Poj Double Queue 3481 AVL解法






#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
using std::max;

class DoubleQueue3481_2
	struct Node
		int key, num;
		Node *left, *right;
		int h;
		Node(int k, int n) : key(k), num(n), left(NULL), right(NULL), h(1) {}
			if (left) delete left;
			if (right) delete right;

	void updateHeight(Node *n)
		n->h = max(getHeight(n->left), getHeight(n->right)) + 1;

	int getHeight(Node *n)
		if (!n) return 0;
		return n->h;

	Node *leftRotate(Node *y)
		Node *x = y->right;
		y->right = x->left;
		x->left = y;

		return x;

	Node *rightRotate(Node *y)
		Node *x = y->left;
		y->left = x->right;
		x->right = y;

		return x;

	int getBalance(Node *n)
		if (!n) return 0;
		return getHeight(n->left) - getHeight(n->right);

	Node *balanceNode(Node *n)
		if (!n) return n;


		int balance = getBalance(n);

		if (balance > 1 && getBalance(n->left) >= 0)
			return rightRotate(n);
		if (balance < -1 && getBalance(n->right) <= 0)
			return leftRotate(n);
		if (balance > 1 && getBalance(n->left) < 0)
			n->left = leftRotate(n->left);
			return rightRotate(n);
		if (balance < -1 && getBalance(n->right) > 0)
			n->right = rightRotate(n->right);
			return leftRotate(n);
		return n;

	Node *insert(Node *n, int key, int num)
		if (!n) return new Node(key, num);

		if (key < n->key) n->left = insert(n->left, key, num);
		else n->right = insert(n->right, key, num);

		return balanceNode(n);

	Node *minValueNode(Node *n)
		if (!n) return n;
		Node *cur = n;
		while (cur->left) cur = cur->left;
		return cur;

	Node *maxValueNode(Node *n)
		if (!n) return n;
		Node *cur = n;
		while (cur->right) cur = cur->right;
		return cur;

	Node *delNode(Node *r, int key)
		if (!r) return r;

		if (key < r->key) r->left = delNode(r->left, key);
		else if (r->key < key) r->right = delNode(r->right, key);
			if (!r->left || !r->right)
				Node *t = r->left? r->left : r->right;
				if (!t)
					t = r;
					r = NULL;
				else *r = *t;//copy content, be careful about the *
				delete t;
				t = NULL;
				//key step: get inorder successor
				Node *t = minValueNode(r->right);
				r->key = t->key;
				r->right = delNode(r->right, t->key);
		return balanceNode(r);

	void preOrder(Node *root)
		if(root != NULL)
			printf("%d ", root->key);
		Node *root = NULL;
		int req = 0;
		while (scanf("%d", &req) != EOF)
			if (0 == req) break;
			else if (1 == req)
				int k, p;
				scanf("%d %d", &k, &p);
				root = insert(root, p, k);
			else if (2 == req)
				Node *maxNode = maxValueNode(root);
				if (!maxNode) printf("0\n");
				else printf("%d\n", maxNode->num);

				//写少了个root =
				if (maxNode) root = delNode(root, maxNode->key);
			else if (3 == req)
				Node *minNode = minValueNode(root);
				if (!minNode) printf("0\n");
				else printf("%d\n", minNode->num);
				if (minNode) root = delNode(root, minNode->key);
		if (root) delete root;


Poj Double Queue 3481 AVL解法

时间: 2024-08-03 18:07:56

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