Effective Java 69 Prefer concurrency utilities to wait and notify


Use the higher-level concurrency utilities
instead of wait and notify for easiness.

Use ConcurrentHashMap in preference to
Collections.synchronizedMap or Hashtable.

Use concurrent collections in preference to
externally synchronized collections.

Three categories of higher-level utilities in

  1. Executor Framework (Item

  2. Concurrent collections - provide high-
    performance concurrent implementations of standard collection interfaces such
    as List, Queue, and Map.

    Since all the implementation of Concurrent
    collections manage their own synchronization internally it‘s impossible to
    exclude concurrent activity from a concurrent collection; locking it will have
    no effect but slow the program.

// Method simulates the behavior of
String.intern. Concurrent canonicalizing map atop ConcurrentMap -

private static final
ConcurrentMap<String, String> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String,

public static String
intern(String s) {

String result =

if (result == null) {

result =
map.putIfAbsent(s, s);

if (result == null)

result = s;


return result;



String.intern must use
some sort of weak reference to keep from leaking memory over time.

Blocking operation -
wait until they can be successfully performed.

BlockingQueue (Used
for work queues) extends Queue and adds several methods, including take, which
removes and returns the head element from the queue, waiting if the queue is

  1. Synchronizers - Objects that enable
    threads to wait for one another.
    (eg. CountDownLatch, Semaphore,
    CyclicBarrier and Exchanger).

    Countdown latches are single-use barriers that
    allow one or more threads to wait for one or more other threads to do


    * Concurrency timer demo for "69 Prefer
    concurrency utilities to wait and notify".


    package com.effectivejava.concurrency;

    import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;

    import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

    import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;

    import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;

    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;


    * @author Kaibo Hao



    public class ExecutorManager {

    // Simple framework
    for timing concurrent execution

    public static long
    time(Executor executor, int concurrency,

    final Runnable
    action) throws InterruptedException {

    final CountDownLatch
    ready = new CountDownLatch(concurrency);

    final CountDownLatch
    start = new CountDownLatch(1);

    final CountDownLatch
    done = new CountDownLatch(concurrency);

    for (int i = 0; i
    < concurrency; i++) {

    Runnable() {

    public void run() {

    // Tell timer we‘re ready

    try {

    start.await(); //
    Wait till peers are ready


    } catch
    (InterruptedException e) {


    } finally {

    // Tell timer we‘re done





    ready.await(); //
    Wait for all workers to be ready

    long startNanos =

    // And they‘re off!

    done.await(); //
    Wait for all workers to finish

    System.nanoTime() - startNanos;



    * @param args


    public static void
    main(String[] args) {

    try {

    Executor executor =
    new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, 2, 10,

    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new

    long executedTime =
    time(executor, 2, new Runnable() {


    public void run() {

    System.out.printf("Runing %s%n",



    System.out.printf("%sns %.3fms %.3fs", executedTime,

    executedTime /
    1000.0, executedTime / 1000000.0);

    } catch
    (InterruptedException e) {






If a worker thread catches an
InterruptedException, it reasserts the interrupt using the idiom
Thread.currentThread().interrupt() and returns from its run method.

Since System.nanoTime is both more accurate and
more precise, and it is not affected by adjustments to the system‘s real-time
clock. For interval timing, always use System.nanoTime in preference to

Always use the wait loop idiom to invoke
the wait method; never invoke it outside of a loop.

// The standard idiom for using the wait

synchronized (obj) {

while (<condition
does not hold>)

obj.wait(); //
(Releases lock, and reacquires on wakeup)

... // Perform action
appropriate to condition


Reasons a thread might wake up when the
condition does not hold:

? Another thread could have obtained the lock and
changed the guarded state between the time a thread invoked notify and the time
the waiting thread woke.

? Another thread could have invoked notify
accidentally or maliciously when the condition did not hold. Classes expose
themselves to this sort of mischief by waiting on publicly accessible objects.
Any wait contained in a synchronized method of a publicly accessible object is
susceptible to this problem.

? The notifying thread could be overly "generous"
in waking waiting threads. For example, the notifying thread might invoke
notifyAll even if only some of the waiting threads have their condition

? The waiting thread could (rarely) wake up in
the absence of a notify. This is known as a spurious wakeup[Posix,;


using wait and notify directly is like
programming in "concurrency assembly language," as compared to the higher-level
language provided by java.util.concurrent. There is seldom, if ever, a
reason to use wait and notify in new code.
If you maintain code that uses wait and notify, make sure that it always invokes
wait from within a while loop using the standard idiom
The notifyAll method should generally be used in preference to notify. If notify
is used, great care must be taken to ensure liveness.

Effective Java 69 Prefer concurrency utilities to wait and

时间: 2024-10-11 13:14:34

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