
1  Explicit event

  The value changes on nets and variable can be used as events to trigger the execution of a statement.

  The event can also be based on the direction of the change that is, towards the value 1 ( posedge) or towards the value 0 (negedge).

  - A negedge shall be detected on the transition from 1 to x, z, or 0, and from x or z to 0

  - A posedge shall be detected on the transition from 0 to x, z, or 1, and from x or z to 1    

@(trig or enable) rega = regb;  // event "or" is the same as ","
@(trig, enable) rega = regb;

@(posedge clk_a or posedge ck_b or trig) rega = regb;

always @(a, b, c, d, e)always @(posedge clk, negedge rstn)always @(a or b, c, d or e)

2  Implicit event

// Example 1
    always @(*)    // equivalent to @(a or b or c or d or f)
        y = (a & b) | (c & d) | myfunction(f);

// Example 2
    always @*    begin  // equivalent to @(a or b or c or d or tmp1 or tmp2)
        tmp1 = a & b;
        tmp2 = c & d;
        y = tmp1 | tmp2;

// Example 3
    always @*    begin    // equivalent to @(b)
        @(i) kid = b;    // i is not added to @*

// Example 4
    always @*    begin    // equivalent to @(a, b, c, d)
        x = a ^ b;
            x = c  ^ d;


时间: 2024-07-31 14:30:25



事件为类和类的实例提供了向外界发送通知的能力,实现了对象与对象之间的通信,如果定义了一个事件成员,表示该类型具有 1.能够在事件中注册方法 (+=操作符实现). 2.能够在事件中注销方法(-=操作符实现). 3.当事件被触发时注册的方法会被通知(事件内部维护了一个注册方法列表).委托(Delegate)是事件(event)的载体,要定义事件就的要有委托.  有关委托的内容请点击 委托(De...

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1)所有综合工具都支持的结构:always,assign,begin,end,case,wire,tri,aupply0,supply1,reg,integer,default,for,function,and,nand,or,nor,xor,xnor,buf,not,bufif0,bufif1,notif0,notif1,if,inout,input,instantitation,module,negedge,posedge,operators,output,parameter.     (2

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UART.V (verilog)

`timescale 1ns / 1ps // Documented Verilog UART // Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Goddard ([email protected]) // Distributed under the MIT licence. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and