Inventory of the materials to teach you how to query a date certain combination of dimensions

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From the Inventory Management-> journals-> Item Counting> Counting can enter the inventory:

Lines can create a new inventory record, click into the inventory:

Need to be aware that disk Points: changes in the respective fields, will be updated in real time.

Basically every field modified method of the corresponding field in the data source will triggerto update disk Points:

The inventory part by class: InventMov_Jour_Loss_SumUp, control, it is a subclass ofinventmov_journal InventMovement subclass inventmov_journal.

InventMov_Jour_Loss_SumUp use: InventQty   dateOnHandPhysical (InventDim _inventDim) disc calculatorspoints,

Which in turn calls a static method of InventSumDatePhysicalDim:

server static InventQty   onHandQty (

TransDate        _transDate

ItemId           _itemId

InventDim        _inventDim

InventDimParm    _inventDimParm


To calculate the static method to invoke class: InventSumDatePhysicalDim this class inherits fromInventSumDatePhysical, which is responsible for the combined dimension to query the amount of materials.

Declare a the class inventmov_journal statement:

InventJournalTrans inventJournalTrans;

When entering the inventory row will operate the inventJournalTrans

First of all:

When you create a new inventory record is triggered to calculate the plate number of points, then used inventDim inventDim InventMovement declared InventMovement:

InventDim inventdim (InventDim _inventDim = inventDim)



inventDim = _inventDim;

if (! inventDim)

inventDim = InventDim :: find (this.inventDimId ());

return inventDim;


To get inventDim! inventDim will call table: find inventDim:

static public InventDim find (InventDimId inventDimId, boolean _forupdate = false)


InventDim inventDim;


if (inventDimId)


if (_forupdate)

inventDim.selectForUpdate (_forupdate);

select firstonly inventDim

index hint DimIdIdx

where inventDim.InventDimId   The == inventDimId;


return inventDim;


In this way, you will know:

InventQty   dateOnHandPhysical (InventDim _inventDim)

The parameters from there, you get your new a new definition inventdim, you add two records record the actual modify this inventdim.


InventQty   dateOnHandPhysical (InventDim _inventDim)


InventDimParm    _inventDimParm;


/ / Lower sentence based on previous inventDim construct a _InventDimParm of

_inventDimParm.initFromInventDim (_inventDim);

_inventDimParm = InventDimParm :: orParms (_inventDimParm, InventJournalTable :: journalId2inventDimParm (inventJournalTrans.JournalId));

return InventSumDatePhysicalDim :: onHandQty (inventJournalTrans.TransDate, inventJournalTrans.ItemId, _inventDim, _inventDimParm);


This code: InventJournalTable :: journalId2inventDimParm:

static InventDimParm journalId2inventDimParm (InventJournalId inventJournalId)


InventDimParm inventDimParm;


InventDimFixedClass :: inventDimFixed2InventDimParm (InventJournalTable :: find (inventJournalId). InventDimFixed, inventDimParm);

return inventDimParm;


The based of the field InventDimFixed inventJournalTable to construct a inventDimParm.

This field is derived from this:

When you create a new record will pop up:

InventDimFixed is an integer of 0 to 255, on eight dimensions, respectively, corresponding to 8bits in a byte, if the dimension is selected, this bit is:

















InventJournalTable the call InventDimFixedClass class to initial this field, the core of the code is:

InventDimFixed inventDimFixed ()


InventDimFixed inventDimFixed;


# InventDimDevelop

if (inventDimParm.inventLocationIdFlag)      inventDimFixed = InventDimFixedClass :: setField (inventDimFixed, # INVENTLOCATIONID_IDX);

if (inventDimParm.inventBatchIdFlag)         inventDimFixed = InventDimFixedClass :: setField (inventDimFixed, # BATCH_IDX);

if (inventDimParm.WMSLocationIdFlag)         inventDimFixed = InventDimFixedClass :: setField (inventDimFixed, # LOCATION_IDX);

if (inventDimParm.WMSPalletIdFlag)           inventDimFixed = InventDimFixedClass :: setField (inventDimFixed, # PALLET_IDX);

if (inventDimParm.inventSerialIdFlag)        inventDimFixed = InventDimFixedClass :: setField (inventDimFixed, # SERIALID_IDX);

if (inventDimParm.configIdFlag)              inventDimFixed = InventDimFixedClass :: setField (inventDimFixed, # CONFIGID_IDX);

if (inventDimParm.inventSizeIdFlag)          inventDimFixed = InventDimFixedClass :: setField (inventDimFixed, # INVENTSIZEID_IDX);

if (inventDimParm.inventColorIdFlag)         inventDimFixed = InventDimFixedClass :: setField (inventDimFixed, # INVENTCOLORID_IDX);

return inventDimFixed;


