Install MongoDB on Linux Systems 速记

Download the Latest Release

>> curl -O

Extract MongoDB From Archive

>> tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.8.tgz

Optional. Copy MongoDB to Target Directory

>> mkdir -p mongodb
>> cp -R -n mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.8/ mongodb

Optional. Configure Search Path To ensure that the downloaded binaries are in your PATH, you can modify your PATH and/or create symbolic links to the MongoDB binaries in your /usr/local/bin directory (/usr/local/bin is already in your PATH). You can find the MongoDB binaries in the bin/ directory within the archive.   Create mongodb user >> groupadd mongodb >> useradd -g mongodb mongodb   Create dbpath

>> mkdir -p /data/db

>> chown mongodb /data/db Starting mongod without any arguments starts a MongoDB instance that writes data to the /data/db directory. To specify an alternate data directory, start mongod with the--dbpath option: >> mongod --dbpath /data/db   Stop MongoDB   To stop the mongod instance, press Control+C in the terminal where the mongod instance is running   MongoDb web 用户界面 在比MongoDB服务的端口多1000的端口上,你可以访问到MondoDB的web用户界面。 如:如果你的MongoDB运行端口使用默认的27017,你可以在端口号为28017访问web用户界面。   附Mongodb学习教程:

Install MongoDB on Linux Systems 速记

时间: 2024-08-06 06:22:15

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