UVA 11291 - Smeech(概率+词法分析)

UVA 11291 - Smeech


该表达式的值为 p?(e1+e2)+(1?p)?(e1?e2),求出值



#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>

const int N = 100005;
char str[N];
int now, len, token;
double value;

void gettoken() {
	while (str[now] == ' ') {now++;}
	if (str[now] == '(') {
		token = 0; now++;
	else if (str[now] == ')') {
		token = 1; now++;
	else if ((str[now] >= '0' && str[now] <= '9') || str[now] == '.' || str[now] == '-') {
		int flag = 1;
  		if (str[now] == '-') {
    		flag = -1;
  		value = 0;
		token = 2;
		while (now < len && str[now] >= '0' && str[now] <= '9') {
			value = value * 10 + str[now] - '0';
		if (str[now] == '.') {
			double mu = 10;
			while (now < len && str[now] >= '0' && str[now] <= '9') {
				value += (str[now] - '0') / mu;
				mu *= 10;
  		value *= flag;

double expr() {
	if (token == 0) {
		double p = value;
		double x = expr();
		double y = expr();
		return p * (x + y) + (1 - p) * (x - y);
 	else return value;

void init() {
	now = 0;
	len = strlen(str);;

int main() {
	while (gets(str) && strcmp(str, "()") != 0) {
		printf("%.2lf\n", expr());
	return 0;

UVA 11291 - Smeech(概率+词法分析),布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-09 12:11:21

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