解决Unity的 The file 'MemoryStream' is corrupted! Remove it and launch 崩溃问题

孙广东   2015.7.30

问题:   在项目平时删除资源或者脚本资源时产生的prefab的脚本引用丢失,特别是在场景scene中丢了
/// 1、又一次Clone项目
/// 2、删除项目的 Library 目录(推荐、解决紧急问题)
/// 3、使用这个脚本解决全部问题(这个当然推荐了)


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

/// <summary>
/// 查看 prefab的脚本引用丢失
/// 像 : The file ‘MemoryStream‘ is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again!  [Position out of bounds! 20 > 16]  崩溃问题
/// http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-4-5-memory-stream-is-corrupted.248356/
/// http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/editor-want-to-check-all-prefabs-in-a-project-for-an-attached-monobehaviour.253149/#post-1673716
/// </summary>
public class SearchForComponents : EditorWindow
    [MenuItem("DajiaGame/Search For Components")]
    static void Init()
        SearchForComponents window = (SearchForComponents)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(SearchForComponents));
        window.position = new Rect(20, 80, 550, 500);

    string[] modes = new string[] { "Search for component usage", "Search for missing components" };
    string[] checkType = new string[] { "Check single component", "Check all components" };

    List<string> listResult;
    List<ComponentNames> prefabComponents, notUsedComponents, addedComponents, existingComponents, sceneComponents;
    int editorMode, selectedCheckType;
    MonoScript targetComponent;
    string componentName = "";

    bool showPrefabs, showAdded, showScene, showUnused = true;
    Vector2 scroll, scroll1, scroll2, scroll3, scroll4;

    class ComponentNames
        public string componentName;
        public string namespaceName;
        public string assetPath;
        public List<string> usageSource;
        public ComponentNames(string comp, string space, string path)
            this.componentName = comp;
            this.namespaceName = space;
            this.assetPath = path;
            this.usageSource = new List<string>();
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return ((ComponentNames)obj).componentName == componentName && ((ComponentNames)obj).namespaceName == namespaceName;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return componentName.GetHashCode() + namespaceName.GetHashCode();

    void OnGUI()
        GUILayout.Label(position + "");
        int oldValue = GUI.skin.window.padding.bottom;
        GUI.skin.window.padding.bottom = -20;
        Rect windowRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1, 17);
        windowRect.x += 4;
        windowRect.width -= 7;
        editorMode = GUI.SelectionGrid(windowRect, editorMode, modes, 2, "Window");
        GUI.skin.window.padding.bottom = oldValue;

        switch (editorMode)
            case 0:
                selectedCheckType = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(selectedCheckType, checkType, 2, "Toggle");
                GUI.enabled = selectedCheckType == 0;
                targetComponent = (MonoScript)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(targetComponent, typeof(MonoScript), false);
                GUI.enabled = true;

                if (GUILayout.Button("Check component usage"))
                    switch (selectedCheckType)
                        case 0:
                            componentName = targetComponent.name;
                            string targetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(targetComponent);
                            string[] allPrefabs = GetAllPrefabs();
                            listResult = new List<string>();
                            foreach (string prefab in allPrefabs)
                                string[] single = new string[] { prefab };
                                string[] dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(single);
                                foreach (string dependedAsset in dependencies)
                                    if (dependedAsset == targetPath)
                        case 1:
                            List<string> scenesToLoad = new List<string>();
                            existingComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();
                            prefabComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();
                            notUsedComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();
                            addedComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();
                            sceneComponents = new List<ComponentNames>();

                            if (EditorApplication.SaveCurrentSceneIfUserWantsTo())
                                string projectPath = Application.dataPath;
                                projectPath = projectPath.Substring(0, projectPath.IndexOf("Assets"));

                                string[] allAssets = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths();

