● id 显示用户ID
● chmod 修改文件权限
● umask 设置默认的文件权限
● su 以另一个用户的身份运行shell
● sudo 以另一个用户的身份执行命令
● chown 修改文件的owner
● chgrp 修改文件的group owner
● passwd 修改用户的密码
八 二 权限
0 000 ---
1 001 --x
2 010 -w-
3 011 -wx
4 100 r--
5 101 r-x
6 110 rw-
7 111 rwx
u user的简写,但指的是owner;
g group的简写,指的是group owner;
o other的简写;
a all的简写;
u+x owner权限加执行权限
u-x owner权限移除执行权限
+x 即all+x
o-rw 即other-rw
go=rw 即group,other=rw
u+x,go=rx 即user+x, group&other=rx
umask=0000,0666-0000=0666,即--- rw- rw- rw-
umask=0002,0666-0002=0664,即--- rw- rw- r--
umask=0022,0666-0022=0644,即--- rw- r-- r--
bob Changes the ownership of the file from its current owner to user
bob:users Changes the ownership of the file from its current owner to user
bob and changes the file group owner to group users.
:admins Changes the group owner to the group admins. The file owner is
bob: Change the file owner from the current owner to user bob and
changes the group owner to the login group of user bob.