


2015-01-05 22:54 734人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报





Transaction Isolation

Transaction isolation is provided for all data manipulation language (DML) statements. Most data definition language (DDL) statements commit the current transaction. See the Grammar for details.

This database supports the following transaction isolation levels:

  • Read Committed
    This is the default level. Read locks are released immediately after executing the statement, but write locks are kept until the transaction commits. Higher concurrency is possible when using this level.
    To enable, execute the SQL statement SET LOCK_MODE 3
    or append ;LOCK_MODE=3 to the database URL: jdbc:h2:~/test;LOCK_MODE=3
  • Serializable
    Both read locks and write locks are kept until the transaction commits. To enable, execute the SQL statement SET LOCK_MODE 1
    or append ;LOCK_MODE=1 to the database URL: jdbc:h2:~/test;LOCK_MODE=1
  • Read Uncommitted
    This level means that transaction isolation is disabled.
    To enable, execute the SQL statement SET LOCK_MODE 0
    or append ;LOCK_MODE=0 to the database URL: jdbc:h2:~/test;LOCK_MODE=0

When using the isolation level ‘serializable‘, dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads are prohibited.

  • Dirty Reads
    Means a connection can read uncommitted changes made by another connection.
    Possible with: read uncommitted
  • Non-Repeatable Reads
    A connection reads a row, another connection changes a row and commits, and the first connection re-reads the same row and gets the new result.
    Possible with: read uncommitted, read committed
  • Phantom Reads
    A connection reads a set of rows using a condition, another connection inserts a row that falls in this condition and commits, then the first connection re-reads using the same condition and gets the new row.
    Possible with: read uncommitted, read committed

Two Phase Commit

The two phase commit protocol is supported. 2-phase-commit works as follows:

  • Autocommit needs to be switched off
  • A transaction is started, for example by inserting a row
  • The transaction is marked ‘prepared‘ by executing the SQL statement PREPARE COMMIT transactionName
  • The transaction can now be committed or rolled back
  • If a problem occurs before the transaction was successfully committed or rolled back (for example because a network problem occurred), the transaction is in the state ‘in-doubt‘
  • When re-connecting to the database, the in-doubt transactions can be listed with SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.IN_DOUBT
  • Each transaction in this list must now be committed or rolled back by executing COMMIT TRANSACTION transactionName or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION transactionName
  • The database needs to be closed and re-opened to apply the changes
时间: 2024-10-18 22:04:43


分布式事务 - 两阶段提交与三阶段提交

在分布式系统中,著有CAP理论,该理论由加州大学伯克利分校的Eric Brewer教授提出,该理论阐述了在一个分布式系统中不可能同时满足一致性(Consistency).可用性(Availability),以及分区 容错性(Partition tolerance). 一致性在分布式系统中数据往往存在多个副本,一致性描述的是这些副本中的数据在内容和组织上的一致. 可用性可用性描述了系统对用户的服务能力,所谓可用是指在用户容忍的时间范围内返回用户期望的结果. 分区容错性分布式系统通常由多个节点构成,


在双1的情况下,两阶段提交的过程 环境准备:mysql 5.5.18, innodb 1.1 version配置: sync_binlog=1 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1 autocommit=0 设置断点: sql_parse.cc::dispatch_command --命令跳转入口 sql_parse.cc::mysql_parse sql_parse.cc::mysql_execute_command sql_parse.cc::trans_comm

关于分布式事务、两阶段提交、一阶段提交、Best Efforts 1PC模式和事务补偿机制的研究[转]

1.XA XA是由X/Open组织提出的分布式事务的规范.XA规范主要定义了(全局)事务管理器(Transaction Manager)和(局部)资源管理器(Resource Manager)之间的接口.XA接口是双向的系统接口,在事务管理器(Transaction Manager)以及一个或多个资源管理器(Resource Manager)之间形成通信桥梁.XA之所以需要引入事务管理器是因为,在分布式系统中,从理论上讲(参考Fischer等的论文),两台机器理论上无法达到一致的状态,需要引入一


转载至:http://www.cnblogs.com/binyue/p/3678390.html,最近学习需要,先转载方便用用来强化加深印象 一.分布式数据一致性 在分布式系统中,为了保证数据的高可用,通常会将数据保留多个副本(replica),这些副本会放置在不同的物理的机器上. (1)什么是数据一致性 在数据有多份副本的情况下,如果网络.服务器或者软件出现故障,会导致部分副本写入成功,部分副本写入失败.这就造成各个副本之间的数据不一致,数据内容冲突. 造成事实上的数据不一致. (2)CAP定


一.二阶段提交协议 一般分为协调器C和若干事务执行者Si两种角色:    当执行某一事务T的所有站点Si都通知C事务执行完成,C即启动二阶段提交协议.    (1) 首先C向所有Si发<prepare>消息(C先将<prepare>消息写到本机日志) ,Si收到<prepare>消息后,根据本机T的执行情况,如果成功返回<ready T>,不成功返回<abort T>.(返回前都应把要返回的消息写到日志里)     (2) C收集完所有Si的返回


目前OceanBase中还存在updaeserver单点,下一步的开发任务是使得OB支持多点写入,支持多个UPS(及updateserver). 其中难点是如何设计两阶段提交的失败恢复以及多机的快照读写,和同事讨论后,形成一个可以work的简单设计版本,记录在此. 为分布式事务的两阶段提交细化具体流程,拟采用primary record方式实现失败恢复,即在进入commit阶段之前,先写入primary record 记录当前事务的状态(commit/rollback).Primary reco


详见:http://blog.yemou.net/article/query/info/tytfjhfascvhzxcyt369 这一几天一直在回顾事务相关的知识,也准备把以前了解皮毛的知识进行一些深入总结,虽然这一些知识并没有用到,但是了解其实现原理还是很有必要的,因为知道了原理,你也能把它实现出来. 在上一节事务的编程模型里面,主要说明了三种编程模型,一般情况下,我们都接触的是单一资源的事务,也就是单独对一个数据库进行操作.如果需要跨多个资源保证事务一致性 举个例子:在ATM机取钱的时候,需

MySQL binlog 组提交与 XA(分布式事务、两阶段提交)【转】

概念: XA(分布式事务)规范主要定义了(全局)事务管理器(TM: Transaction Manager)和(局部)资源管理器(RM: Resource Manager)之间的接口.XA为了实现分布式事务,将事务的提交分成了两个阶段:也就是2PC (tow phase commit),XA协议就是通过将事务的提交分为两个阶段来实现分布式事务. 两阶段: 1)prepare 阶段 事务管理器向所有涉及到的数据库服务器发出prepare"准备提交"请求,数据库收到请求后执行数据修改和日志


尊重原创 http://write.blog.csdn.net/postedit/25921795 在前面的一片文章Volley框架浅析(一)中我们知道在RequestQueue这个类中,有两个队列:本地队列和网络队列 /** The cache triage queue. */ private final PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>> mCacheQueue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<