                                foreach (string asset in allAssets)
                                    int indexCS = asset.IndexOf(".cs");
                                    int indexJS = asset.IndexOf(".js");
                                    if (indexCS != -1 || indexJS != -1)
                                        ComponentNames newComponent = new ComponentNames(NameFromPath(asset), "", asset);
                                            System.IO.FileStream FS = new System.IO.FileStream(projectPath + asset, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite);
                                            System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader(FS);
                                            string line;
                                            while (!SR.EndOfStream)
                                                line = SR.ReadLine();
                                                int index1 = line.IndexOf("namespace");
                                                int index2 = line.IndexOf("{");
                                                if (index1 != -1 && index2 != -1)
                                                    line = line.Substring(index1 + 9);
                                                    index2 = line.IndexOf("{");
                                                    line = line.Substring(0, index2);
                                                    line = line.Replace(" ", "");
                                                    newComponent.namespaceName = line;


                                            System.IO.FileStream FS = new System.IO.FileStream(projectPath + asset, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite);
                                            System.IO.StreamReader SR = new System.IO.StreamReader(FS);

                                            string line;
                                            int lineNum = 0;
                                            while (!SR.EndOfStream)
                                                line = SR.ReadLine();
                                                int index = line.IndexOf("AddComponent");
                                                if (index != -1)
                                                    line = line.Substring(index + 12);
                                                    if (line[0] == ‘(‘)
                                                        line = line.Substring(1, line.IndexOf(‘)‘) - 1);
                                                    else if (line[0] == ‘<‘)
                                                        line = line.Substring(1, line.IndexOf(‘>‘) - 1);
                                                    line = line.Replace(" ", "");
                                                    line = line.Replace("\"", "");
                                                    index = line.LastIndexOf(‘.‘);
                                                    ComponentNames newComp;
                                                    if (index == -1)
                                                        newComp = new ComponentNames(line, "", "");
                                                        newComp = new ComponentNames(line.Substring(index + 1, line.Length - (index + 1)), line.Substring(0, index), "");
                                                    string pName = asset + ", Line " + lineNum;
                                                    index = addedComponents.IndexOf(newComp);
                                                    if (index == -1)
                                                        if (!addedComponents[index].usageSource.Contains(pName)) addedComponents[index].usageSource.Add(pName);
                                    int indexPrefab = asset.IndexOf(".prefab");

                                    if (indexPrefab != -1)
                                        string[] single = new string[] { asset };
                                        string[] dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(single);
                                        foreach (string dependedAsset in dependencies)
                                            if (dependedAsset.IndexOf(".cs") != -1 || dependedAsset.IndexOf(".js") != -1)
                                                ComponentNames newComponent = new ComponentNames(NameFromPath(dependedAsset), GetNamespaceFromPath(dependedAsset), dependedAsset);
                                                int index = prefabComponents.IndexOf(newComponent);
                                                if (index == -1)
                                                    if (!prefabComponents[index].usageSource.Contains(asset)) prefabComponents[index].usageSource.Add(asset);
                                    int indexUnity = asset.IndexOf(".unity");
                                    if (indexUnity != -1)

                                for (int i = addedComponents.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                                    addedComponents[i].assetPath = GetPathFromNames(addedComponents[i].namespaceName, addedComponents[i].componentName);
                                    if (addedComponents[i].assetPath == "") addedComponents.RemoveAt(i);


                                foreach (string scene in scenesToLoad)
                                    GameObject[] sceneGOs = GetAllObjectsInScene();
                                    foreach (GameObject g in sceneGOs)
                                        Component[] comps = g.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>(true);
                                        foreach (Component c in comps)

                                            if (c != null && c.GetType() != null && c.GetType().BaseType != null && c.GetType().BaseType == typeof(MonoBehaviour))
                                                SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(c);
                                                SerializedProperty p = so.FindProperty("m_Script");
                                                string path = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(p.objectReferenceValue);
                                                ComponentNames newComp = new ComponentNames(NameFromPath(path), GetNamespaceFromPath(path), path);
                                                int index = sceneComponents.IndexOf(newComp);
                                                if (index == -1)
                                                    if (!sceneComponents[index].usageSource.Contains(scene)) sceneComponents[index].usageSource.Add(scene);

                                foreach (ComponentNames c in existingComponents)
                                    if (addedComponents.Contains(c)) continue;
                                    if (prefabComponents.Contains(c)) continue;
                                    if (sceneComponents.Contains(c)) continue;

            case 1:
                if (GUILayout.Button("Search!"))
                    string[] allPrefabs = GetAllPrefabs();
                    listResult = new List<string>();
                    foreach (string prefab in allPrefabs)
                        UnityEngine.Object o = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(prefab);
                        GameObject go;
                            go = (GameObject)o;
                            Component[] components = go.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>(true);
                            foreach (Component c in components)
                                if (c == null)
                            Debug.Log("For some reason, prefab " + prefab + " won‘t cast to GameObject");
        if (editorMode == 1 || selectedCheckType == 0)
            if (listResult != null)
                if (listResult.Count == 0)
                    GUILayout.Label(editorMode == 0 ? (componentName == "" ?

