(块状链表) poj 2887

Big String

Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 131072K
Total Submissions: 5936   Accepted: 1397


You are given a string and supposed to do some string manipulations.


The first line of the input contains the initial string. You can assume that it is non-empty and its length does not exceed 1,000,000.

The second line contains the number of manipulation commands N (0 < N ≤ 2,000). The following N lines describe a command each. The commands are in one of the two formats below:

  1. I ch p: Insert a character ch before the p-th character of the current string. If p is larger than the length of the string, the character is appended to the end of the string.
  2. Q p: Query the p-th character of the current string. The input ensures that the p-th character exists.

All characters in the input are digits or lowercase letters of the English alphabet.


For each Q command output one line containing only the single character queried.

Sample Input

Q 1
I c 2
I d 4
I e 2
Q 5
I f 1
Q 3

Sample Output



using namespace std;
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
char s[1010],ss[3];
crope a,b;
int n;
int main()
    int x;
    char c;
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
            else if(ss[0]==‘I‘)
    return 0;



函数 功能
push_back(x) 在末尾添加x
insert(pos,x) 在pos插入x
erase(pos,x) 从pos开始删除x个
replace(pos,x) 从pos开始换成x
substr(pos,x) 提取pos开始x个
at(x)/[x] 访问第x个元素

时间: 2024-07-30 10:17:41

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Description Input 输入文件的第1行包含两个数N和M,N表示初始时数列中数的个数,M表示要进行的操作数目.第2行包含N个数字,描述初始时的数列.以下M行,每行一条命令,格式参见问题描述中的表格. Output 对于输入数据中的GET-SUM和MAX-SUM操作,向输出文件依次打印结果,每个答案(数字)占一行. Sample Input 9 8 2 -6 3 5 1 -5 -3 6 3 GET-SUM 5 4 MAX-SUM INSERT 8 3 -5 7 2 DELETE 12