Sublime Text 报“Pylinter could not automatically determined the path to

1. 问题描述:


"Pylinter could not automaticallydetermined the path to Please provide one in the settings file usingthe pylint_path variable. NOTE: If you are using a Virtualenv, the problemmight be resolved by launching Sublime Text from correct Virtualenv。



1)到官网下载:pylint-1.xx.tar.gz,dos下运行它,或者直接运行其中的 ,

2)开ST3,然后ctrl+shift+p ,remove package,remove掉这个pylint,package。可以换一个 SublimeLinter 安装。


1) 修改目录下的Pylinter.sublime-settings的文件,可以在Preferences中设置pylint_path的变量。但修改了路径,此方法自己没成功。


Pylinter could not automatically determined the path to与sublimeText2问题的处理:;

Sublime Text 3报 Pylinter could not automatically determined the path to :;

Pylinter could not automatically determined the path to ‘‘ :;

时间: 2024-08-08 09:29:43

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