select sum(bytes) from dba_segment: waiting for 'gc cr request'

SO: 0x5533efea0, type: 4, owner: 0x554631060, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3

proc=0x554631060, name=session, file=ksu.h LINE:12624 ID:, pg=0

(session) sid: 388 ser: 1 trans: 0x0, creator: 0x554631060

flags: (0x51) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-

flags2: (0x40409) -/-/INC

DID: , short-term DID:

txn branch: 0x0

oct: 3, prv: 0, sql: 0x5369ece68, psql: 0x450616048, user: 0/SYS

ksuxds FALSE at location: 0

service name: SYS$BACKGROUND

Current Wait Stack:

0: waiting for ‘enq: PV - syncstart‘

name|mode=0x50560006, 0=0x0, 0=0x0

wait_id=8642197 seq_num=64811 snap_id=1

wait times: snap=3934 min 28 sec, exc=3934 min 28 sec, total=3934 min 28 sec

wait times: max=infinite, heur=3934 min 28 sec

wait counts: calls=1088 os=1088

in_wait=1 iflags=0x15a0

There is at least one session blocking this session.

Dumping 1 direct blocker(s):

inst: 1, sid: 773, ser: 1

Dumping final blocker:

inst: 1, sid: 397, ser: 7


SO: 0x553857f80, type: 4, owner: 0x55463e8e8, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3

proc=0x55463e8e8, name=session, file=ksu.h LINE:12624 ID:, pg=0

(session) sid: 773 ser: 1 trans: 0x0, creator: 0x55463e8e8

flags: (0x51) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-

flags2: (0x409) -/-/INC

DID: , short-term DID:

txn branch: 0x0

oct: 0, prv: 0, sql: 0x0, psql: 0x0, user: 0/SYS

ksuxds FALSE at location: 0

service name: SYS$BACKGROUND

Current Wait Stack:

0: waiting for ‘enq: PR - contention‘

name|mode=0x50520006, 0=0x0, 0=0x0

wait_id=410416 seq_num=934 snap_id=1

wait times: snap=3934 min 29 sec, exc=3934 min 29 sec, total=3934 min 29 sec

wait times: max=infinite, heur=3934 min 29 sec

wait counts: calls=76 os=76

in_wait=1 iflags=0x15a0

There is at least one session blocking this session.

Dumping 1 direct blocker(s):

inst: 1, sid: 397, ser: 7

Dumping final blocker:

inst: 1, sid: 397, ser: 7

There are 1 sessions blocked by this session.

Dumping one waiter:

inst: 1, sid: 388, ser: 1

wait event: ‘enq: PV - syncstart‘

p1: ‘name|mode‘=0x50560006

p2: ‘0‘=0x0

p3: ‘0‘=0x0



SO: 0x554645d80, type: 2, owner: 0x0, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3

proc=0x554645d80, name=process, file=ksu.h LINE:12616 ID:, pg=0

(process) Oracle pid:45, ser:2, calls cur/top: 0x5394a48b8/0x5394a48b8

flags : (0x2) SYSTEM

flags2: (0x0),  flags3: (0x10)

intr error: 0, call error: 0, sess error: 0, txn error 0

intr queue: empty

ksudlp FALSE at location: 0

(post info) last post received: 0 0 9

last post received-location: ksq.h LINE:2014 ID:ksqrcl

last process to post me: 554631060 1 2

last post sent: 0 0 9

last post sent-location: ksq.h LINE:2014 ID:ksqrcl

last process posted by me: 554631060 1 2

(latch info) wait_event=0 bits=0

Process Group: DEFAULT, pseudo proc: 0x554a379f8

O/S info: user: oracle, term: UNKNOWN, ospid: 8914

OSD pid info: Unix process pid: 8914, image: [email protected] (CJQ0)

SO: 0x5533d4fc0, type: 4, owner: 0x554645d80, flag: INIT/-/-/0x00 if: 0x3 c: 0x3

proc=0x554645d80, name=session, file=ksu.h LINE:12624 ID:, pg=0

(session) sid: 397 ser: 7 trans: 0x0, creator: 0x554645d80

flags: (0x51) USR/- flags_idl: (0x1) BSY/-/-/-/-/-

flags2: (0x40409) -/-/INC

DID: , short-term DID:

txn branch: 0x0

oct: 0, prv: 0, sql: 0x0, psql: 0x450caef60, user: 0/SYS

ksuxds FALSE at location: 0

service name: SYS$BACKGROUND

Current Wait Stack:

0: waiting for ‘os thread startup‘

=0x0, =0x0, =0x0

wait_id=2782824 seq_num=30355 snap_id=1

wait times: snap=3934 min 34 sec, exc=3934 min 34 sec, total=3934 min 34 sec

wait times: max=2 min 0 sec, heur=3934 min 34 sec

wait counts: calls=77 os=77

in_wait=1 iflags=0x15a0

There are 4 sessions blocked by this session.

Dumping one waiter:

inst: 1, sid: 773, ser: 1

wait event: ‘enq: PR - contention‘

p1: ‘name|mode‘=0x50520006

p2: ‘0‘=0x0

p3: ‘0‘=0x0

row_wait_obj#: 4294967295, block#: 0, row#: 0, file# 0

min_blocked_time: 0 secs, waiter_cache_ver: 63462

Wait State:

fixed_waits=0 flags=0x22 boundary=0x0/-1

Session Wait History:

elapsed time of 0.000160 sec since current wait

0: waited for ‘enq: PR - contention‘

name|mode=0x50520006, 0=0x0, 0=0x0

wait_id=2782823 seq_num=30354 snap_id=1

wait times: snap=4 min 56 sec, exc=4 min 56 sec, total=4 min 56 sec

wait times: max=infinite

wait counts: calls=8 os=8

occurred after 2.476248 sec of elapsed time

1: waited for ‘os thread startup‘

=0x0, =0x0, =0x0

wait_id=2782822 seq_num=30353 snap_id=1

wait times: snap=41 min 57 sec, exc=41 min 57 sec, total=41 min 57 sec

wait times: max=2 min 0 sec

wait counts: calls=2 os=2

occurred after 0.000168 sec of elapsed time

2: waited for ‘enq: PR - contention‘

Dumping one waiter:

inst: 1, sid: 773, ser: 1

wait event: ‘enq: PR - contention‘

p1: ‘name|mode‘=0x50520006

p2: ‘0‘=0x0

p3: ‘0‘=0x0

row_wait_obj#: 4294967295, block#: 0, row#: 0, file# 0

min_blocked_time: 0 secs, waiter_cache_ver: 63462


blocking    blocker    event

388         773,397    enq: PV - syncstart

773         397        enq: PR - contention

397                    enq: PR - contention  os thread startup:ora-445


节点1 运行语句select sid,serial# from gv$session where username=‘WANQIONG‘:

失败的原因:PROCESS 53/57 两个会话运行该语句,PROCESS 20: CKPT block这两个会话

PROCESS 20 由于waiting for ‘enq: PR - contention‘ name|mode=0x50520006

0x50520006 所有者:PROCESS 45: CJQ0

根据:awk -f ass109.awk calldb1_ora_15639.trc  分析:

Resource Holder State

Enqueue PR-00000000-00000000    45: 0: waiting for ‘os thread startup‘

Enqueue PV-00000000-00000000    38: 38: is waiting for 45:

Latch 380030bc0    ??? Blocker

PROCESS 45: CJQ0 进程是罪魁祸首!该进程无法启动。

--2 节点2

节点2运行语句:select sum(bytes) from dba_segments,等待时间0: waiting for ‘gc cr request‘


--3  节点1 警告日志分析

Mon Aug 11 09:45:49 2014

Archived Log entry 58557 added for thread 1 sequence 27907 ID 0x4bcd9425 dest 1:

Mon Aug 11 16:08:44 2014

Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/calldb/calldb1/trace/calldb1_cjq0_8914.trc  (incident=56362):

ORA-00445: background process "J000" did not start after 120 seconds

Incident details in: /oracle/diag/rdbms/calldb/calldb1/incident/incdir_56362/calldb1_cjq0_8914_i56362.trc

kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process

Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/calldb/calldb1/trace/calldb1_cjq0_8914.trc:

Mon Aug 11 16:12:25 2014

Errors in file /oracle/diag/rdbms/calldb/calldb1/trace/calldb1_mmon_8497.trc  (incident=56202):

ORA-00445: background process "m000" did not start after 120 seconds

Incident details in: /oracle/diag/rdbms/calldb/calldb1/incident/incdir_56202/calldb1_mmon_8497_i56202.trc

Mon Aug 11 16:14:28 2014


Begin End

Host Mem (MB): 15,744.0

SGA use (MB): 4,608.0

PGA use (MB): 462.5

% Host Mem used for SGA+PGA: 32.21


[[email protected] /home/oracle]$ prtconf | grep ‘Memory‘

Memory size: 12288 Megabytes


1379200.1  根据文档可以确定:

What does this message mean ?

