部署Lync server 2013前端池时遇到负载均衡的问题,没有HLB的硬件负载均衡设备,使用DNS负载轮询pool A记录建立多条指向不同的前端服务器地址,在没有HLB对方发布时,使用路由器映射端口443-4443只能指向一台前端服务器地址,问题就来了。
想到了使用windows自带的NLB,在Technet没有查到相关Lync server 2013部署支持NLB的明确说法,在Technet论坛里有人这样问题,也得到了not supported 的回答。
Windows NLB has lots of limitations and problems and these can be especially important with Exchange, Sharepoint and Lync cases. Examples are: Below are some highlights from Kemp Technologies Technical Services Director Ben Hodge
1. Uneven spread of workloads across server pool resulting in slow user response times and high latency for the application
2. Manual configuration of all nodes required making it difficult to scale and troubleshoot
3. No application aware health checks resulting in user downtime due to application errors and freezes
4. No SSL acceleration, caching or compression resulting in poor performance and high resource usage (especially CPU) on server nodes, important for all HTTP/S based applications like Exchange OWA and Sharepoint
5. No L7 persistence or scheduling methods, especially important for mobile clients, SharePoint, RDS and Exchange OWA services
6. Can‘t co-exist with Windows Failover Clustering (used for Exchange DAG) so cannot support multi-role Exchange server topology which is Microsoft‘s recommended topology as of Exchange 2013
7. Limited control of source IP NATing so cannot support complex network topologies and security zoning
8. Cannot provide reverse proxy services (essential for Lync 2010 & 2013)
9. Cannot provide pre-authentication and SSO functionality , especially important for Exchange OWA and Sharepoint external access
Lync Server 2013 部署前端池支持NLB吗?