Avril Lavigne : Everybody Hurts (Ver3)



  Em   C   G   D

Capo 3Intro
E |----3----- | ----3----- | ----3----- | ----2----- |
B |---0-0---- | ---0-0---- | ---0-0---- | ---3-3---- |
G |---------- | ---------- | -0-------- | ---------- |
D |-2-------- | ---------- | ---------- | -0-------- | 2x
A |---------- | -3-------- | ---------- | ---------- |
E |---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | 
Intro:  Em  C  G  D

Em    C
Don‘t know
G                    D
Don‘t know, if I can do this on my own
Em  C      G        D
Why do, you have to leave me?
Em  C              G                D
It seems, that I‘m losing something deep inside of me
Em   C   G     D
Hold on, on to me

C         D
Now I see, now I see

Em        C         G  D
Everybody hurts some days
Em        C    G    D
It‘s okay to be afraid
Em        C
Everybody hurts
G         D
Everybody screams
Em        C     G   D
Everybody feels this way
Em        C
And it‘s okay
G           D     Em      C    G    D
La la la la la, it‘s okay

Em    C        G              D
It feels, like nothing really matters anymore
Em          C     G         D
When you‘re gone, I can‘t breathe
Em          C              G               D
And I know, you never meant to make me feel this way
Em     C    G        D
This can‘t, be happening

C         D
Now I see, now I see

Em        C         G  D
Everybody hurts some days
Em        C    G    D
It‘s okay to be afraid
Em        C
Everybody hurts
G         D
Everybody screams
Em        C     G   D
Everybody feels this way
Em        C
And it‘s okay
G           D     Em    C
La la la la la, it‘s okay
G         D
La la la la

So many questions so much on my mind
So many answers I can‘t find
I wish I could turn back the time
I wonder why

Em        C         G  D
Everybody hurts some days
Em        C    G    D
It‘s okay to be afraid
Em        C
Everybody hurts
G         D
Everybody screams
Em        C     G   D
Everybody feels this way
Em        C
And it‘s okay
G           D     Em    C
La la la la la, it‘s okay
G         D
The End


时间: 2024-12-29 19:42:39

Avril Lavigne : Everybody Hurts (Ver3)的相关文章

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