The message indicates that we failed to spawn a new process at the Operating System level to serve the request.

There are various causes for this issue. This typically occurs when there is a shortage or misconfiguration in

Operating System Resources, and thereby the problem should be investigated from an OS perspective. However

there are a few causes related to the Oracle Database as well.

The default 120 seconds (after which Oracle times out) can be extended dynamically (without a database restart) b

setting the following event:

OS Configuration Checks【昨天确定硬件存在故障】

Checks on Oracle Database Configuration

--数据库重启前做的dump systemstat 10


select sum(bytes) from dba_segment: waiting for 'gc cr request'

时间: 2024-08-07 21:01:33

select sum(bytes) from dba_segment: waiting for 'gc cr request'的相关文章

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一.RAC 全局等待事件说明 在RAC环境中,和全局调整缓存相关的最常见的等待事件是global cache cr request,global cache busy和equeue. 当一个进程访问需要一个或者多个块时,Oracle会首先检查自己的Cache是否存在该块,如果发现没有,就会先通过global cache赋予这些块共享访问的权限,然后再访问.假如,通过global cache发现这些块已经在另一个实例的Cache里面,那么这些块就会通过Cache Fusion,在节点之间直接传递,

select sum也会返回null值

SELECT  SUM(detail.VAL)  FROM   AI_SDP_ORDER_MONTH_DETAIL_201706    detail 如果所有的VAL都是null的话,或者根本就不存在数据的话,结果会返回Null

ORA-00445 实例挂起

现象: 节点2 运行:select sum(bytes) from dba_segments 长期等待: waiting for 'gc cr request' 节点1 僵死:select sid,serial# from gv$session where username='****' 分析: 数据库内部等待关系: blocking    blocker    event 388         773,397    enq: PV - syncstart 773         397  

ORA-04031:unable to allocate 4120 bytes of shared memory ‘obj stat mem’故障解决

客户报表库,HP-ux B11.31 IA64 FOR Oracle RAC系统短信过滤alert日志告警 ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-04031:unable to allocate 4120 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","select f.file#, f.block#, f....","Typeche

Optimizing Oracle RAC

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) databases form an increasing proportion of Oracle database systems. RAC was introduced in 2001 as part of Oracle 9i and was based on Oracle's earlier Oracle Parallel Server architecture. RAC is almost unique as


CREATE [UNDO] TABLESPACE tablespace_name [DATAFILE datefile_spec1 [,datefile_spec2] ...... [{MININUM EXTENT integer [k|m] |BLOCKSIZE integer [k] |logging clause | FORCE LOGGING |DEFAULT {data_segment_compression} storage_clause |[online|offline] |[PE


查看数据库的SQL 1.查看表空间的名称及大小 select t.tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes/(1024*1024)),0) ts_size      from dba_tablespaces t, dba_data_files d      where t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name      group by t.tablespace_name; 2.查看表空间物理文件的名称及大小 select tablesp


常用DBA脚本1.查看表空间的名称及大小 select t.tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes/(1024*1024)),0) ts_size from dba_tablespaces t, dba_data_files d where t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name group by t.tablespace_name; 2.查看表空间物理文件的名称及大小 select tablespace_name, file_id,


判断回滚段竞争的SQL语句:(当Ratio大于2时存在回滚段竞争,需要增加更多的回滚段)select, rs.GETS, rs.WAITS, (rs.WAITS / rs.GETS) * 100 ratiofrom v$rollstat rs, v$rollname rnwhere rs.USN = rn.usn 判断恢复日志竞争的SQL语句:(immediate_contention或wait_contention的值大于1时存在竞争)select name,(t.IMMEDI