all characters from a file into a String, using the given character set.

static void touch(File file)

Creates an empty file or updates the last updated timestamp on the same as the unix command of the same name.

static void write(byte[] from, File to)

Overwrites a file with the contents of a byte array.

static void write(CharSequence from, File to, Charset charset)

Writes a character sequence (such as a string) to a file using the given character set.

时间: 2024-12-17 11:16:28

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