leetcode 【 Search Insert Position 】python 实现


Given a sorted array and a target value, return the index if the target is found. If not, return the index where it would be if it were inserted in order.

You may assume no duplicates in the array.

Here are few examples.
[1,3,5,6], 5 → 2
[1,3,5,6], 2 → 1
[1,3,5,6], 7 → 4
[1,3,5,6], 0 → 0

代码:oj测试通过 Runtime: 52 ms

 1 class Solution:
 2     # @param A, a list of integers
 3     # @param target, an integer to be inserted
 4     # @return integer
 5     def search(self, A, start, end, target):
 6         # search stop case I
 7         if start == end:
 8             if start == 0:
 9                 return [ 0,1 ][ A[0]<target ]
10             if A[start] == target:
11                 return start
12             else:
13                 return [start,start+1][A[start]<target]
14         # search stop case II
15         if start+1 == end:
16             if A[start] >= target:
17                 return start
18             elif A[start] < target and A[end] >= target :
19                 return end
20             else:
21                 return end+1
23         mid = (start+end)/2
24         # search stop case III
25         if A[mid] == target:
26             return mid
27         if A[mid] > target:
28             return self.search(A, start, mid-1, target)
29         if A[mid] < target:
30             return self.search(A, mid+1, end, target)
32     def searchInsert(self, A, target):
33         # zero length case
34         if len(A) == 0:
35             return 0
36         # binary search
37         start = 0
38         end = len(A)-1
39         return self.search(A, start, end, target)




1. 考虑start==end的情况(一个元素)和start+1==end的情况(两个元素),作为迭代终止的两种case。

2. 当元素数量大于3时作为一般的case处理,二分查找。

3. 根据题意要求进行判断条件。

4. 第一次提交没有AC ,原因是在处理start==end的case时候,竟然值考虑了0和len(A)的边界情况,没有考虑一般情况,陷入了思维的陷阱。

后面又写了一版非递归的代码:oj测试通过 Runtime: 63 ms

 1 class Solution:
 2     # @param A, a list of integers
 3     # @param target, an integer to be inserted
 4     # @return integer
 5     def searchInsert(self, A, target):
 6         # zero length case
 7         if len(A) == 0 :
 8             return 0
 9         # binary search
10         start = 0
11         end = len(A)-1
12         while start <= end :
13             if start == end:
14                 if start == 0:
15                     return [0,1][A[0]<target]
16                 if A[start] == target:
17                     return start
18                 else:
19                     return [start,start+1][A[start]<target]
20             if start+1 == end:
21                 if A[start] >= target:
22                     return start
23                 elif A[start] < target and A[end] >= target:
24                     return end
25                 else:
26                     return end+1
27             mid = (start+end)/2
28             if A[mid] == target:
29                 return mid
30             elif A[mid] > target:
31                 end = mid - 1
32             else:
33                 start = mid + 1


个人感觉判断stop case的代码虽然逻辑上比较清晰(剩一个元素或者两个元素或者直接找到了target),但是并不是很简洁。后续再不断改进。

时间: 2024-07-30 20:16:01

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