Nginx(2) - Admin’s Guide

Installing NGINX

Installing NGINX Plus
Installing NGINX Open Source
NGINX Plus on Microsoft Azure
NGINX Plus on Amazon EC2
NGINX Plus on the Google Cloud Platform

Getting Started

Runtime control – Starting and stopping NGINX and NGINX Plus processes, including zero-downtime reconfiguration and binary upgrades

Basic Functionality

Web server
Serving static content
Reverse proxy
Compression and decompression
Web content cache

Managing SSL Traffic

SSL termination
SSL termination for TCP upstreams
SSL Between NGINX and a HTTP upstream
SSL Between NGINX and a TCP upstream

Load Balancing

HTTP load balancer
TCP load balancer
Using the PROXY protocal


Restricting access to proxied HTTP resources
Restricting access to proxied TCP resources
Logging and monitoring
High availability for NGINX Plus

Deployment Guides

Apache Tomcat - Using NGINX and NGINX Plus to load balance Apache TomcatTM application servers
JBoss - Using NGINX and NGINX Plus to load balance JBoss application servers
Microsoft Exchange
New Relic Plug-In – Enabling monitoring of NGINX with New Relic APM™
Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle WebLogic Server
uWSGI and Django

NGINX Plus Releases

Feature Lists for NGINX Plus Release

时间: 2024-08-06 22:02:51

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Nginx相关配置 =============================================================================== 概述: 本篇我们将继续上一篇的话题,来介绍Nginx的相关配置 回顾: Nginx安装之rpm包 过程如下:   1.在Nginx官方网点下载适合的nginx rpm包到本地,这里是我下载的rpm包: nginx-1.10.0-1.el7.ngx.x86_64.rpm 2.在当前nginx包的所在目录中执行yum in

docker registry v2 nginx 安全访问控制

环境准备: docker 版本:1.9.1 registry版本:2.2.1 本文之前也有发过一篇自建仓库nginx认证,但是对新出的registry v2版本不适用,特重更一篇. 一.创建相关目录及文件 (1)目录结构 auth│   ├── domain.crt│   ├── domain.key│   ├── nginx.conf│   └── nginx.htpasswd├── data mkdir -p auth mkdir -p data openssl req -newkey rs


一.配置使用nginx 1.提供测试页 [[email protected] ~]# mkdir /www/ [[email protected] ~]# cat /www/  <h1></h1> [[email protected] ~]# chown -R nginx.nginx /www/ 2.备份配置文件并简要更改配置文件 [[email protected] ~]#


server { listen 80; server_name; #静态页面 #匹配首页, index index.html; root /usr/local/nginx/html/admin/; #匹配样式 location ~ .*\.(html|htm|gif|jpg|jpeg|bmp|png|ico|txt|js|css|font|ttf)$ { root /usr/local/nginx/html/admin/; } #动态页面 #匹配

red5下nginx安装配置 原址: 安装Nginx 1.首先安装pcre-8.02.tar 否则 执行完后会提示一个错误,说缺少PCRE library 这个是HTTP Rewrite 模块,也即是url静态化的包 可上传pcre-8.02.tar.gz,输入如下命令安装: Java代码   tar xzvf pcre-8.02.tar ./configure make make ins

Nginx 基本使用

1.Ngjinx 简介 Nginx(发音同 engine x)是一款轻量级的Web 服务器/反向代理服务器及电子邮件(IMAP/POP3)代理服务器.其特点是占有内存少,并发能力强,中国大陆使用nginx网站用户有:新浪.网易.腾讯等.能够支持高达 50,000 个并发连接数的响应. 2.编译安装Nginx #添加Nginx运行用户及组 [[email protected] ~]# groupadd nginx -r [[email protected] ~]# useradd -g nginx


nginx简介及特性 1.)nginx是一个高性能的web服务器和反向代理服务器,也是一个邮件代理服务器.具有高并发,开销小的特性.性能稳定,采用异步I/O处理机制.配置简洁. 2.)nginx特性: 基本功能: 静态资源的web服务器,能缓存打开的文件描述符 反向代理服务器,缓存.负载均衡 支持FastCGI 模块化,非DSO机制,过滤器gzip,SSI和图像大小调整等 支持SSL 扩展功能: 基于名称和IP做虚拟主机 支持keepalive 支持平滑配置更新或程序版本升级 定制访问日志,支持