[C++]LeetCode: 87 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number


Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent.

A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below.

Input:Digit string "23"
Output: ["ad", "ae", "af", "bd", "be", "bf", "cd", "ce", "cf"].


Although the above answer is in lexicographical order, your answer could be in any order you want.

Answer 1: 递归方法(DFS)



1. 如何初始化数字字母查找表,用字符串数组表示。字符串数组一维坐标代表定位到第几个字符串,二维坐标代表定位到字符。如numap[3][2] = ‘f‘

string numap[] = {" ","","abc","def","ghi","jkl","mno","pqrs","tuv","wxyz"};

2. 注意当digits为空输入时,我们要返回“”,而不是空数组。

 string tmpstr(digits.size(), ' ');

3. 如果我们此时应用数字2对应的第一个字母,如何能在DFS后,巧妙地替换成数字2对应的其他字母呢?如果我们每次先push再pop, 只能pop最后一位的字符,不能准确定位,同时产生错误结果。我们这里用index 分别去更换新的字母。(index表示计算digits第几位)

 tmpstr[index] = numap[digits[index] - '0'][i];

使用pop产生错误结果: tmpstr.pop_back();

Input: "2"
Output: [" a"," b"," c"]
Expected: ["a","b","c"]

Submitted Code

AC Code:

class Solution {
    vector<string> letterCombinations(string digits) {
        vector<string> ret;
      //  if(digits.size() == 0) return ret;
        string tmpstr(digits.size(), ' ');
        letterCombinations_helper(digits, 0, tmpstr, ret);
        return ret;

    vector<vector<char> > phonetable;
    void letterCombinations_helper(string digits, int index, string tmpstr, vector<string>& ret)
        string numap[] = {" ","","abc","def","ghi","jkl","mno","pqrs","tuv","wxyz"};
        if(index == digits.size())

        for(int i = 0; i < numap[digits[index] - '0'].size(); i++)
            tmpstr[index] = numap[digits[index] - '0'][i];
            letterCombinations_helper(digits, index+1, tmpstr, ret);
           // tmpstr.pop_back();


Answer 2: 非递归方法(BFS)


举个例子,比如我们要求“23”,初始化ret = [""], 2对应三个字母,所以tmp会push三次,得到tmp[0] = "" + ‘a’; tmp[1] = "" + ‘b‘; tmp[2] = "" + ‘c‘. ret = tmp; (第一次最外层迭代结束); ret.size() = 3. tmp[0] = "a" + ‘d‘; tmp[1] = "a"+‘e‘; tmp[2] = "a"+‘f‘; tmp[3] = "b"+‘d’;.......直到得到所有的结果。(外层迭代结束)。每次都要更新目前为止的ret的所有结果,


Attention: 三层循环,最外层:digits的位数(digits.size()); 第二层: 当前ret内的子集数目(ret.size()); 最内层: 这个数字对应的所有可能字母(numap[digits[i] - ‘0‘].size()). 是BFS思路。

AC Code:

class Solution {
    vector<string> letterCombinations(string digits) {
        vector<string> ret(1, "");
        string numap[] = {" "," ","abc","def","ghi","jkl","mno","pqrs","tuv","wxyz"};

        for(int i = 0; i < digits.size(); i++)
            vector<string> tmp;

            for(int j = 0; j < ret.size(); j++)
                for(int k = 0; k < numap[digits[i]-'0'].size(); k++)
                    tmp.push_back(ret[j] + numap[digits[i]-'0'][k]);
            ret = tmp;

        return ret;

Submitted: 36 minutes ago
Input: "2"
Output: [" a"," b"," c"]
Expected: ["a","b","c"]

Submitted Code

时间: 2024-10-11 22:07:59

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