Solution 1: BST转双向链表





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1. 保持有序:中序遍历;

2. 双向链表:记录链表的头节点,遍历过程中记录前一个节点并且保持双向连接关系。


class TreeNode {
	public int val;
	public TreeNode left;
	public TreeNode right;

	public TreeNode(int _val) {
		val = _val;

class BSTToDoublyLinkedList {
	public TreeNode convertToDoublyLinkedList(TreeNode root) {
		if (root == null) {
			return null;

		TreeNode head = new TreeNode(0);
		TreeNode pre = new TreeNode(0);
		convertHelper(root, head, pre);
		return head.left;

	private void convertHelper(TreeNode root, TreeNode head, TreeNode pre) {
		if (root == null) {
		convertHelper(root.left, head, pre);
		if (head.left == null) {
			head.left = root; // record the head
		if (pre.left == null) {
			pre.left = root;
		} else {
			pre.left.right = root;
			root.left = pre.left;
			pre.left = root; // to next
		convertHelper(root.right, head, pre);



public class ConvertTest {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		TreeNode n2 = new TreeNode(3);
		n2.left = new TreeNode(1);
		n2.left.right = new TreeNode(2);

		BSTToDoublyLinkedList toDoublyLinkedList = new BSTToDoublyLinkedList();
		TreeNode head = toDoublyLinkedList.convertToDoublyLinkedList(n2);

	private static void printDoublyLinkedList(TreeNode head) {
		TreeNode node = head;
		TreeNode last = null;

		System.out.println("left --> right");
		while (node != null) {
			System.out.print(node.val + " ");
			if (node.right == null) {
				last = node;
			node = node.right;

		System.out.println("right --> left");

		while (last != null) {
			System.out.print(last.val + " ");
			last = last.left;




时间: 2024-10-14 00:01:59

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