openssl "no version information available"

错误:/usr/local/lib/ no version information available

I suppose I should get right to the point...

Problem: and no version information available warning/error.

I SOLVED IT!!! YAY!!! (Fireworks should be going off and stuff.)

After much research, time and effort, (took weeks), here‘s what I finally ended up doing...

In the directory where you ended up extracting the source code for your version of openssl 1.0.1h (Should work for other versions too.) I create a file called openssl.ld

In this file put this...


OPENSSL_1.0.0 {

save it. Now type in...

make clean (Just to be sure we are starting fresh.)

Now for the really mind boggling part...

./config --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl shared -Wl,--version-script=openssl.ld -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions



make test

make install


And that should do it. (It‘s so simple. No patching required.)

I have applied this solution to Debian Wheezy both 32 and 64 bit versions. And have made an observation. The 64 bit version automatically defaults to the new and files that are created in the /usr/local/lib directory. The 32 bit version does not. Which is why I had thought at first that the 32 bit version of Debian Wheezy didn‘t suffer from this problem, but it does once you get the 32 bit version to use the new openssl libraries in the /usr/local/lib dir.

Using the ldd command to test what libraries the binaries are using was invaluable in figuring this out too.

Have a nice day.

Mr. E. Dude

时间: 2024-08-09 21:59:40

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1.1 ssl命令系列前言 openssl命令的格式是"openssl command command-options args",command部分有很多种命令,这些命令需要依赖于openssl命令才能执行,所以称为伪命令(pseudo-command),每个伪命令都有各自的功能,可以直接man command查看命令的用法和功能.想搞明白openssl命令,需要搞懂这些伪命令先. 1.2 openssl总指挥 以下是openssl命令的用法.常用命令加粗显示了,在文末附上了我对这些

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/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake CONFIG+=release 1 SET(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH /home/qilin64/Qt5.6.0/5.6/gcc_64/) 解决缺少.qmake文件 或cmake 后面参数加上-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=path/to/qt5widgets2 下载libcurl源码进行安装,将/usr/local/lib/ 拷贝到/opt/DZWJSJ/lib目录

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之前在msdn上Version Information看到文件版本信息的介绍,看着整体比较复杂,就一直没做.现在需要获取ocx文件的版本号,所以查找了下相关资料,比较有用的就是VS_FIXEDFILEINFO结构,获取这个参数就基本可以完成任务了. 代码如下: 1 //typedef struct tagVS_FIXEDFILEINFO 2 //{ 3 // DWORD dwSignature; /* e.g. 0xfeef04bd */ 4 // DWORD dwStrucVersion; /


一.简介 1.获取更多的NSClient原理,请参考NSClient++官方站点 NSClient++官网: 2.NSClient++与NRPE NSClient++的工作原理 NRPE的工作原理 Nagios对Windows主机的监控主要有三种方法 第一种是NSclient++ 第二种是NRPE 第三种是SNMP(不是很常用) NSclient++与nrpe最大的区别就是: 1.被监控机上安装有nrpe,并且还有插件,最终的监控是由这些插件来进行