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<title>Help Info</title>

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<h1>Protecting Your Personal Information</h1>
<h2>Secure Sockets Layer (SSL Technology)</h2>
<p>IKICKZ uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to provide you with the safest, most secure shopping experience possible. SSL technology enables encryption (scrambling) of sensitive information during your online transactions. All of the forms on our site are secured with SSL technology so your personal information stays safe and out of malicious hands.</p>
<span><img src="/Users/mac/Downloads/7217667e206c9bec45dbddb7b608bcb4.jpg"/>VeriSign, Inc. is a technology company thyuat specializes in data encryption and e-commerce. It is one of the most recognized companies for certifying that a website is secure and encrypted. With VeriSign, you can feel confident shopping on our APP!
<h2>Trustwave - Information Security & Compliance</h2>
<p><img src="/Users/mac/Downloads/7217667e206c9bec45dbddb7b608bcb4.jpg" />The Trustwave Trusted Commerce Seal is present across IKICKZ as an assurance that we use industry standard measures to secure your personal information. Just click on the seal to see how our security policies, procedures and practices are being measured and validated by Trustwave daily.
<h2>Industry Standard Firewalls</h2>
<p>IKCIZ servers are protected by secure firewalls-communication management computers specially designed to keep information secure and inaccessible by other Internet users. So you're absolutely safe while you shop.
<p>SSL Technology, Trustwave, and Industry Standard Firewalls all work together to ensure your privacy and to assist in protecting your personal data..</p>
<h2>Privacy Policy</h2>
<p>IKICKZ doesn't like it when someone gives away our personal information and neither do you! That's why we don't rent, sell or share your personal information with anyone. Our Privacy Policy details how your personal information is collected and how your personal information may be used.</p>
<p>Thanks for shopping with confidence!</p></div>



时间: 2024-10-14 14:28:54



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前言:目前想在本机部署2个项目,网上查了之后,写下本篇随笔 1.准备工作 2.操作方法 3.运行2个项目 1.准备工作 2个war包(一个jprss.war和一个jenkins.war) 1个tomcat环境 2.操作方法 第一步:复制tomcat中的webapps文件夹,命名为webapps1和webapps2 第二步:复制tomcat\conf\Catalina文件夹,命名为Catalina1和Catalina2 第三步:修改tomcat中的server.xml文件: 将从<Service


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