View the class declaration you can see:

public class InventDimFixedClass


InventDimParm                     inventDimParm;









/ / Indexes 0 .. 15 reserved for the SYS layer

/ / Indexes 16 .. 30 reserved for distributors, vars and customers



SetField performed:

static InventDimFixed setField (InventDimFixed inventDimFixed, Integer idx)



inventDimFixed   = InventDimFixed | (1 << idx);

return inventDimFixed;


That is, with the 1-bit or a result.

Continue to look at the code:

InventQty   dateOnHandPhysical (InventDim _inventDim)


InventDimParm    _inventDimParm;


/ / Lower sentence based on previous inventDim construct a _InventDimParm of

_inventDimParm.initFromInventDim (_inventDim);

_inventDimParm = InventDimParm :: orParms (_inventDimParm, InventJournalTable :: journalId2inventDimParm (inventJournalTrans.JournalId));

return InventSumDatePhysicalDim :: onHandQty (inventJournalTrans.TransDate, inventJournalTrans.ItemId, _inventDim, _inventDimParm);


Two inventDimParm by bit or get a inventDimParm of, and then use the Enter dates onHandQty starta dimension materials knot stock:

server static InventQty   onHandQty (

TransDate        _transDate

ItemId           _itemId

InventDim        _inventDim

InventDimParm    _inventDimParm



InventSumDatePhysicalDim    inventSumDatePhysicalDim = InventSumDatePhysicalDim :: newParameters (_transDate, _itemId, _inventDim, _inventDimParm);


the return inventSumDatePhysicalDim.postedQty ()      +

inventSumDatePhysicalDim.receivedQty ()    -

inventSumDatePhysicalDim.deductedQty ()    -

inventSumDatePhysicalDim.pickedQty ()      +

inventSumDatePhysicalDim.registeredQty ();


To construct a class InventSumDatePhysicalDim to calculate balances.

Final first InventSumDatePhysicalDim selectInventTransPicked selectInventTransPostingFinancial selectInventTransPostingPhysical selectInventTransRegistered

These four methods will be combined with the two macro statements to query the transaction records the various date is greater than the selected dates, stock from the InventSum table query to the current node, then the middle of the current date and query date the number of transactions according to the actual access to addition and subtraction, the The Query Date junction stock.

These two macros: # InventDimSelect,

# InventDimExistsJoin:

exists join tableId from% 2

where (% 2.InventDimId        == 1) &&

(% 2.ConfigId           ==% 3.ConfigId               | |!% 4.ConfigIdFlag of)            &&

(% 2.InventSizeId        ==% 3.InventSizeId           | |!% 4.InventSizeIdFlag of)        &&

(% 2.InventColorId      ==% 3.InventColorId          | |!% 4.InventColorIdFlag of)       &&

(% 2.InventLocationId   ==% 3.InventLocationId       | |!% 4.InventLocationIdFlag of)    &&

(% 2.InventBatchId      ==% 3.InventBatchId          | |!% 4.InventBatchIdFlag of)       &&

(% 2.WMSLocationId      ==% 3.WMSLocationId          | |!% 4.WMSLocationIdFlag of)       &&

(% 2.WMSPalletId        ==% 3.WMSPalletId            | |!% 4.WMSPalletIdFlag of)         &&

(% 2.InventSerialId     ==% 3.InventSerialId         | |!% 4.InventSerialIdFlag of)

# InventDimDevelop

This macro realized: If you choose a certain dimension, then it must be with you to your dimensions to match the dimension table in the database to find the corresponding data if you do not choose this dimension, this dimension all match.

Finally, we talk about how to use it:

An example:

If you want to query material B-Pack1 dimensions: Warehouse: GW, SIZE: 5, Color: red 4/22/2008junction stock

Can do:

InventDim inventDim;

InventDimParm    _inventDimParm;

Date          _date;

ItemId itemId;


inventDim.inventColorId = "red";

inventDim.inventSizeId = 5;

inventDim.inventLocationId = "gw";

_inventDimParm.initFromInventDim (_inventDim);

_date = 22/4/2008;

itemId = "b-pack1";

return InventSumDatePhysicalDim :: onHandQty (_date, iItemId, inventDim, _inventDimParm);

时间: 2024-07-29 03:28:40

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