"Choose a component" : "No prefabs use component " + componentName) : ("No prefabs have missing components!\nClick Search to check again"));
                    GUILayout.Label(editorMode == 0 ? ("The following prefabs use component " + componentName + ":") : ("The following prefabs have missing components:"));
                    scroll = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll);
                    foreach (string s in listResult)
                        GUILayout.Label(s, GUILayout.Width(position.width / 2));
                        if (GUILayout.Button("Select", GUILayout.Width(position.width / 2 - 10)))
                            Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(s);
            showPrefabs = GUILayout.Toggle(showPrefabs, "Show prefab components");
            if (showPrefabs)
                GUILayout.Label("The following components are attatched to prefabs:");
                DisplayResults(ref scroll1, ref prefabComponents);
            showAdded = GUILayout.Toggle(showAdded, "Show AddComponent arguments");
            if (showAdded)
                GUILayout.Label("The following components are AddComponent arguments:");
                DisplayResults(ref scroll2, ref addedComponents);
            showScene = GUILayout.Toggle(showScene, "Show Scene-used components");
            if (showScene)
                GUILayout.Label("The following components are used by scene objects:");
                DisplayResults(ref scroll3, ref sceneComponents);
            showUnused = GUILayout.Toggle(showUnused, "Show Unused Components");
            if (showUnused)
                GUILayout.Label("The following components are not used by prefabs, by AddComponent, OR in any scene:");
                DisplayResults(ref scroll4, ref notUsedComponents);

    int SortAlphabetically(ComponentNames a, ComponentNames b)
        return a.assetPath.CompareTo(b.assetPath);

    GameObject[] GetAllObjectsInScene()
        List<GameObject> objectsInScene = new List<GameObject>();
        GameObject[] allGOs = (GameObject[])Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject));
        foreach (GameObject go in allGOs)
            //if ( go.hideFlags == HideFlags.NotEditable || go.hideFlags == HideFlags.HideAndDontSave )
            //    continue;

            string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(go.transform.root.gameObject);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))


        return objectsInScene.ToArray();

    void DisplayResults(ref Vector2 scroller, ref List<ComponentNames> list)
        if (list == null) return;
        scroller = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroller);
        foreach (ComponentNames c in list)
            GUILayout.Label(c.assetPath, GUILayout.Width(position.width / 5 * 4));
            if (GUILayout.Button("Select", GUILayout.Width(position.width / 5 - 30)))
                Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(c.assetPath);
            if (c.usageSource.Count == 1)
                GUILayout.Label("   In 1 Place: " + c.usageSource[0]);
            if (c.usageSource.Count > 1)
                GUILayout.Label("   In " + c.usageSource.Count + " Places: " + c.usageSource[0] + ", " + c.usageSource[1] + (c.usageSource.Count > 2 ? ", ..." : ""));


    string NameFromPath(string s)
        s = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf(‘/‘) + 1);
        return s.Substring(0, s.Length - 3);

    string GetNamespaceFromPath(string path)
        foreach (ComponentNames c in existingComponents)
            if (c.assetPath == path)
                return c.namespaceName;
        return "";

    string GetPathFromNames(string space, string name)
        ComponentNames test = new ComponentNames(name, space, "");
        int index = existingComponents.IndexOf(test);
        if (index != -1)
            return existingComponents[index].assetPath;
        return "";

    public static string[] GetAllPrefabs()
        string[] temp = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths();
        List<string> result = new List<string>();
        foreach (string s in temp)
            if (s.Contains(".prefab")) result.Add(s);
        return result.ToArray();


解决Unity的 The file 'MemoryStream' is corrupted! Remove it and launch 崩溃问题

时间: 2024-08-09 06:15:00

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