我就是在zabbix agent端服务器的DOS窗口,执行“D:\zabbix_agents_2.4.4.yg\bin\win64>zabbix_agentd.exe -c D:\zabbix_agents_2.4.4.yg\conf\zabbix_agentd.win.conf -d”命令。(注意我的路径,并不一定照搬。)
里面的“-d”参数就是卸载命令,具体可以使用“zabbix_agentd.exe --help”查看帮助。
D:\zabbix_agents_2.4.4.yg\bin\win64>zabbix_agentd.exe --help Zabbix Agent Win64 (service) v2.4.4 (revision 52334) (23 February 2015) usage: zabbix_agentd.exe [-Vhp] [-idsx] [-m] [-c <config-file>] [-t <item key>] Options: -c --config <config-file> Absolute path to the configuration file -p --print Print known items and exit -t --test <item key> Test specified item and exit -h --help Display help information -V --version Display version number Functions: -i --install Install Zabbix agent as service -d --uninstall Uninstall Zabbix agent from service -s --start Start Zabbix agent service -x --stop Stop Zabbix agent service -m --multiple-agents Service name will include hostname
D:\zabbix_agents_2.4.4.yg\bin\win64>zabbix_agentd.exe -c D:\zabbix_agents_2.4.4.yg\conf\zabbix_agentd.win.conf -i zabbix_agentd.exe [5444]: service [Zabbix Agent] installed successfully zabbix_agentd.exe [5444]: event source [Zabbix Agent] installed successfully
时间: 2024-12-20 16:06:43