前段时间项目改代码突然cpu波动很大,排查了好久都没有找到原因,只能求助于性能测试工具 :
<<Erlang程序设计>>----Joe Armstorng[哈哈,登月第一人也叫Armstrong]
2> seek_proc_info:help(). Brief help: seek_proc_info:queue(N) - show top N pids sorted by queue length seek_proc_info:memory(N) - show top N pids sorted by memory usage seek_proc_info:reds(N) - show top N pids sorted by reductions Erlang shell with Ctrl+C seek_proc_info:eprof_start() - start eprof on all available pids; DO NOT use on production system! seek_proc_info:eprof_stop() - stop eprof and print result seek_proc_info:fprof_start() - start fprof on all available pids; DO NOT use on production system! seek_proc_info:fprof_stop() - stop eprof and print formatted result seek_proc_info:fprof_start(N) - start and run fprof for N seconds; use seek_proc_info:fprof_analyze() to analyze collected statistics and print formatted result; use on production system with CARE seek_proc_info:fprof_analyze() - analyze previously collected statistics using seek_proc_info:fprof_start(N) and print formatted result seek_proc_info:help() - print this help ok
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% @author [email protected] %%% @doc %%% A interface for eprof and fprof %%% call ?MODULE:help() to see %%% @end %%% Created : 03. Sep 2014 3:09 PM %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(seek_proc_info). %% API -export([eprof_start/0, eprof_stop/0, fprof_start/0, fprof_start/1, fprof_stop/0, fprof_analyze/0, queue/1, memory/1, reds/1, help/0 ]). -define(APPS, [kernel,mnesia]). %%==================================================================== %% API %%==================================================================== help() -> io:format("Brief help:~n" "~p:queue(N) - show top N pids sorted by queue length~n" "~p:memory(N) - show top N pids sorted by memory usage~n" "~p:reds(N) - show top N pids sorted by reductions~n" "Erlang shell with Ctrl+C~n" "~p:eprof_start() - start eprof on all available pids; " "DO NOT use on production system!~n" "~p:eprof_stop() - stop eprof and print result~n" "~p:fprof_start() - start fprof on all available pids; " "DO NOT use on production system!~n" "~p:fprof_stop() - stop eprof and print formatted result~n" "~p:fprof_start(N) - start and run fprof for N seconds; " "use ~p:fprof_analyze() to analyze collected statistics and " "print formatted result; use on production system with CARE~n" "~p:fprof_analyze() - analyze previously collected statistics " "using ~p:fprof_start(N) and print formatted result~n" "~p:help() - print this help~n", lists:duplicate(12, ?MODULE)). eprof_start() -> eprof:start(), case lists:keyfind(running, 1, application:info()) of {_, Apps} -> case get_procs(?APPS, Apps) of [] -> {error, no_procs_found}; Procs -> eprof:start_profiling(Procs) end; _ -> {error, no_app_info} end. fprof_start() -> fprof_start(0). fprof_start(Duration) -> case lists:keyfind(running, 1, application:info()) of {_, Apps} -> case get_procs(?APPS, Apps) of [] -> {error, no_procs_found}; Procs -> fprof:trace([start, {procs, Procs}]), io:format("Profiling started~n"), if Duration > 0 -> timer:sleep(Duration*1000), fprof:trace([stop]), fprof:stop(); true-> ok end end; _ -> {error, no_app_info} end. fprof_stop() -> fprof:trace([stop]), fprof:profile(), fprof:analyse([totals, no_details, {sort, own}, no_callers, {dest, "fprof.analysis"}]), fprof:stop(), format_fprof_analyze(). fprof_analyze() -> fprof_stop(). eprof_stop() -> eprof:stop_profiling(), eprof:analyze(). queue(N) -> dump(N, lists:reverse(lists:ukeysort(1, all_pids(queue)))). memory(N) -> dump(N, lists:reverse(lists:ukeysort(3, all_pids(memory)))). reds(N) -> dump(N, lists:reverse(lists:ukeysort(4, all_pids(reductions)))). %%==================================================================== %% Internal functions %%==================================================================== get_procs(Apps, AppList) -> io:format("Searching for processes to profile...