Leetcode - Reverse Words


using namespace std;

class Solution {
	void reverseWords(string &s) {

		char* cstr = new char[s.size()+1];

		int cc = 0;
		int revstrC = s.size() - 1;

		while (revstrC >= 0)
			while (revstrC>=0 && s.at(revstrC) == ‘ ‘)

			if (revstrC >= 0)//find the end of a word
				int end = revstrC;

				while (revstrC >= 0 && s.at(revstrC) != ‘ ‘)

				s.copy(cstr+cc, end-revstrC, revstrC+1);

				cc = cc + end - revstrC;

				cstr[cc] = ‘ ‘;

		cstr[cc-1] = ‘\0‘;


int main()
	Solution sol;
	string str = "  Hello  fwe  asg   wf      vergv    ";

	cout << str << endl;
时间: 2024-08-03 20:06:07

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