Speculative Execution in Hadoop


所谓的推测执行,就是当所有task都开始运行之后,Job Tracker会统计所有任务的平均进度,如果某个task所在的task node机器配置比较低或者CPU load很高(原因很多),导致任务执行比总体任务的平均执行要慢,此时Job Tracker会启动一个新的任务(duplicate task),原有任务和新任务(一个task会有多个attempt同时执行)哪个先执行完就把另外一个kill掉,这也是我们经常在Job Tracker页面看到任务执行成功,但是总有些任务被kill,就是这个原因。另外,根据mapreduce job的特点,同一个task执行多次的结果是一样的,所以task只要有一次执行成功,job就是成功的,被kill的task对job的结果没有影响。





而Hadoop 会根据task progress score决定是否killed一个task:

For a map, the progress score is the fraction of input data read.

For a reduce task, the execution is divided into three phases, each of which accounts for 1/3 of the score:
• The copy phase, when the task fetches map outputs.
• The sort phase, when map outputs are sorted by key.
• The reduce phase, when a user-de?ned function is applied to the list of map outputs with each key.
In each phase, the score is the fraction of data processed.
For example,
• a task halfway through the copy phase has a progress score of 1 / 2 * 1 / 3 = 1 / 6
• a task halfway through the reduce phase has a progress score of 1 / 3 + 1 / 3 + 1 / 2 * 1 / 3 = 5 / 6

Hadoop looks at the
average progress score of each category of tasks (maps and reduces) to
de?ne a threshold for speculative execution. When a task’s progress
score is less than the average for its category by
a threshold, and the task has run for a certain amount of time, it is
considered slow. The scheduler also ensures that at most one speculative
copy of each task is running at a time. When running multiple jobs,
Hadoop uses a FIFO discipline where the earliest
submitted job is asked for a task to run, then the second, etc. There
is also a priority system for putting jobs into higher-priority queues.


Speculative Execution in Hadoop

时间: 2024-10-26 19:16:44

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