~n", []), Procs = lists:foldl( fun({App, Leader},Acc) when is_pid(Leader) -> case lists:member(App, Apps) of true -> [get_procs2(Leader)|Acc]; false -> Acc end; (_,Acc) -> Acc end,[], AppList), io:format("Found ~p processes~n", [length(Procs)]), Procs. get_procs2(Leader) -> lists:filter( fun(Pid) -> case process_info(Pid, group_leader) of {_, Leader} -> true; _ -> false end end, processes()). format_fprof_analyze() -> case file:consult("fprof.analysis") of {ok, [_, [{totals, _, _, TotalOWN}] | Rest]} -> OWNs = lists:flatmap( fun({MFA, _, _, OWN}) -> Percent = OWN*100/TotalOWN, case round(Percent) of 0 -> []; _ -> [{mfa_to_list(MFA), Percent}] end end, Rest), ACCs = collect_accs(Rest), MaxACC = find_max(ACCs), MaxOWN = find_max(OWNs), io:format("=== Sorted by OWN:~n"), lists:foreach( fun({MFA, Per}) -> L = length(MFA), S = lists:duplicate(MaxOWN - L + 2, $ ), io:format("~s~s~.2f%~n", [MFA, S, Per]) end, lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, OWNs))), io:format("~n=== Sorted by ACC:~n"), lists:foreach( fun({MFA, Per}) -> L = length(MFA), S = lists:duplicate(MaxACC - L + 2, $ ), io:format("~s~s~.2f%~n", [MFA, S, Per]) end, lists:reverse(lists:keysort(2, ACCs))); Err -> Err end. mfa_to_list({M, F, A}) -> atom_to_list(M) ++ ":" ++ atom_to_list(F) ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(A); mfa_to_list(F) when is_atom(F) -> atom_to_list(F). find_max(List) -> find_max(List, 0). find_max([{V, _}|Tail], Acc) -> find_max(Tail, lists:max([length(V), Acc])); find_max([], Acc) -> Acc. collect_accs(List) -> List1 = lists:filter( fun({{sys, _, _}, _, _, _}) -> false; ({suspend,_,_,_}) -> false; ({{gen_fsm, _, _},_,_,_}) -> false; ({{gen, _, _},_,_,_}) -> false; ({{gen_server, _, _},_,_,_}) -> false; ({{proc_lib, _, _},_,_,_}) -> false; (_) -> true end, List), calculate(List1). calculate(List1) -> TotalACC = lists:sum([A || {_, _, A, _} <- List1]), List2 = lists:foldl(fun({MFA, _, ACC, _},NewList) -> Percent = ACC*100/TotalACC, case round(Percent) of 0 -> NewList; _ -> [{mfa_to_list(MFA), Percent}|NewList] end end,[],List1), lists:reverse(List2). all_pids(Type) -> lists:foldl( fun(P, Acc) when P == self() -> Acc; (P, Acc) -> case catch process_info( P,[message_queue_len, memory, reductions, dictionary, current_function, registered_name]) of [{_, Len}, {_, Memory}, {_, Reds}, {_, Dict}, {_, CurFun}, {_, RegName}] -> IntQLen = get_internal_queue_len(Dict), if Type == queue andalso Len == 0 andalso IntQLen == 0 -> Acc; true -> [{lists:max([Len, IntQLen]), Len,Memory, Reds, Dict, CurFun, P, RegName}|Acc] end; _ -> Acc end end, [], processes()). get_internal_queue_len(Dict) -> case lists:keysearch(‘$internal_queue_len‘, 1, Dict) of {value, {_, N}} -> N; _ -> 0 end. dump(N, Rs) -> lists:foreach( fun({_, MsgQLen, Memory, Reds, Dict, CurFun, Pid, RegName}) -> io:format("** pid(~s)~n" "** registered name: ~p~n" "** memory: ~p~n" "** reductions: ~p~n" "** message queue len: ~p~n" "** current_function: ~p~n" "** dictionary: ~p~n~n", [pid_to_list(Pid), RegName, Memory, Reds, MsgQLen, CurFun, Dict]) end, lists:sublist(Rs,N)).
时间: 2025-01-05 15:53:41