"Insert spaces for tabs" does not work in Eclipse

Keywords: text editor, eclipse, indention, tabs, spaces, whitespaces, white spaces, convert

"I have enabled the "Insert spaces for tabs" but there are still tabs fore tabs in editor that I am writing code. Why?"

Actually, there are other settings beside the setting for Text Editor. See below.

Java Editor

  1. Click Window » Preferences
  2. Expand Java » Code Style
  3. Click Formatter
  4. Click the Edit button
  5. Click the Indentation tab
  6. Under General Settings, set Tab policy to: Spaces only
  7. Click OK ad nauseum to apply the changes.

Default Text Editor

Before version 3.6:

Window->Preferences->Editors->Text Editors->Insert spaces for tabs

Version 3.6 and later:

  1. Click Window » Preferences
  2. Expand General » Editors
  3. Click Text Editors
  4. Check Insert spaces for tabs
  5. Click OK ad nauseum to apply the changes.

Note that the default text editor is used as the basis for many non-Java editors in Eclipse. It‘s astonishing that this setting wasn‘t available until 3.3.

C / C++

  1. Click Window » Preferences
  2. Expand C/C++ » Code Style
  3. Click Formatter
  4. Click the New button to create a new profile, then OK to continue
  5. Click the Indentation tab
  6. Under General Settings, set Tab policy to: Spaces only
  7. Click OK ad nauseum to apply the changes.


  1. Click Window » Preferences
  2. Expand Web » HTML Files
  3. Click Editor
  4. Under Formatting, select the Indent using spaces radio button
  5. Click OK to apply the changes.


Follow the same instructions for HTML, but select CSS Files instead of HTML Files.


By default, JSP files follow the formatting preferences for HTML Files.


XML files spacing is configured in Preferences.

  1. Click Window » Preferences
  2. Expand XML » XML Files
  3. Click Editor
  4. Select Indent using spaces
  5. You can specify the Indentation size if needed: number of spaces to indent.

Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/407929/how-do-i-change-eclipse-to-use-spaces-instead-of-tabs

时间: 2024-11-10 16:47:54

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阿里Java开发手册之编程规约 对于程序员来说,编程规范可以养成良好的编程习惯,提高代码质量,降低沟通成本.就在2月9号,阿里出了一份Java开发手册(正式版),分为编程规约,异常日志,MySQL规约,工程规约,安全规约五个章节.这里我根据阿里的编程规约,重点记录(黑色加粗部分)自己还未做好的一些规范,同时方便查阅. ++阿里Java开发手册下载地址++ 编程规约 一.命名规约 [强制]代码中的命名均不能以下划线或美元符号开始,也不能以下划线或美元符号结束. 反例: _name / __name



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