JAVA SE8 虚拟机规范

2.5. Run-Time Data Areas

The Java Virtual Machine defines various run-time data areas that are used during execution of a program. Some of these data areas are created on Java Virtual Machine start-up and are destroyed only when the Java Virtual Machine exits. Other data areas are per thread. Per-thread data areas are created when a thread is created and destroyed when the thread exits.

2.5.1. The pc Register

The Java Virtual Machine can support many threads of execution at once (JLS §17). Each Java Virtual Machine thread has its own pc (program counter) register. At any point, each Java Virtual Machine thread is executing the code of a single method, namely the current method (§2.6) for that thread. If that method is not native, the pc register contains the address of the Java Virtual Machine instruction currently being executed. If the method currently being executed by the thread is native, the value of the Java Virtual Machine‘s pc register is undefined. The Java Virtual Machine‘s pc register is wide enough to hold a returnAddress or a native pointer on the specific platform.

2.5.2. Java Virtual Machine Stacks

Each Java Virtual Machine thread has a private Java Virtual Machine stack, created at the same time as the thread. A Java Virtual Machine stack stores frames (§2.6). A Java Virtual Machine stack is analogous to the stack of a conventional language such as C: it holds local variables and partial results, and plays a part in method invocation and return. Because the Java Virtual Machine stack is never manipulated directly except to push and pop frames, frames may be heap allocated. The memory for a Java Virtual Machine stack does not need to be contiguous.

In the First Edition of The Java? Virtual Machine Specification, the Java Virtual Machine stack was known as the Java stack.

This specification permits Java Virtual Machine stacks either to be of a fixed size or to dynamically expand and contract as required by the computation. If the Java Virtual Machine stacks are of a fixed size, the size of each Java Virtual Machine stack may be chosen independently when that stack is created.

A Java Virtual Machine implementation may provide the programmer or the user control over the initial size of Java Virtual Machine stacks, as well as, in the case of dynamically expanding or contracting Java Virtual Machine stacks, control over the maximum and minimum sizes.

The following exceptional conditions are associated with Java Virtual Machine stacks:

If the computation in a thread requires a larger Java Virtual Machine stack than is permitted, the Java Virtual Machine throws a StackOverflowError.

If Java Virtual Machine stacks can be dynamically expanded, and expansion is attempted but insufficient memory can be made available to effect the expansion, or if insufficient memory can be made available to create the initial Java Virtual Machine stack for a new thread, the Java Virtual Machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.

2.5.3. Heap

The Java Virtual Machine has a heap that is shared among all Java Virtual Machine threads. The heap is the run-time data area from which memory for all class instances and arrays is allocated.

The heap is created on virtual machine start-up. Heap storage for objects is reclaimed by an automatic storage management system (known as a garbage collector); objects are never explicitly deallocated. The Java Virtual Machine assumes no particular type of automatic storage management system, and the storage management technique may be chosen according to the implementor‘s system requirements. The heap may be of a fixed size or may be expanded as required by the computation and may be contracted if a larger heap becomes unnecessary. The memory for the heap does not need to be contiguous.

A Java Virtual Machine implementation may provide the programmer or the user control over the initial size of the heap, as well as, if the heap can be dynamically expanded or contracted, control over the maximum and minimum heap size.

The following exceptional condition is associated with the heap:

If a computation requires more heap than can be made available by the automatic storage management system, the Java Virtual Machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.

2.5.4. Method Area

The Java Virtual Machine has a method area that is shared among all Java Virtual Machine threads. The method area is analogous to the storage area for compiled code of a conventional language or analogous to the "text" segment in an operating system process. It stores per-class structures such as the run-time constant pool, field and method data, and the code for methods and constructors, including the special methods (§2.9) used in class and instance initialization and interface initialization.

The method area is created on virtual machine start-up. Although the method area is logically part of the heap, simple implementations may choose not to either garbage collect or compact it. This specification does not mandate the location of the method area or the policies used to manage compiled code. The method area may be of a fixed size or may be expanded as required by the computation and may be contracted if a larger method area becomes unnecessary. The memory for the method area does not need to be contiguous.

A Java Virtual Machine implementation may provide the programmer or the user control over the initial size of the method area, as well as, in the case of a varying-size method area, control over the maximum and minimum method area size.

The following exceptional condition is associated with the method area:

If memory in the method area cannot be made available to satisfy an allocation request, the Java Virtual Machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.

2.5.5. Run-Time Constant Pool

A run-time constant pool is a per-class or per-interface run-time representation of the constant_pool table in a class file (§4.4). It contains several kinds of constants, ranging from numeric literals known at compile-time to method and field references that must be resolved at run-time. The run-time constant pool serves a function similar to that of a symbol table for a conventional programming language, although it contains a wider range of data than a typical symbol table.

Each run-time constant pool is allocated from the Java Virtual Machine‘s method area (§2.5.4). The run-time constant pool for a class or interface is constructed when the class or interface is created (§5.3) by the Java Virtual Machine.

The following exceptional condition is associated with the construction of the run-time constant pool for a class or interface:

When creating a class or interface, if the construction of the run-time constant pool requires more memory than can be made available in the method area of the Java Virtual Machine, the Java Virtual Machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.

See §5 (Loading, Linking, and Initializing) for information about the construction of the run-time constant pool.

2.5.6. Native Method Stacks

An implementation of the Java Virtual Machine may use conventional stacks, colloquially called "C stacks," to support native methods (methods written in a language other than the Java programming language). Native method stacks may also be used by the implementation of an interpreter for the Java Virtual Machine‘s instruction set in a language such as C. Java Virtual Machine implementations that cannot load native methods and that do not themselves rely on conventional stacks need not supply native method stacks. If supplied, native method stacks are typically allocated per thread when each thread is created.

