A driving recorder (HI3516C+IMX122) that can be shared.

One, functional requirements

(1) Wifi is a hot spot. The device starts up 10 seconds after power up, and the hot spot will start in less than 8 seconds. The prototype parameters for reference, and mobile phone equipment directly, not through the third party routing.

(2) Wifi communication protocol support to view and modify the menu of the recorder. Including recorder system time, video resolution, etc..

(3) Wifi communication protocol supports viewing real-time audio and video.

(4) Wifi communication protocol supports APP view and download the history of audio and video. Historical audio and video requirements is a continuous time axis, playing position can be dragged to play the positioning. To view and download video, not to stop
the video (video is always running in the background).

Power on the automatic start of real-time video. Video can be packed in 2 minutes or 5 minutes (time can be set).

The video is divided into two types, one is the normal video, TF card is full, loop recording. Two is the video of the trigger, the concrete in the eighth point description.

(5) mobile phone broadcast video recorder, can capture images of the video in the mobile phone.

(6) Wifi communication protocol supports audio and video of the 2 time points of the input.

(7) the built-in rechargeable button electronics, recording system time and other configuration parameters. When power is off, the configuration parameters are not lost within six months.

(8) built-in vibration sensor, when the vibration sensitivity can through the mobile phone regulation), triggering capture before and after 5 seconds of video, save for locking video, does not automatically replace or delete, phones can be deleted, shock refers
to the sudden braking and collision.

(9) Wifi communication protocol supports the sensitivity, high, medium and low of the mobile phone to adjust the vibration sensor.

(10) Wifi communication protocol supports viewing, downloading, and deleting a lock (5 seconds before and after the trigger of a vibration sensor) for audio and video.

(11) the basic information, such as the name of the device, and the device password, can be acquired and modified.

(12) Wifi protocol supports setting video resolution, recording, adjusting the camera‘s brightness / contrast / saturation.

(13) the main chip is HI3516C, SENSOR uses SONY two million pixels. No night vision function.

(14) the client and equipment side docking agreement shall be drawn up by Party B.

Two, parameter index

Working voltage: DC12V

Working temperature: -5 degree ~70

Image resolution: 1280*720 and 1920*1080, 25 frames per second

Image compression: H.264 / MPEG4-AVC

A/V audio and video output: single terminal output composite video plus Line-Out audio signal

Audio: g711a, 8K sampling rate, 16 bit,

Storage: support TF card, maximum support at least 32GB, full automatic loop recording card

Lens: shooting angle is greater than 160 degrees, imaging to have distortion processing, it looks real deformation.

Video status: in a state of video, the status light is always on.

Switch machine voice broadcast: voice content can be customized.

Device power off delay time: 5 seconds.


时间: 2024-08-05 23:32:11

A driving recorder (HI3516C+IMX122) that can be shared.的相关文章


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