This specification permits native method stacks either to be of a fixed size or to dynamically expand and contract as required by the computation. If the native method stacks are of a fixed size, the size of each native method stack may be chosen independently when that stack is created.

A Java Virtual Machine implementation may provide the programmer or the user control over the initial size of the native method stacks, as well as, in the case of varying-size native method stacks, control over the maximum and minimum method stack sizes.

The following exceptional conditions are associated with native method stacks:

If the computation in a thread requires a larger native method stack than is permitted, the Java Virtual Machine throws a StackOverflowError.

If native method stacks can be dynamically expanded and native method stack expansion is attempted but insufficient memory can be made available, or if insufficient memory can be made available to create the initial native method stack for a new thread, the Java Virtual Machine throws an OutOfMemoryError.

另外找到了字符串常量池的所在: The Run-Time Constant pool,详细解释:

5.1. The Run-Time Constant Pool

The Java Virtual Machine maintains a per-type constant pool (§2.5.5), a run-time data structure that serves many of the purposes of the symbol table of a conventional programming language implementation.

The constant_pool table (§4.4) in the binary representation of a class or interface is used to construct the run-time constant pool upon class or interface creation (§5.3). All references in the run-time constant pool are initially symbolic. The symbolic references in the run-time constant pool are derived from structures in the binary representation of the class or interface as follows:

A symbolic reference to a class or interface is derived from a CONSTANT_Class_info structure (§4.4.1) in the binary representation of a class or interface. Such a reference gives the name of the class or interface in the form returned by the Class.getName method, that is:

For a nonarray class or an interface, the name is the binary name (§4.2.1) of the class or interface.

For an array class of n dimensions, the name begins with n occurrences of the ASCII "[" character followed by a representation of the element type:

If the element type is a primitive type, it is represented by the corresponding field descriptor (§4.3.2).

Otherwise, if the element type is a reference type, it is represented by the ASCII "L" character followed by the binary name (§4.2.1) of the element type followed by the ASCII ";" character.

Whenever this chapter refers to the name of a class or interface, it should be understood to be in the form returned by the Class.getName method.

A symbolic reference to a field of a class or an interface is derived from a CONSTANT_Fieldref_info structure (§4.4.2) in the binary representation of a class or interface. Such a reference gives the name and descriptor of the field, as well as a symbolic reference to the class or interface in which the field is to be found.

A symbolic reference to a method of a class is derived from a CONSTANT_Methodref_info structure (§4.4.2) in the binary representation of a class or interface. Such a reference gives the name and descriptor of the method, as well as a symbolic reference to the class in which the method is to be found.

A symbolic reference to a method of an interface is derived from a CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref_info structure (§4.4.2) in the binary representation of a class or interface. Such a reference gives the name and descriptor of the interface method, as well as a symbolic reference to the interface in which the method is to be found.

A symbolic reference to a method handle is derived from a CONSTANT_MethodHandle_info structure (§4.4.8) in the binary representation of a class or interface.

A symbolic reference to a method type is derived from a CONSTANT_MethodType_info structure (§4.4.9) in the binary representation of a class or interface.

A symbolic reference to a call site specifier is derived from a CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic_info structure (§4.4.10) in the binary representation of a class or interface. Such a reference gives:

a symbolic reference to a method handle, which will serve as a bootstrap method for an invokedynamic instruction (§invokedynamic);

a sequence of symbolic references (to classes, method types, and method handles), string literals, and run-time constant values which will serve as static arguments to a bootstrap method;

a method name and method descriptor.

In addition, certain run-time values which are not symbolic references are derived from items found in the constant_pool table:

A string literal is a reference to an instance of class String, and is derived from a CONSTANT_String_info structure (§4.4.3) in the binary representation of a class or interface. The CONSTANT_String_info structure gives the sequence of Unicode code points constituting the string literal.

The Java programming language requires that identical string literals (that is, literals that contain the same sequence of code points) must refer to the same instance of class String (JLS §3.10.5). In addition, if the method String.intern is called on any string, the result is a reference to the same class instance that would be returned if that string appeared as a literal. Thus, the following expression must have the value true:

("a" + "b" + "c").intern() == "abc"

To derive a string literal, the Java Virtual Machine examines the sequence of code points given by the CONSTANT_String_info structure.

If the method String.intern has previously been called on an instance of class String containing a sequence of Unicode code points identical to that given by the CONSTANT_String_info structure, then the result of string literal derivation is a reference to that same instance of class String.

Otherwise, a new instance of class String is created containing the sequence of Unicode code points given by the CONSTANT_String_info structure; a reference to that class instance is the result of string literal derivation. Finally, the intern method of the new String instance is invoked.

Run-time constant values are derived from CONSTANT_Integer_info, CONSTANT_Float_info, CONSTANT_Long_info, or CONSTANT_Double_info structures (§4.4.4, §4.4.5) in the binary representation of a class or interface.

Note that CONSTANT_Float_info structures represent values in IEEE 754 single format and CONSTANT_Double_info structures represent values in IEEE 754 double format (§4.4.4, §4.4.5). The run-time constant values derived from these structures must thus be values that can be represented using IEEE 754 single and double formats, respectively.

The remaining structures in the constant_pool table of the binary representation of a class or interface - the CONSTANT_NameAndType_info and CONSTANT_Utf8_info structures (§4.4.6, §4.4.7) - are only used indirectly when deriving symbolic references to classes, interfaces, methods, fields, method types, and method handles, and when deriving string literals and call site specifiers.

The Run-Time Constant Pool

时间: 2024-07-29 05:50:42

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